(Kisame is the only one left TuT poor fishy boi <3
ALSO MAJOR NEWS! I Have started working on the new book and put some new ideas ^^ and it is looking hilarious and awesome!
The book will include all of them this time with really cute stories (Pein- Hidan – Kakuzu – Deidara – Sasori – Tobi – Zetsu – Kisame – Itachi) So stay updated on the latest posts. Thank you for all the love <3
You were shocked to hear about Pein’s death and even more shocked when Tobi revealed himself to you and Kisame. Just when you thought about running off and ditching this place, Tobi reels you two back in.
You really disliked hearing and seeing Sasuke and his team again after they hurt Itachi. You saw a hint of remorse in Sasuke’s eyes but still it wasn’t enough for you to pity him and his immature acts, he was nothing like Itachi; in fact you were not sure how a polite calm and selfless man, like Itachi, was related to this spoiled hothead.
You didn’t like this place one bit and the paranoia you had of death kept getting bigger and bigger. You even kept on a frown the entire time unlike Kisame, who had his usual smirk.
You pulled the blue man behind the wall angrily when your meeting was over “WHAT THE HELL!! I thought we were leaving this place!! You promised me we would go and never come back to this place!”
He sighed “Even if I said no y/n, Madara sama would force me into it. The guy controlled the Misukage for years. You think he wouldn’t do the same to us? Let us just stay on his good side and work willingly. I promise you one more mission and we leave. The Hachibi and Kyuubi are left”
“b-but…hat Kyuubi guy seems dangerous Kisame~” You whined “If Pein couldn’t beat him you really think we would have a slight chance!” you panicked
He pushed you to the wall and leaned down looking into your eyes “Again with this talk! I’ve already told you that I won’t let anything keep me away from you. You will be safe. You will not die”
You looked down “Tobi is unsettling and I feel like death is following us with each step we take… you should know if Kyuubi ever attacked me, I’m surrendering and joining his side!”
He chuckled and cupped your face brushing his lips on yours “You are so cute starfish. You do that if it ever happens but for now, How about I relieve your tension hm?”
You blushed making him smirk as he locked his lips with yours. You closed your eyes and wrapped your hands behind his neck. It has been a while since you had a bit of personal time with each other and you felt like you desperately needed this.
“Heh I didn’t expect for you two to be together Senpai” Suigetsu mocked passing down the hall.
You frowned and pushed Kisame away “That’s it! I can’t stand these brats! I’m leaving. I’m not going to join your suicide missions. If you need me, I’ll be honing my jutsu’s and chakra balance!” You yelled and stormed out to room after making a big scene. You finally cracked from all the pressure and decided to distance yourself from everything and everyone.
“Yeesh! What’s her problem? She was all over you a minute ago” Suigetsu spoke leaning his hand on Kisame’s shoulder, as the latter stared at the door with a confused look.
Kisame moved Suigetsu’s hand away and sighed leaving the room as well.

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...