The two of you were on a mission together and set up camp in the rocky lands of Iwagakure. You found a suitable cave and set up a fire to stay warm. You were waiting for kisame to come back from scouring the area to see if it was safe enough. You sat there petting samehada getting it to like you. You giggled seeing the handle coil around your hand “don’t you suck me dry now. I tire easily” you felt a bit weak and pulled your hand away “ you gluttonous fish!” you yelled
“Don’t get on my swords bad side y/n. I was happy you two were finally getting along” Kisame said walking into the cave and sat next to the fire motioning for Samehada to get away from you. You sighed and hugged your legs to your body thinking deeply while staring at the fire.
“what’s wrong?" he asked
“Nothing just thinking of how cute you looked that other time when we found a little baby and you held it in your hands”
He laughed “and that’s a sad thought?”
He looked at you deeply “I'm sorry”
“no don’t apologize…it’s just that we aren’t getting any younger and the missions are stretching too far I don’t even know when we will get this over with or if we even can beat all the biijuu”
He pulled you into his lap and looked at you deeply “lets do it then…let’s become parents”
“Pein won’t allow it!”
“Leader can’t kill off a loyal member as you. I think he will let it slide for a few months…I think we can manage…I mean we won’t know unless we try right?... I know you brought the child in with you to the base as an excuse…you wanted to test it out didn’t you?” he said making your heart ache.
You smiled and straddled his waist tearing up a bit “yes…but you really want to do this? regrets?”
He kissed your forehead “I promised myself to give you anything you desire and if this is what you want then it’s what I want too”
You nodded “ I really want this”
He kissed you softly and you took off your cloak and wrapped your hands behind his neck pulling him deep into the kiss sliding your tongue over his avoiding his sharp teeth. You cut your tongue and pulled away giggling “Every single time…I never learn”
“heh there are two things I love. Tasting your blood and seeing vulnerable as you run away from me” he teased.
You got off him to remove your shirt and pants placing then in your bag“ I'm taking off my clothes now before your predator side kicks in so you won’t rip em off like last time” you didn’t hear and answer and turned around seeing he was gone but his clothes were on the ground.
“k-kisame? Where are you? this isn’t funny!...for a big guy you sure are quiet as a mouse” you frowned and walked into the cave further.
“why does this guy always gets me naked and lets me run for my life” you said to yourself then yelped hearing something move behind you. You turned around but nothing was there.
“Senpai? Where you eaten by a cave monster?” you called out going in further as far as the light form the camp fire reached. It was starting to get really dark “Kisame? Please this isn’t funny” you stepped back “what if there really is a cave monster” you said to yourself then two arms wrapped around you quickly making you scream in fear as the scream echoed into the cave. Kisame chuckled “if there was a monster I'm pretty sure that was enough to alarm it…but for now I'm your cave monster” he growled in your ear and pushed you against the cave’s wall kissing you deeply. You tiptoed wrapping your arms around him until he grabbed your hips “jump”.
You jumped wrapping your arms and legs around him as he carried you up pressing you between the wall and his broad chest. “much better…now I can kiss you without breaking my neck”
“You are two meters tall! What do you expect?” you complained “ but I guess it’s better that I'm short”
“Why?” he raised an eyebrow
“Because then my lips wouldn’t leave yours at all” you said with a smile.
He chuckled and kissed you softly then trailed kisses down your neck and bit your sweet spot making your gasp as dug his teeth in your neck making you scream. He licked and sucked on the blood then slid his hands up your waist to your breasts squeezing them roughly making you moan. He licked your erect nipple and sucked on them then bit down on one as he pinch the other making you gasp and moan while tangling your hands in his hair pulling at it slightly. He smirked and with one swift motion raised you up placing your leg on his shoulders with his face inches apart from your womanhood breathing hot and cold air against your glistening folds. You blushed darkly and closed your eyes as he kissed your folds licking through them making you shudder and pull at his hsair. “Please don’t tease me, senpai”
He started to suck on your bundle of nerves and let his tongue enter your entrance making you moan his name over and over. He was so good with his mouth and was almost driving you off the edge until you felt him move away and slide two of his fingers inside of you then another moving them in and out of you slightly trying to stretch you out as he sucked and nibbled on your bundle of nerves driving you insane. He curled his fingers inside of you hitting the spot he knew too well making you cum as you moaned loudly curling your toes. He pulled away removing his fingers and smirked “Why do you always taste so good”
You were too daze and flustered to answer and he quickly dropped you off his shoulders making you squeal and held you in place over he now hard throbbing member.
You wrapped your arms around his neck looking into his lust filled eyes “be gentle”
He nodded and lowered you on to his member slowly. You gasped and squirmed even after all this time you still found it hard to get used to his huge size. He pushed in slowly till he was fully inside of you and closed his eyes enjoying your warmth that tightly fit around his member.
You panted heavily hugging on to him and kissed his neck softly “ I'm ready”
He nodded and raised your hips up pulling out keeping the tip in then slammed into you making you scream as he directly hit your wombs entrance. He started to move and quickened with each thrust. “ faster Kisame please” You dug you nails into his back and he grunted and groaned thrusting into you at full speed until he penetrated your womb making you cry out as tears streamed down your cheeks from the extreme pleasure “ I can’t wait for you to have my child y/n” he breathed. All sort of lewd sounds leaked out of your mouth begging him to impregnate you. You held on to him with all your power feeling his monstrous member hit your womb walls bruising your inside. He felt your tighten around him and smirked knowing you were close. He gave two powerful thrust and you came undone screaming his name making your screams echo in the cave. He continued to thrust into you for a minute until he came deep inside of you filling up you womb to the brim with his seed. You felt a bit light headed and he leaned you to the wall panting heavily near your ear and pulled out letting his seed dripping down from your entrance.
“ I can’t believe you just did that” you said breathlessly
“I just knocked you up…why do I feel so guilty” he said hugging you close
You laughed “why do we always get over emotional after our sessions”
He laughed and put you down but you felt your knees give out and quickly held on to him. he carried you up then went back to the now dying fire and laid you down then tossed some wood on the fire before it went out completely. You reached for your backpack putting your clothes back on and he did the same then sat next to you holding you close to his chest.
“I can’t belive we did that” he said with an awkward smile
“are you having second thoughts” you looked at him shocked
“no it’s that…this is so new…I'm excited but really scared…never knew I’d be scared of something in my life until now”
You smiled and nodded “I'm double scared…but just for curiosity would you want a boy or a girl?”
“I don’t really care as long as it can hold a sword and fight as well as we do”
You laughed and cuddled against him closing your eyes and he closed his eyes leaning his head on yours.

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...