A park splash

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I wake up to kyoya laughing as yui's jumping on the bed "alright I'm up" yui flops down sitting "mama were going to park today" I look up confused then look over at kyoya "tamikie called you, yui brought your phone to me I thought it was mine answered and he begged us to go to the park today since they already chose to take a week of school" I sat up "ok since I can't say no to my little princess who's already excited" yui got up and ran in her room to grab an outfit I got up and grabbed kyoya pulling him into a kiss he didn't wanna break, then I ended the kiss after yui ran in with clothes "your changing her outfit since I need to change out of these pajamas" I turned away after telling kyoya, he picked her up and placed her on the bed putting on a little pink dress she wanted to wear, I changed into a red tshirt and blue jean shorts. Kyoya was in some gym shorts and a white tshirt he was packing yui's bag with her diapers and snacks with drinks and extra clothes incase.
We walked down to the park as the club was already their with a picnic blanket layed out with snacks and drinks.
"Hey guys" the twins yelled, we waved as we walked over, yui ran "tamikie" she called out as he sat down holding his arms open for a hug "hey yui it's been so long girl" she was so happy, two of kyoya's brothers came as well since they had no work today and wanted to spend time with their niece, "hey haruhi wanna rematch in the tree climbing" "yuuichi we never had one since dad yelled at you since I was pregnant with yui" "well your not any more so join us in this one" akito suggested "fine I'll do this one" their was a lake next to the tree the guys picked so we had to be careful one fall then your soaked.
We all got in the tree and kyoya stayed sitting on the ground with the twins talking as the others ran around with yui "ready...set...go" akito said as we all climbed to see who would get to the top yuuichi made it first then akito but I was almost their when we all started hearing snaps coming from branches then the ones I was holding my self on snapped from under me "HARUHI" akito yelled before him and yuuichi caught me they were both holding my wrists.

I was looking over at yui playing when suddenly I heard branches snap and haruhi's name yelled I look up my brothers are holding her by her wrists struggling as a lake is right under them, "guys hold on" I spoke to soon the branches my brothers were holding onto snapped then they all fell in "HARUHI" "AKITO" "YUUICHI" me, tamikie and hikaru yelled "mori honey watch yui" they shook their heads as mori picked up yui "mama dada" me and the guys jumped in swimming down tamikie pulled akito and hikaru got yuuichi, but I couldn't see haruhi I was struggling to breath and went back up *gasp* I got up to breath "mori give honey yui I need your help I cant find haruhi" I yelled before going back down as mori jumped in we kept swimming it took a while she was already at the bottom laying on the ground as mori and me reached her we pulled her up to surface as we gasped for air then swam to land pulling haruhi out of the water it took ten minutes of CPR until she finally caughed up water, "haruhi are you ok" she looked up wiping her mouth "yeah, where's akito and yuuichi" she looked around "were over here haruhi were glad they got you, were sorry about the climbing race we didnt know it lead to us all drowning" akito said "it's ok luckily they were here to save us" every one smiled and dried off before we continued our park day of fun with yui and everyone.

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