End the year with a host party suprise

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Saturday may 11th
It was the end of the year host club party its been 2 weeks after prom, I was feeling sick lately but I had to make it through today's party the club was dressed in white shirts and blue jeans, I had a white dress on since the women here knew I was a girl and we brought yui with us kyoya put her in a little white dress.
It was a beach themed party and me, kyoya and tamikie had to give speeches tonight but before this party starts since its only noon I'm going to go check something first since I'm getting all the feelings I had before when I found out about my pregnancy with yui and I feel like I'm pregnant again but I won't believe it until I check it myself.
30 minutes later I found out news I couldn't believe

I'm pregnant again, kyoya's not going to believe it but I'll have to pull myself through the party and share to him tonight when we hand each member gifts

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I'm pregnant again, kyoya's not going to believe it but I'll have to pull myself through the party and share to him tonight when we hand each member gifts.

8 PM host club party begins
Haruhi has been acting different lately today but I just worry about her, she looks like is hiding something since I can tell when she is secret about emotions since I've been with her for almost 5 years now even if were not even married yet, but I didn't get a chance to go up and ask her because tamikie came up to me "kyoya come with me now" I couldn't say no since he was already pulling me away from where I was standing "what tamikie" he looked over pointing at a women "she's here" I look over at an elderly woman it was tamikies grandmother, I forgot she was invited with tamikies father and my dad is arriving soon as well with my siblings and haruhi's father's and sons. Tonight's going to be interesting for everyone. I walked off from tamikie to let him deal with his grandmother since I didn't care it's his family not mine, I have my own events with mine and I dont need to be dragged into his problems.
An hour later 9pm "may I please have all ouran host members to the stage please" it was time to give our speeches and gifts, I looked at haruhi handing Ranka yui and looking very nervous her dad was rubbing her back I guess she is nervous to say goodbye to the guests of the host club. As we all stand on stage In order it was honey, mori, me, hikaru, kaoru, haruhi and tamikie as we stood looking at the crowd of people stairing tamikie was going to give his speech.

Tamikie speech
Thank you everyone for supporting our host club for these past four years of us doing it, everyone has been amazing guests for us and we loved all the cosplays we did to entertain you, all the compliments, all the partys we threw, it's been an incredible year with everyone who came to support us even if we had our struggles in the beginning none of us really knew each other until I met all 5 of these men standing here with me, we all went to ouran middle school in our 8th grade year, I brought them together and created the club for everyone since we wanted to show how welcomed everyone was here and then we had a special newcomer join our club you all thought he was a boy at the time as he was there for you ladies and gentlemen in freshman year but the secret you guys found this year was our one closest club member haruhi fujioka she was the one who brought out our true emotions for this club showing us what it means to be a family together we were all a huge family even if we had different lives we had each other as a host club haruhi was the glue to the happiness that kept us all together even if she was a secret girl hiding under male clothing she was a very great host that brought all of you guys here since you loved meeting her and we were happy to have her here helping us all make this club a family. We stayed as a family even if two members left haruhi and kyoya left because they had their own family and we all stayed together supporting them, there little girl is amazing we all accepted the relationship they had and we knew they had to go because of the family they needed to support but its been an incredible year with everyone in the host club. Thank you for your support.

Haruhi speech
You all knew me as a boy in the club not knowing my back story like the rest of the six men here, but yes I am a women I kept it secret in this club because their was a dept I had to pay long ago in freshman year when I first joined ouran their was an accident causing me to break a vase the club said either pay the money now or pay it off working as a host club member, I was only a commenor surprisingly accepted into this school but I chose to work as a host member to pay it off and that's what I did I paid all the money even if I left you guys early in the year before sophomore year I had secret's no one knew but I couldn't share them as you were all knowing me for someone else as a man but I am the fiance of kyoya otori and I left the host club because I was pregnant with my daughter yui who is three years old now, kyoya has been the father of her and he left to be a father and support his daughter before she was born but we still worked so hard to keep up with passing school and raising her but we couldn't have done it without the host club we stayed together supporting each other and the club was a huge support on us they would always help through the hardest things. I'm happy I was here at ouran academy being a host to all of you in here it's been amazing at this school even if we left we always had you all as an ouran family I was happy to be your host thank you for being our guests.

Kyoya's speech
I've been happy being a host to you all even as haruhi said we did leave to raise our daughter but we've been by each other's sides since middle school, even though I couldn't figure out at the beginning of high school that it was her until I say the face of my fiance but you all knew us as hosts attending our guests but you all didnt know some of our backgrounds even though me and haruhi left so soon in the club way before sophomore year you all missed us you showed us support when you would send letters and cards to the host club that were always delivered to us and we would read every letter and it would show us how much you guys cared about us, we were happy being your hosts even though me and my fiance left the host club we were happy to pay our visits to see you again after all this time and now raising our daughter is the one things we focused on but the club helped us they were always close to any of us even when we needed the support they came to help, I'm so lucky and happy I've had them as a club family and I was happy to be your host thank you all for these four years serving you.

Gift time
I felt so nervous but I had to go up to kyoya and hand him the test, I do have a second gift but I'm so nervous for this one I told my dads before I handed them mia they were supportive but I was nervous, everyone got a handmade bracelet and painting with some candies from me but now it was time to hand kyoya his gift, "ky..yoya this is for you" as I handed him the bag.

Haruhi said my name in a nervous tone handing me a bag, we were all still on stage and everyone was in the crowd watching us but when I got the bag I started taking the paper out of it and I saw a small box in the bottom, I pulled it out and looked at it confused since it looked like one of the boxes you get when you buy a bracelet or necklace as I opened It i was in shock it was another pregnancy test I could tell it was like the time haruhi took one finding out about yui I flipped in over it was positive, I realized that's why haruhi was so sick lately today but I couldn't hold back the smile everyone looked confused but the club surrounded knowing what was going on as they were happy I set the test in the bag placing it on the floor then picking up haruhi under her arms spinning her in a hug as the guys clapped I hugged haruhi as I was happy I went up to the mic since everyone staired confused "I can tell your all confused but I jest found out I'm a father of two" the people clapped with happiness I was so happy to hear the news from haruhi, it was the best end of the year party. Thanking everyone for an incredible year as graduation approaches so soon as I am so happy my family is growing.

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