A day with the hosts

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It's been 2 weeks later since me and kyoya's night, I got a text from kyoya and he said the club wanted to come over to my house he couldn't stop them because 10 minutes later they were all gathered at my door, kyoya wasn't paying attention to them as they all raced in it was their first time coming over since the twins fake fight to get me to allow them over, my dad was out with Jared so they weren't home and I  kept going back and forth as the club kept dragging things out as they looked through my place I was dizzy over heated it looked like the room was spinning "haru-chan" honey yelled it caught clubs attention as kyoya was going to run over as I layed on the floor dizzy I didnt wanna get up as kyoya ran over, "babe are you ok?" I try getting up I  barely looked up and kyoya was pulling me up I didnt have a fever "kyoya I dont feel good I feel sick" he got worried as I got up racing to the bathroom the club was confused tamikie went over to kyoya "is haruhi ok?"

Tamikie asked me the question about haruhi I shrugged my shoulders I didnt know it was different seeing her like this, she walked out of the bathroom looking pail I got worried "Tamikie I think haruhi needs rest she probably caught a cold" he nodded and he gathered the club mori and honey went to the kitchen started making a soup to help any time people have colds the twins left to the close by commenor market to grab cough drops, medicines and jest in case they ended up getting a test for haruhi plus more commenor coffee, it was gonna be a while for them to get back and last tamikie helped haruhi to her bed and she layed their as he brought her a blanket and pillow for her to rest. I went on my lap top searching things for fever signs nothing popped up for what haruhi was feeling and I did the last thing any guy would do search pregnancy signs and their were all the signs haruhi had them I couldn't believe what I was seeing but I didn't wanna guess and be wrong.
The twins returned giving me the bag of health things as they took their bag of snacks and commenor coffee, mori and honey finished the soup and gave it to haruhi it made her feel good but sleepy after, she took a nap and I thanked everyone for the help as they all called it a day and wanted haruhi to get better they went home for the rest of the day. As I walked into haruhis room placing each medicines and cough drops on her small table next to her bed and at the bottom of the bag the test was sitting their after I asked the twins to get it for her, I placed it next to her phone after it was going off from the club texting her to get well soon I crawled in to her bed and layed behind her as she slept sound asleep.

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