After Graduation

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The after party of ouran academy went well, everyone was celebrating their final day together before they all went off to college, kyoya's plan was go to college for certain days then stay home with yui, haruhi let kyoya's brothers akito and yuuichi usual babysit or they would have yumi watch yui as their classes went on they took the same days off when needed or they would have to stay a different day for other projects, soon it would be June, haruhi and kyoya picked to stay home that same day to celebrate yui's birthday and haruhi was still going through her 2nd pregnancy. She found out she was pregnant with twins and they picked the names for their girls mia and laya for their daughters, their family was growing and they were happy. Tamikie would miss his club family but they were all close and would keep in touch he planned on going to Paris after college to finally visit his mother after her leaving when he was so little, his father allowed it but hoped for the best and it took tamikie a while before he found a love in his life they were both doing the same music program and spent alot of time together until tamikie started dating her. Hikaru and kaoru went to colleges but their feelings were different hikaru was still stuck on haruhi but he was learning to move on, but kaoru on the other hand came out as Bisexual and he mostly liked guys it was suprising to everyone but hikaru realized that's why he never had feelings for haruhi like everyone else did, but kaoru was making it through college he met a guy who was also like him and they got along great until they started dating but what shocked everyone was that the boy kaoru met was haruhi's adopted older brother ryuichi but haruhi accepted and the twins realized if kaoru marries him they would be haruhi's brother in laws and kaoru hoped for the best with his relationship. Mori and honey were doing great at their dojo and they were not focused on love they felt like it was slowing them down if they had relationships so they focused on their work the whole time and stayed close with friends. Haruhi and kyoya decided on the day of their wedding they would get married before the twins were born and they had yui as the flower girl and kotaro as the ring man, the host club were kyoya's best men and haruhi's bridesmaid's were tamikies girlfriend and kyoya's sister yumi and her sister in laws akito and yuuichis wives, their dads walked her down the Isle and haruhi then became an otori women apart of her huge family adding another dad in her life and many siblings 3 brothers and 4 sisters she was so happy to marry kyoya and every one was happy for them as their family grew. Everyone was growing in their relationships and they were having the best lives after graduation, tamikie plans on one day following his father's footsteps becoming the principal of ouran academy and letting a new host club members continue their work and club they started. He decided to let everyone from their old club family come and visit as the club room stayed in ouran academy and they all were a huge happy family after everything in their school years they stayed together and continued the ouran host club letting anyone feel welcome as their guests.

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