Unexpected Surprise

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I was in the changing room and I heard the curtain open "hey haruhi I brought you some extra towels...." I turn over it was tamikie "get get out!" I shouted before he dropped the towels and shut it quick. Kyoya ran over seeing tamikie on the floor "I I I'm a PERVERT!" Kyoya looks down "what did you do tamikie?" "I opened the curtain on haruhi changing and I thought he was a boy but I didnt know she was a woman" I open the curtain looking over at kyoya as hes kinda angry from tamikie wanting to yell at him in as protective boyfriends would but I stop him "tamikie all you saw was my under shirt it's not my underwear so chill, yes I'm a women in this host club but I'm fine with pretending to be a boy in this school to help pay for the broken vase accident" he looked over surprised that I didn't care that much about him seeing my under shirt. As tamikie put that aside each day he started to call me his daughter.
"Haruhi my little girl please come here"
💢"I'm not your daughter senpi"
He called kyoya mommy, but I always watched kyoya on his computer or phone he usually saw me look at him and he'd start to smile as our relationship was still hidden in the club room no one knows about this relationship, "hey babe" I whisper next to him as he turns and looks down "yes haruhi" I look at him with a smile "our one year anniversary is next week" me and kyoya got together in September after the first month of middle school we started dating, looked down with a smile "I can't wait to spend it with you my queen" as he quickly sneaks a kiss on the cheek that no one could see. We continued hosting the guests in the club as they all knew i was a girl but they accepted me and keep my secret from everyone.

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