Love beyond measure

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I put my homework on the table even though I finished it around three, I sat in the living room after watching some movies I waited for kyoya to come in the room but he was in the shower, I went into the closet and I grabbed my pink night gown and got ready for bed it was 8pm already after I got into It i heard a door shut "kyoya is that you?" I didnt get a response "kyoya?" I felt scared tears were coming from my eyes I had no answer for a while then "ahhhhhh" arms wrapped around me "haruhi it's ok it's me kyoya" I look up he was shirtless with a towel around his neck "you didn't answer when I called your name so I thought you were someone else in here" he held me in his arms as I calmed down "I'm sorry I was blushing my teeth and couldn't chat but if someone else was here they wouldn't touch you my princess" he looked at me placing his hand on my cheek "haruhi will you accept this" I looked at him I felt his other arm wrap behind my back "I accept kyoya" he pulls me into a long kiss, as we dont break the kiss walking to the bed, I lay back as he tosses his towel from his neck to the floor and he leans close on to of me and continues to kiss me for so long, we didnt wanna break the kiss as I felt the back of my night gown laces get untied as he starts pulling the dress down off my arms I help by pulling it over me and off my body as he looks down at my body "baby your body looks amazing" he pulls his pants off and drops them to the floor I sit up as hes still on me, I move him over and now I'm sitting on his lap as he kisses my neck I put my hand through his hair enjoying the feeling, he reaches his hands behind my back and unclipped my bra pulling it off, I let out soft moans once his lips touched my chest he looked up my face was pink, he did more until their were hickeys on them, I let out more soft moans I could feel his bulge rise in his boxer's I decided to move my body back and forth as I was now grinding on it his hand was in my hair as he was clenching my body getting the earge to moan I went faster as he enjoyed the feeling, he reached down pulling off my underwear as he took off his boxer's he had a large boner and couldn't help it, I caused it and he was ready for so much me pushed me down as I was now laying on the bed with him on top of me "you ready baby" he asked as he grabbed his dick holding it to enter me, I shake my head as he leans forward slowly entering me I could feel it enter as i let out soft moans and then he started going faster in and out of me, I couldn't control my moans as they kept coming out louder and louder he enjoyed hearing as he pushed in harder my face was red already and he enjoyed hearing my sounds that came out of me, he always leaned down kissing my neck and lips leaving more hickeys on my chest I didn't want him to stop I heard his voice " I'm go..nna cu..m" I look up as hes still moving in and out of me " out in me" he smiles as he pushed his dick in farther with a couple moans he releases his cum inside my body, I felt it as he did I moaned loud when he did, after he did he was catching his breath then went for long kisses as we spent the rest of the night laying down under blankets on kyoya's bed.

Haruhi's eyes slowly closed as she fell asleep we both put our under clothing back on before laying down, she layed with her face against my chest, her body felt warm as I couldn't believe I was her first as she was mine, I love her so much she really is my world.

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