Sleeping together

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Pein was pulling an all-nighter finishing up his paper work for the rain village. You were lying in bed trying to sleep but you somehow couldn’t, no matter how many times you tossed and turned. You got up and headed down the corridor towards Pein’s room and knocked. “Pein it’s me”

“Come in y/n” he called

You entered and gave him a sad look “you are still working at this hour?”

“Yes but I’m almost done”

“Just because I helped revive your damaged chakra system, doesn’t give you the permission to wear yourself out again Nagato!” you scolded him

“It’s just urgent business y/n…but I should ask you the same thing, why aren’t you in bed it’s really late?”

“I couldn’t sleep…and now I can’t even dream of it, knowing you’ll be up all night working”

He sighed and got up wrapping his hand around your shoulder and heading to your room. He closed the door behind you and pushed you gently down on the bed then kissed your forehead. “sleep and don’t think of me” he turned to leave but you pulled on his arm tightly and pulled him into the bed with you. He opened his mouth to complain but stopped once he saw you cuddle against into his chest. “Please don’t go…you need rest too...please” you wrapped your hands around his waist so he wouldn’t be able to leave.

He sighed “ I wont...just let go”

You let go of him and he took off his jacket tossing it at a nearby chair then sunk into bed with you holding you close to his bare chest making you blush. He smiled feeling your warmth and kissed your forehead again. “Good night y/n” he whispered knowing you won’t answer because you were already fast asleep.


You and Hidan came back drained and barely breathing. Seriously! How the hell you managed to tire out your immortal invulnerable bodies will forever be a mystery, but it probably takes a jashinist to tire another jashinist out. This morning you both went on your missions together and came back to report to Pein, and afterwards, you went out, sacrificed 5 people, and then went training at the nearby lake. You entered you room that was the first door in the hallway, but Hidan followed you in and closed the door behind him. “Hidan I’m too tried to see your stupid face 24/7 go to your own room!” you complained.

“Shut the fuck up! My room is very far away. It’s across the entire fucking corridor” he took off his jacket tossing it on the floor and dropped tiredly on your bed.

You sighed and took off your jacket as well then laid in the bed with your back to him covering you both up with a blanket. You were beginning to drift into sleep but you squealed as Hidan’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you close to his well-built chest. He showered your neck with kissed and whispered near your ear making you shiver “ If I wasn’t so tired I would take you right fucking now” he let his hands stray across your body but you elbowed him in the waist making him groan in pain. “Shut up and go to sleep you moron” you snarled.

“Fine but I’ll get you someday y/n” He grumbled and buried his face in your neck and fell asleep breathing in your scent. His hot breath tickled your skin but you didn’t mind the closeness and fell asleep directly.


You both went on your first bounty hunt together. He taught you everything and introduced you to his accountant and banker and his bounty officer. He was happy that he got to open his world to you and have you join him in collecting the thing he loves most “money”.  You both came back to the base smiling and talking about your day about how this mission was like the best date ever. He grabbed your hand before you could go to your room and led you to his room quick closing the door before anyone saw you two holding hands. “Don’t you want to sleep it’s really late?” you asked yawning. He approached you and wrapped his arms around your waist looking at your sleepy face. “I just want to end this perfect day with you in my arms”

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