The baby's coming

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We were having the gang over today it was june 20th and tomorrow was my first Father's Day while haruhi is still pregnant but we wanted to have everyone over since it was already June and we were waiting for the arrival of our baby girl we couldn't wait to meet yui, haruhi was in her bed resting since its getting haruhi since how big her belly is now, all the guys were over dropping off some baby gifts a couple boxes of good baby formula, more diapers, extra baby clothes and bibs. I was happy they have all accepted the baby since our announcement in December

I woke up from my nap after sleeping for some time and I heard voices down stairs the guys were already here so I wanted to go see them I got out of bed and changed into some sweat pants and a t-shirt, I went to head for the stairs and right then I got to them i felt my water break my pants were soaked I fell back and sat on the top step feeling the sharpest pains in my stomach I start screaming kyoya's name

Kyoya POV
As the club was talking their conversations went to a pause when all I hear is haruhi's voice scream in pain i see blood at the bottom of our stairs and i begin to run up seeing haruhi at the first step of them screaming in pain "Haruhi what happened?" I'm in panic freaking out about this my fiancee's at the top of the stairs her legs covered in blood as she yells "THE BABY'S COMING!" I stair in shock the second I hear those three words the hosts start running up the stairs when they hear haruhi yell that out in pain. I call mori over he quickly knew when to do and picked up haruhi, the club looked in panic seeing all the blood I ask hikaru and kaoru to clean up the blood off the stairs the nod "roger that kyoya" and begin running in the kitchen and gathering maids for help and coming back with lots of cleaning supplies. Mori takes haruhi to the car while honey runs to help mori with haruhi I get the maids to load up the car with all the hospital bags that were packed for me and haruhi and then tamikie stops me "kyoya you need to call haruhi's fathers, haruhi mentioned her dad's wanted to be their the day the baby arrives so call them and tell Ranka" I nod and pull out my phone dialing Ranka. He picks up the phone "oh hello kyoya is everything alright" I pause and take a deep breath "Ranka haruhis going to the otori hospital you need to meet us their right away the baby's coming" Ranka freaks out "Me and Jared are on our way kyoya thanks for telling me" then Ranka hung up and I raced out the door and to the car the twins already finished cleaning with the help of the maids and we hurried to the hospital. Haruhi screamed in pain on the way their but we finally made it.

5 hours later baby update
Yui kyohi fujioka otori
Born June 21st 1:16am
On Father's Day
8 pounds 9oz
In belly from November to June

I became a father to our little girl yui on fathers day this is the best day I get to spend with now my two favorite women in my life.

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