A Holiday Accident

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I was already 5 weeks pregnant pregnant mostly a month now and I could already see my baby bump, the club still doesn't know beside tamikie

I loved that I could see my little angel growing, it was almost Christmas so tamikie wanted to gather the club together and get them to do a Christmas holiday even we only had two weeks before Christmas so he wanted to do an event it was only Dece...

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I loved that I could see my little angel growing, it was almost Christmas so tamikie wanted to gather the club together and get them to do a Christmas holiday even we only had two weeks before Christmas so he wanted to do an event it was only December 10th right now, so everyone was excited since they wanted to be in the snow and it was snowing up in Japan, kyoya's dad let him go and it was not possible to see my pregnancy yet only tamikie and kyoya could see the baby bump but I was nervous for everyone else.

1 hour plane ride to Japan
We made it to Japan and everyone was waiting in the airport tamikie had a suitcase and backpack but he took my suitcase as well and kyoya had a suitcase and was carrying my bag as I held his hand he could feel me nervous but we already were able to hide it "tami-chan" "haruhi" "kyoya" honey and the twins yelled out in the air port as they ran over, they pulled us each into hugs "we missed you guys it's only been two months but it feels like forever" hikaru said "well we only get this month here since we have to go back January because my dad needs me and haruhi back and tamikie chose to stay up while we were their" kyoya said, "well maybe next time we can go to you guys while your in America next month" kaoru said "you guys will have to be up for my fathers party in February on the 14th" kyoya said and the club got excited for It, they couldn't wait.
As we got to our winter cabin it was already a snowy mess out side plus freezing, "guys let's get the sleds and go riding" tamikie suggested and all the guys were excited they grabbed the sleds and ran out side to the sled area everyone started going down kyoya was already down one hill with tamikie but before I knew it I was dragged on a ski lift with hikaru. "Tamikie where's haruhi?" Last place kyoya saw me was on a bench at a rest area "I jest saw her sitting their on the bench" kaoru slid down "hikaru took her up on the ski lift to that mountain" I could see kyoya was in shock but very scared. "Hikaru why did you take me up here?" He looked over with a smile "because you were jest sitting around with no fun" I got nervous being up high before I knew it the ski lift was dropping us down "Hikaru..I cant sled" "common of course you can haruhi" I tried keeping my balance on a small sled "i..I cant be..because I'm...im" "your what haruhi?" Before I knew it the board hit a rock and I was going to fall from the mountain before I could yell out the last thing I would I went falling rolling down a mountain, I hit my head against a rock then I was out cold still falling "HARUHI"

I heard hikaru scream haruhi I looked up and she was falling "tamikie, guys let's go we gotta save haruhi shes falling" the guys looked up and started running they didnt care about the skates and sleds all they saw was haruhi handing by hikaru's grip, he didnt want to let her do sliding down the mountain but it was to late she slipped from his fingers and was gone in the snow. We made it up to where hikaru was "HIKARU WHERE'S HARUHI" he was scared looking "i don't know she slipped from my fingers, she fell in snow I cant find her" I had tears in my eyes no ones ever seen me cry "kyoya will find her dont worry her and the baby will be safe" tamikie said everyone looked up confused "guys what baby?" The rest of the club asked "tamikie it's time to tell them" he nodded "haruhi is one month pregnant she didnt tell you all yet tamikie found out two months ago when he first came to visit us in America I had to tell him before he wanted to hang out with haruhi but that's why she was sitting out watching" hikaru realized something "that's what she was trying to tell me on the ride down she was yelling she couldn't sled because of something and she was about to say it until the sled hit a rock and she went falling" everyone looked at hikaru then back at me "we need to find her now I cant loose her or the baby" I said to them and then we all began searching for haruhi it took us 20 minutes then "kyoya get over here now" mori yelled as he pulled haruhi up and out of the snow "HARUHI" I saw her pale with a cut on her head as blood was on it she was out cold, her body was freezing like ice, I was freaking out "haruhi its gonna be ok, we got you, mori I need you to carry her to the cabin will lay her down on some blankets in front of the fire place" he nodded as we all went home.

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