After She Said Yes

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It was February 15th after the crazy event at my father's party I was more happy to be with haruhi, I was still so happy she said yes to my proposal and now she's my fiance.
My family wanted to throw us an engagement party after our family party yesterday and me and haruhi leave for japan feburary 30th since we wanna go back and we were only their for 4 months like my father said because they will be leaving a week after us and returning to Japan as well.
I'm glad haruhi wasn't injured and the baby was safe. Today Jared gave her an ultrasound to check up with how the baby was she was only 14 weeks old and we were planning a gender reveal party real soon our friends are still in town they are going to leave with us on the 30th but I'm happy to spend this day with haruhi.

Suprise engagement party the 20th
It's been a week now since kyoya's family party and a week since kyoya's proposal, I've been so happy lately even when its with kyoya and our baby was growing still, yumi came racing in "haruhi I need you to come in my room" I got up and looked over at yumi "is everything alright yumi" as she pulls me to her room their were dresses placed all over her bed "pick a dress I'm throwing a party tonight and I want you to come" I looked up confused "but yumi I'm pregnant I can't go to your wild partys at clubs" she shook her head "its a party here I'm having friends over for a party and I want them to meet my awesome sister since your my favorite sister out of all the other ladies my dada hooked my brothers up with" I laughed "ok I'll wear that short white one over there at the edge with the small cape and blue flowers"

She brought me the dress and it looked amazing, I was happy to wear it and soon she called in kyoya he was dressed in blue tux pants and a long white loose sleeve shirt I walked out of the dressing room and looked at him with a smile he was surpri...

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She brought me the dress and it looked amazing, I was happy to wear it and soon she called in kyoya he was dressed in blue tux pants and a long white loose sleeve shirt I walked out of the dressing room and looked at him with a smile he was surprised to see me "you look beautiful haruhi" I smiled at kyoya "you look handsome babe" he held out his hand for mine, I reached my hand to his and held it as we walked out the room as his sister followed from behind and suddenly we walked to the railing of the stairs poppers went off and confetti was everywhere with people yelling "suprise" I got scared and held tightly to kyoya we had no idea what was going on "happy engagement haruhi and kyoya" everyone yelled then kyoya's sister came behind us "congratulations bubba and new sister in law we wanted to celebrate you guys today here is your engagement party" this brought a smile to me and kyoya "thanks yumi" "thanks sis" we gave yumi a hug after she helped walk me down the stairs everyone came around us "congratulations haruhi we are happy to welcome you as our sister in law" kyoya's brother's said they pulled kyoya in a group hug of four "congrats bro were happy for you two" he was laughing happy at how much everyone accepted us together, yumi walked me over to my dads "haruhi congratulations" as they caught me in a long hug "thanks dads" I was so happy I was about to have three dads in my life since I have my two dads already and next kyoya's father is going to be my father in law and my dad's are going to be kyoya's father in laws "we cant wait for you to join this family haruhi your growing up so much" I was so happy still in a hug "may I steal her for a dance" they looked up letting me go to kyoya "may I have this dance my queen" I give him my hand as everyone watched us slow dance on the dance floor watching us and how happy we were, the club already came as they watched us dance they all had smiles as we were so close dancing "I love you so much haruhi, I cant wait to dance like this at our wedding" I kept smiling I leaned close hugging him "I love you too and I can't wait for our wedding" "may I please have haruhi and kyoya up to the stage please" I heard them call for us as he held my hand as we walked up helping me as I held supporting my belly.

Kyoyas speech
Thank you everyone for this, it was so unexpected but you all showing me how much you support the proposal it makes me so happy my sister came racing into my room telling me to get dressed for some party I didn't know what type she was doing for the party she wanted to have and then raced out before I could ask and raced into haruhis room but after she got haruhi ready she yelled for me to come in the room and it felt like a wedding as how beautiful she was dressed, I'm so happy for all of this thanks to you guys you helped us through it all, if I wasn't their to catch her from falling on the stairs I wouldn't be here now apart of her life now helping her through this pregnancy, haruhi I cant wait for our baby to come into this world you are my queen and I cant wait to welcome this little angel in you we only have until june until we get to welcome him or her into this world and I cant wait I know your going to be an amazing mother and I will stick by your side forever I can't wait to be their father and meet the little angel inside you, I cant wait for you to be my wife as I stay by your side as an amazing helpful husband to you my queen.

Haruhi speech
Kyoya ever since I met you, you've changed my life if I wasn't running up the stairs as you were walking down them I wouldn't have run into you as you dropped everything to catch me in your arms, we wouldn't have met that day you stayed by my side through the hardest times when I was sad after I lost my mother you stayed their helping me that school day, and we already celebrated my birthday weeks ago on the 4th now I'm 17 and your my 18 year old king your my savior in any battle my protector in any problem when I need help your always their and I'm so happy to have you in my life, I cant wait to meet our little angel your going to be an amazing father kyoya and I can't wait to spend every day as your wife, I love you kyoya otori.

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