Returning to host club

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March 23rd 1 week after hospital
Kyoya's phone
T: Hey kyoya can you come to the club now, we need you over for some business
K: yeah I'll get haruhi and the girls, is things ok over their
T: yeah we jest want you to come back to club since you've been gone for four years

Haruhi has been home since the hospital accident a week ago after her waking up. "Hey babe what room you in" I wanted to look for her but didnt know what room she went to "I'm in the closet" I run upstairs looking since she didn't say witch closet "hey....beautiful" she wasn't in a shirt yet so I missed seeing her body "what's up?" I look over "oh yeah get in an outfit that's school wear able" she looked up confused "uh why" "tamikie need's us to go over to club this week now" she looked down realizing she wasn't in any school type clothes "I'll get changed and then we can go but go get yui and get her ready" I nodded and gave her a quick kiss then went to yui's room "yui come to dada" she ran over "yes dada" I pick her up "you wanna get ready to see the club friends today" she squealed and decided to get ready herself what one big girl she is.
I realized the club hasn't seen haruhi since the announcement that she was awake, hikaru and kaoru must be nervous since how long it's been with these eight months and their visits bring them to tears each time they saw her laying their with the stitches and tubes. I come to tears thinking about every day when I went their with yui to see her but usually the club had her or my dad or haruhi's dad's.
We left to the club haruhi had a black skirt and blue tshirt since the dress code wasn't so crazy their anymore but I put on blue Jean's and my black jacket with a white tshirt, once we stepped out of the car people staired at us at the entrance but haruhi carried a bag for yui as she climbed up the entrance stairs we weren't ready for this but we had to face seeing everyone. "You ready haruhi" she nodded and we went up the stairs back to music room three, yui ran through the doors as we tried to catch up.

Yui raced through into the club room, people staired at her questioning why a child was in the club room "yui wait" kyoya yelled out as the focus went on him and back to her, then girls surrounded yui and she got scared and started crying "hey back away from her" tamikie yelled they looked back as she was scared "back away from my daughter already you heard him so please move" kyoya snapped a little then they moved and he held her. "Haruhi" the twins yelled I ran over and hugged them "I missed you guys so much" they had tears they were so surprised to see me "your ok haruhi thank goodness your ok" "were so sorry about everything" I held on tight to them "hey it's ok I'm alright I made it through and I'm safe" they smiled after ending their tears then girls were running from every corner and shoving us out of the way to kyoya and tamikie to see yui and mostly kyoya since hes changed alot. I was on the floor afterwards  in a little pain.

I got angry girls shoved haruhi from any place until she was on the floor because they caught their attention to kyoya and tamikie because nobody's seen kyoya since freshman year. "Haruhi are you ok" my brother asked helping her up "y..yeah I got some pain but it'll go away" but more girls ran by and knocked kaoru and haruhi over already and then I got annoyed, storming over to kyoya and tamikie I grabbed kyoya's attention and pointed it to haruhi then his look snapped to anger as he was ready to yell.

Hikaru walked off and I could see he was going to kyoya and I saw a mood change "will you all get the hell out of my way now, you decided to hurt my fiance so move it now" he yelled out and girls backed away scared from him, he walked over to me I was holding my self up from kaoru I twisted my ankle when they shoved us the second time kyoya handed yui to tamikie and reached out to me I was in pain, "haruhi are you ok" I nodded my head in a no because my ankle was hurting to much so I didn't want to walk "next time dont surround me because look what you did you hurt an otori and an old hostess member if you all remember haruhi fujioka this is my fiance mrs haruhi fujioka from the ouran host club" they staired in shock "also that is my daughter yui fujioka otori and this was the reason me and haruhi left the host club was to take care of her after all these years since we left ouran academy" they looked at us really confused and shocked at the news kyoya jest told them. Tamikie brought yui over "I brought them here as a reunion since graduation is coming soon and I wanted them to see you all again after three years of them gone but this was disrespectfulness you give our leaders but we wanted to do an end of the year party before graduation to say goodbye to you all" tamikie announces as everyone apologizes alot for the accident as I sit in a chair the twins brough me ice for my foot and yui stood next to me. As everyone talked as plans were beginning. 

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