Otori Party Proposal

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February 14th otori family's party
Kyoya will propose to haruhi in front of all his friends and his fathers workers showing how much move matters to him

Today was the day the annual party, everyone could see me as kyoya's lover carrying an otori blood who is only four months old in my belly, yumi takes me into the dressing room and helps me put on my blue dress as the maids help me put on my sandals and they tie my hair back into a briad since I didn't keep cutting it like I used to when we were in school, me and kyoya were continuing online classes instead of regular ones, the host club would manage getting here later as all the guests arrive but I wait in my room for kyoya as he gets ready.

It's almost time for my faters party guests are already showing up filling up the ball room down stairs, I left the ring in its box on my desk after I finished getting ready I opened the side of my jacket of my tux and placed the box in a hidden pocket then fixed my jacket and left the room walking over to haruhi who surprised me from how beautiful she looked dressed in a short blue dress, I didn't want her struggle in a long dress since she was 4 months into her pregnancy and she had a big belly. Haruhi turned and noticed me at the door way smiling at how pretty she was her hair tied back in a braid so she wouldn't feel hot and blue sparkly sandles since I didn't need her to break a heal and fall or give her feet pains.
I reached my hand out to haruhi "shall we my princess" she smiled nodding her head and taking my hand, we walked the stairs as we looked down from the railing at all the guests haruhi had on hand supporting her belly and the other holding my hand feeling nervous. I looked down viewing who all came then suddenly I saw them the host club arrived to my father's party, I look over at haruhi I think she is nervous about the party. The club stairs at haruhi in shock since they haven't seen her since the announcement of her pregnancy at our Christmas event. Me and haruhi were about to walk down the stairs once a man announced "please welcome otoir-kyoya and fujioka-haruhi" as we walked down tamikie noticed I could see him with a mysterious women by his side and the club, the clubs never seen haruhi with a pregnant belly but once we made it down the stairs my father welcomed us. After that I watched him walk up onto the stage of the dance and announce "welcome to the anual otori household partys I'm am glad you all made it today welcoming my son home and his wonderful girlfriend haruhi who is carrying the next generation of otori blood in her child" "may I please have my son kyoya and his girlfriend haruhi to the stage with me" once I heard my father announce us I knew it was my time to go up and propose to her, I grabbed haruhi's hand letting her go first up the three steps then my father helped while I was behind her once we were all on the stage people all had their focus on haruhi they never knew she was a commenor but she looked so beautiful she looked like a princess to everyone. My father wanted me to start "welcome everyone I'm so glad I could make it to my father's party it's great to be here, as you all heard in shock that their is a girl here with me carrying an otori baby, this women has been by my side for so long we have been together for almost 3 years now and we are welcoming a child into the world and I wanna say I couldn't be happier than to have such an amazing family with the love of my life and the one I choose to spend my entire life with" I open my jacket and pull out the box with the ring, as I hold haruhi's hand kneeling down on one knee "haruhi you are my life, you were always a great friend to me and now you are an amazing girlfriend and mother to our baby but what I'm trying to say is" I hold out my hand opening the box while haruhi has a huge smile and tears down her face "will you marry me and become my wife haruhi fujioka" she looks at me in shock and nods her head "yes....yes kyoya I will marry you" I take the ring from the box and place it on her finger then get up and hold her tightly In my arms with a huge smile as everyone cheers and claps but the club stair in shock but clap as well. This is the best day of our lives but then things changed....

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