25 weeks along

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It was already 25 weeks our little girl was already 7 months shes due next month, kyoya and I were still deciding on baby names. "Hey kyoya can you come in here" we were already back at our house in Japan after the four months in America we left at the end of February so we could be home "yes my love is everything ok" he says from the hallway "everything's ok we jest need to decide on a baby name" he looks up with a smile "how about Yui, and we could make a mix of our names then both of our last names" I smile "so it would be yui kyohi fujioka otori" he nodded "yeah that is what her name could be" I smile "it sounds amazing babe" "but now we need to pack our hospital bags since baby is due in a month" he smiles in excitement "I'll grab the spare bags from the closet, I cant wait to meet our little girl".
Kyoya pulls out some old back packs he had in elementary and a big duffel bag his friends got him when he would go camping, we stacked up our clothes we would wear when needed, I packed one bag for my clothes and kyoya packed up one for his then we went on to packing diapers, bottles, rags and baby clothes that the club got us at the gender reveal. We were so happy because we couldn't wait in one month were welcoming our baby into the world it's so exciting.
Kyoya didnt want me to over work myself so he gathered all three bags and set then in a room next to the exit of our house, the room had no door so we could grab the bags right away.
Me and Kyoya already had the nursery set up painted pink and red with her crib and bed and rocker plus blankets, clothing and diapers we were all ready for her and couldn't wait for her arrival only one month left before were officially parents.

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