Gender Reveal pink or blue

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Its already February 25th haruhi and kyoya are celebrating their gender reveal after waiting for so long they can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl

Today was the day we were finally finding out if it's a boy or a girl, I'm so excited and happy for today, I put on some red leggings with a pink shirt, kyoya went with blue jeans and a pink shirt since he was happy with either gender, as we walked down the stairs we waited for most our close friends and family to arrive here. My dads made it Ranka was team blue and Jared was team pink after they came the club made it mori and honey team blue, tamikie team blue and pink and the twins team pink it was fun having them here, later I saw kyoya's father was team blue but his brother's were pink and blue and their wife's were team pink as well as yumi kyoya's sister.
Everyone was having a great time catching up with each other about the baby and what is going on in there lives kyoya and his brother's were playing around it made his dad happy to see them play jest like they were kids. Akito and yuuichi were kyoya's older brothers shido was his brother in law since that's who his older sister fuyumi married but I call her yumi for short. Kyoya and his brothers were running around chasing each other like kids and then akito hid behind me so kyoya wouldn't get him "akito its against the rules to hide behind my fiance" kyoya yelled out, I started laughing as he said "sorry sis" and ran off to a tree "hey haruhi join us up here" yuuichi yelled "yuuichi I swear I will hit you for that she's pregnant and can't climb up trees" kyoya's father yelled he laughed as they were all in the tree I stayed back and watched as I was with yumi "they sure as like little kids again" yumi said while laughing "yeah they are" as we sat there as the guys jumped out of the tree.

As me and my brothers jumped out of the tree I watched haruhi seeing how happy she was today made me so happy I couldn't wait to find out our baby's gender yesterday we went to our ultrasound and they wrote down what gender the baby was, I gave the paper to my sister and she got a box filled it with witch gender confetti and balloons.
3 hours past and it was time to begin the reveal "may I please have everyone come outside and gather by the oak tree" everyone came outside as the box was hanging on the tree me and haruhi stood under it holding the strings as they all counted down "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1" we pulled the strings and pink confetti fell on us and the ground with pink balloons the club cheering so loud with me and haruhi's family's "its...its a girl babe" haruhi said "yeah it is, I cant wait to meet our little girl" as I held haruhi tight in our arms we were so excited and happy we were having a girl a daughter I couldn't wait to meet her I'm so happy because of today. Everyone yelled "congratulations haruhi and kyoya" they said we were going to be amazing parents especially to our little girl I'm so happy from this day spending it with haruhi is the best she had tears in her eyes she was so happy, she's gonna be an amazing mom.

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