Bruised ankle

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I wake in a bed but last night I was falling from a net with hikaru, I hop up out of bed really quick but I forgot the pain on my ankle and I fell to the floor, kyoya runs in "haruhi is everything ok?" He looks down as I'm on the floor "yeah...I forgot I had a bruised ankle" he bends down and let's me wrap my arm around the back of his neck "what happened last night last I knew hikaru was holding on to me so I wouldn't fall" he placed me back on the bed "yeah you almost gave everyone a heat attack from how scared we were, but last night we got in after you fainted hikaru continued yelling and told us what happened to you, me and mori held out our arms as we told hikaru to let go and after a few minutes he did but me and mori caught you and mori pointed out that you had a bruised ankle so we got it wrapped up and hikaru made it down from the net he jumped after we got you he jumped and mori caught him" I looked shocked "that was really intense but I'm glad everyone is ok now" he smiled and nodded "your staying home for the next couple days since you need to let your ankle rest and heal, I'll go to your classes and get your work since I have a free period 7th" I look over bummed "ok have fun with the club" before he left I pulled him to me as our lips touched we began to kiss we didn't wanna break the kiss but he had to go with one last kiss on the cheek he was gone.

Haruhi surprised me with a kiss and I was blushing most the time. As I went to school I completed all the work I needed to and informed the club on haruhi not coming for a few days since the Halloween Games but I checked up on hikaru and he was ok and uninjured, I finished my classes early and once I got to my free period I walked to all of haruhi's classes and collected all the work and assignments she had for the week, after free period I sat in the host club while the guys flirted with the girls and I sat at a distant table and did some work on my laptop but I could barely focus since haruhi was on my mind even since the kiss, I was planning something she wouldn't expect.
After club I packed up my laptop and haruhi's work and my driver came early and I went home to see haruhi I was happy to see her since I haven't all day today.
I went to place her work down in my room but she wasn't in their, she had her laptop in here but not her herself, I got up and walked out to the hallway and I didnt see her, I went in the kitchen and then her room, she wasn't their "haruhi I'm home where are you" I got no response from her but I stopped in the living room when she was sound asleep on the couch, the maids gave her crutches so she wouldn't have to put any weight on her ankle,  I walked close to haruhi as she was sleeping and decided to pick her up and carry her to my bed after laying her down it woke her up "ky..oya" I turn my head and her eyes were open as she was sitting up. I grabbed an extra pillow from my closet and placed it under her hurt foot, "I brought you your extra school work, it's on your table but I can grab it and bring it in here for you" she nodded and smiled "thank you kyoya" I gave her a smile back.
Time passes and its already 6, haruhi finished her homework around three and her ankle has been getting better and she's been able to walk a little so I was happy but as all this time went by shes been on my mind that I couldn't take It anymore I wanted her to my self now......

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