A visit from close friends

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Kyoya had a business meeting today so I was alone with yui and then I heard *knocking* so yui ran to the door but I was not expecting any one today but I remember the club still had a week off school. "Hello" I look up and it was hikaru and kaoru "hey haruhi, hey yui" they said with smiles, "what are you guys doing here I though you would be busy this week even though you guys took the week off school" they smiled "well kyoya was busy at work so we decided to come pay a visit to you guys since you would be bored home alone" kaoru suggested "how about we go to a private waterpark that our parents own" yui ran in excitement to her room and grabbed her swimsuit and ran out with it "mama swim" I turned around and the twins peaked over from the side "well since yui wants to go we can go" I told the twins before grabbing my suit and getting yui changed, then we all went in the car I placed yui's bag in the trunk with towels and extra bag of snacks and drinks.
20 minutes later we made it to the water park it was a private one so no one was there and yui was excited and ran off to the water with hikaru.
A little time passed and we made it to the water park, my brother ran off with yui and I stayed with haruhi as we took out the bags from the car and put them on beach chairs that wont get wet "I think hikaru Is more in love with yui than he always was with you" she looked over confused "what do you mean hikaru in love with me kaoru" I forgot haruhi never knew my brothers feelings for her "well..ever since that Halloween event and the trip to karoezawa in freshman year hikaru always had deep feelings for you, even if he didnt tell me he would get defensive and try to hide it, but I forgot you didn't know about it" she looked back at yui and hikaru "explained why he always cared so much about me when it came to the accidents and trying to get me to do things until it lead to problems and the date he showed emotions and feelings I've never seen from him since you were always fine with showing emotions around everyone, but he hid his and it showed panic in his eyes that day I was falling from the net and he held on to me so tightly he didnt wanna loose me but his mood changed once he found out about me and kyoya" I looked at haruhi knowing she could see the difference in both of us ever since me and kaoru were little no one could see us apart or know how we feel until we met haruhi and she's changed us shes the only one in club who can tell us apart even if we barely wear matching clothes it's her easy thing knowing us apart but we have all grown close but I don't think hikaru's feelings are going to change for haruhi since she's been the only girl hes loved.
Later me and haruhi joined hikaru and yui since they were unstoppable if we didnt "hey haruhi were up here" we looked up and it was a high rock mountain and I could see the worry in haruhi's eyes when she saw them up their "how did you get her up their" she asked "she held onto my neck and wrapped her arms around my chest and I climbed up" she wanted to go up and get yui down so I climbed first and she climbed after me, she jest wanted to reach her daughter and hikaru was going to start climbing down even though the rocks were slippery.

Hikaru was nuts getting yui up their so me and kaoru went to climb up I decided to go after him and the rocks were slippery and I grabbed onto the wrong rock and my hand slipped I fell forward and hit my head on the rock then went falling back "HARUHI" "MOMMY" the twins and yui yelled but I hit the water kaoru started climbing down but hikaru passed yui down to kaoru then jumped.

I saw haruhi fall she smacked her head and went falling the only thing that came to me was save her, "kaoru take yui" I passed my brother yui as he held her carrying her down I leaped into the water, my heart was racing I was in panic I cant loose her even if she's been someone I love and care about I cant admit it to her but I have to save her, I swim down I could see blood in the water and I was scared swimming farther down I could see haruhi her head was cut bleeding, my heart felt like it dropped I kept going down lower and caught her arm and pulled her up until she was on the concrete "kaoru call kyoya now" my brother ran over to his bag and pulled out his phone dialing kyoya's number as quick as he could as I was trying to do CPR "kyoya hello its kaoru" I look up kyoya answered "kaoru bring me the phone" he ran over placing it by my ear
K: hello kaoru what Is it?
H: kyoya its hikaru, kaoru his holding the phone against my ear were at a waterpark and something happened
K: what did you guys do? Did you get in trouble?
H: No something happened to haruhi we took her to the water park with yui
K: what happened?
H: I was ontop of a rock and yui was with me *sobbing* and haruhi and kaoru went up to climb on the rock to come up with us but...
K: hikaru what happened?
H: she slipped from climbing on the rock....she was falling and hit her head against a rock before falling and landed in the water I gave kaoru yui and leaped in the water to save her but I'm doing CPR on her shes got a pulse but shes now waking up
K: where are you guys I'll leave my father's meeting and go to you guys
H: were at the waterpark our father owns
K: ok I'll meet you their jest stay calm *call ends*

I'm terrified she wont wake up "haruhi please wake up, wake up, please WAKE UP HARUHI PLEASE *sobbing in tears* haruhi please for kyoya for yui for the club for me please haruhi wake up please" my brother was in panic as we waited for an ambulance and kyoya, yui was scared I was terrified I couldn't loose her.

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