Eclair enters with a fight

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The women tamikie had with him her name was eclair that's what he told me when I asked him but he was forced to do an arranged marriage by his grandmother that's why he had to go back to Japan after two months of being in America with all of us but returned with her. I didn't see eclair she was out of sight for a while until I heard a slap and someone fall to the floor then when I turned around to see who it was it was eclair she slapped haruhi, haruhi was on the floor my anger rised as I was about to go to haruhi no one will ever hit haruhi especially when she has a baby.

It was all unexpected but I was happy to be with kyoya as we walked down the stairs people from the otori group came over congratulating us and the baby, I was kyoya was focusing on something else so I assumed it was party issues but my focus tearned when I was suddenly approached and slapped across the face next thing I knew I was on the floor as a women looked down angry like I did something wrong, foot steps of running approached me yumi and my dads as they helped me up my father yelled out "HOW DARE YOU SLAP A PREGNANT WOMAN" I was holding onto him when the otori family ran over with kyoya and the host club as well kyoya looked furiously angry with rage at the women "HOW THE HELL IS A SLUTTY COMMENOR LIKE YOU WELCOME TO ANUAL PARTYS LIKE THESE, YOU KNOW HOW BAD YOU MAKE THE OTORI NAME LOOK WELCOMING A WHORE WHO CLAIMS TO BE CARRYING OTORI BLOOD YOUR JEST A GOLD DIGGER" I was in rage as this women screamed in my face she was tamikies date here but he saw with rage in his looks at the women after what she did "haruhi" kyoya ran over to me holding on to me "I dont know what your deal is coming here lady even if you were welcomed in by the suo's, I believe they are in utter rage after you are embarrassing their name by slapping an otori women of this family" kyoya said in rage as she was about to slap kyoya when I stopped her by stopping the slap when I grabbed her hand "listen here I dont need you causing all this trouble at a party and you cross a line between both families if you hit an otori because you decided to hit one who is pregnant with an otori blood baby and I swear beyond anything kyoya's been the father to this baby because hes been the only man I've ever dated and I've been with him for almost three years now and you decide to come in here claiming things as you slap a pregnant woman until she falls to the floor you are the one ruining the suo name by hearting an otori and we dont need you going around slapping otori's after you decide to try and slap my fiance you better think again, otori's and suo's have worked side by side for years and now you wanna mess up their name by harming someone who is carrying one of the next otori generations how about you talk to tamikie and see what his family has to say for this, if your done here you may now leave" before I knew it I was shoved to the floor "HARUHI" kyoya bent down "ahhhhhh" I screamed in pain the baby was in pain, "father get this woman out of here now!" Tamikies father ordered the guards to remove eclair "you dare hurt a next generation otori and as this woman is a close friend to me but you crossed the line eclair I dont need you as a women to marry because you jest harmed an otori and possibly injured an unborn baby if this baby dies your who to blame for it all your never welcome into the suo family now leave, security take her away" I was holding my belly in pain I've only been four months pregnant and I hit the floor pretty hard "everyone give us some space please" jared ran over to help me since he was a doctor kyoya lifted my head and placed it on his lap kyoya's family surrounded us in worry and the suo's on the other side I could see the panic tamikie was showing after what eclair did and kyoya was terrified my dad did an ultrasound "it's ok the baby's safe, even though It had quiet the fall you protected it haruhi your baby was jest giving worried kicks after the fall" I was in relief as my dad and kyoya helped me up "are you guys ok? I'm so sorry this all happened by her I didnt know it would" tamikie said in worry "I'm ok tamikie, I jest wanted to protect my family I didnt know it would take a change by her" the club all gathered by tamikie as they were worried as well about it all "we will never allow a woman into our family that would harm an otori, we are so sorry about this all haruhi and kyoya" mr.suo said "its alright as long as haruhi and the baby were safe we would have never let someone treat an otori that way" kyoya said and then he held me close as I held my belly "we do have one protective otori women in this family besides your sister kyoya and I couldn't be happier for you both as you welcome this brave woman into our family as she chose to protect an otori name instead of letting it get hurt by someone, I couldn't believe that would happen but you were fast to even stop her from hitting kyoya usually its the men protecting the women but your a brave one protecting an otori haruhi" I smiled "I had an instinct to protect my family and i wouldn't jest let someone mistreat an otori and last thing I'd ever let anyone do is hurt my baby or the love of my life" kyoya hugged me happy after what I said "let's continue this party guys, after all it is an engagement party for my love and an otori family party" kyoya said as we were all happy to be gathered with an otori and suo blood line with all of our friends and family.

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