Before the host club

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Haruhi POV
I'm haruhi fujioka I've been a regular 15 year old in ouran middle school, it's been 10 years since my mom died I was only 5 when I lost her, i miss her so much each day and i wish she could come back.
One day I was running to one of my classes up stairs, I was to busy looking down at the ground because I didnt want to look at people I ended up running into a tall boy, girls staired at me because he was one of the popular kids in our school, I ran into his chest and started falling back my books fell from my hands and I was falling, he looked up with a surprised face but he dropped his bag and next thing I knew he was holding his hand wrapped around my wrist and his arm on my back holding me tightly he looked down in worry but he already knew my name "Are you ok haruhi?" I look up at his face it was kyoya otori "ye...yeah th...thanks for catching me" he smiled pulling me up so I could stand "next time you need to look where your going or you would have another accident like this but without any one catching you" I looked up as he helped gather my books "I will I'm sorry I ran into you like that I've jest had to much on my mind" he looked a little worried but we were already in our free period 7th and he offered "hey come with me I wanna take you some where" I look up confused but nod as he holds holds my books and carries his bag on the same arm but he grabs my hand and pulls me with him to catch up as he ran so girls wouldn't surround us as he pulled me away we ran until we were up all the stairs and on the roof of the school, we sat up their catching out breath after running for so long he looked over as I rested my head "so why did you come to ouran middle" kyoya was only 16 a year older than me but in the same grade I sit back against the wall "my mom went here that's how she met my dad, but she perused her dream of becoming a lawyer ever since that my dad wanted me to go here and next to ouran academy" he looked over smiling "so you wanna prove to your parents you can make it through this school" "yeah I wanna make my mom happy" tears started forming in my eyes kyoya bent down "hey did I do something wrong why are you in tears?" I look up at him as he sits on his knees in front of me "i... I jest miss my mom ever since I was 5 she passed away and it's been hard with jest me and my dad, I wish I could see her again and yesterday was the anniversary of her death...I...i can't handle my emotions with her gone its already been 10 years without her" he looked up worried until he pulled me in for a tight hug, he didnt let go he held me close "dont worry I've got you, you can let out all your emotions, I know how it feels to loose a parent I lost my mom and ever since my dad always arranged marriages for my older brothers I'm 3rd in line of the otori sons even if im only 16 my dad is going to try and hook me up with a girl but I dont wanna have a fake relationship i wanna have one with a girl i fall in love with" I learned something new about kyoya that I never knew before as he held me in his arms we didnt know some one took a picture of us, later next week it was a week since the talk of the school.

I made it to school and since last week we were growing closer talking and hanging out at each others houses after school, when I got their they had pictures every where on lockers and walls when I walked over to the wall I looked closer at it
The mysterious bitch stealing the otori son
I looked at it after reading I wanted to run but every one surrounded me yelling at me throwing things calling me names for the fact of a commenor with a ritch kid, later kyoya arrived to school no one noticed because they were surrounding me he ripped off one of the pictures looking at it and crumbling it in a ball throwing it in the trash ordering his butlers to tear down the rest of the papers so that no one could see it and hack into the system eracing it from everyone's phones. He walked by a locker and used the side of his fist and punched it scaring everyone as they backed away he saw me on the floor curled up terrified surrounded by things they threw at me, me pushed people to the side and bent down in front of me "Haruhi...Haruhi it's ok it's me kyoya I got you" I look up terrified he was really worried teachers came and oarded everyone to clean the huge mess they made from everything they threw, kyoya picked me up and carried me out into an empty room that no one used, I sat their shaking "haruhi it's ok no ones going to do anything to you the pictures gone they eraced it and threw away all the posters they printed your safe" "i... I dont feel safe not after what they were doing to me...I dont know what to do kyoya" "I swear I will protect you haruhi and the reason I've stayed by you is because I'm in love with you, no one else but you, you made me realize my true feelings and your the only one I want haruhi you and only you" I look up after calming my emotions "you like me" "yes haruhi you and no one else I've been meaning to ask you this for a while but will you be my girlfriend?" I look up with a smile "yes kyoya" as I shake my head he pulls me into a happy hug holding me close I couldn't believe it I was the girlfriend of kyoya otori

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