Choosing An Engagement ring

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It's been 4 days of tamikie staying and I decided to tell him, "hey tamikie I need you to come here" he ran from the hallway to me "yes is everything ok?" He must have thought something was wrong, "hey chill I'm ok I jest need to talk to you about something" he walked in and sat on a bean bag beside my bed "what's going on kyo" I struggled to try and say it but I was trying to "I uh need your help with a plan I have" "well tell me since i am here to listem" i sighed "i wanna ask haruhi to marry me and I dont know what ring I should choose so can you come to the jeweler with me" I looked at him while he was thinking "I'd be glad to but how long have y'all been together since I heard it was while we have been in 9th grade and were only 3 months into the school year" "I've been together with her since the last year of middle school so now 2 years since we celebrated our anniversary two months ago a month after she joined ouran but we've been together since September last year" he looked with a smile "when do you wanna propose to her?" I thought the plan through already "at my dads party that's in four months" "sounds good make sure to get your dads blessing and haruhi's father's blessing" I nodded my head.

Tamikie burst out of the study hall early when kyoya called for him but he didn't come back after, I felt pain in my stomach so I decided to lay down in my seat, it was hurting but I though it was usual my dad came to America with Jared so I called him telling him the issue he said he would come by since Jared is a doctor. Kyoya ran in telling me that he had to go out shopping with tamikie because he wanted to get stuff while he was staying here so I was fine with it, I stayed laying on the bean bag since I moved from the chair to it.
My dad's ran in "haruhi are you ok?" My father sat down beside me and my dad did his doctor work checking on me "every thing is ok, its just the baby kicks, how far along are you?, "I'm 3 weeks pregnant" "oh well its jest baby growing in your belly"

Haruhi called me with happy news our little child growing and I'm happy about that, we were in the car as tamikie talked to me on who could be my best men in the wedding, I was having fun it felt like my whole life is changing, since I now get to propose to the love of my life who is carrying my child I want to stay by Haruhi's side forever, I wanna marry her so she can see I will always stay by her side forever. We made it to the jewelry store and tamikie and me looked at the stands with all the engagement rings on it " anything in mind for you boys" the jeweler asked "I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend I brought my best friend here to help me" he looked with a smile pulling out a few stands with all the rings "you may look through these but tell me about your girlfriend" I saw tamikie starting to look "well she's carrying a baby it's my baby, I wanna propose to her before she gives birth. Shes changed my life I've known her for 2 years and I felt like every thing was changing with her, I was a change in her life because ever since she found me I helped her life change, her mom died when she was 5 and after 10 years she always celebrated the anniversary of It but one day I was walking down the stairs as she was running up and that's when she met me, she was close to falling and I caught her but once we sat together she cried in my arms telling me how much she missed her mom, and ever since that I gained feelings for her and I chose her over anyone else in my life and now I want her as my future wife" the jeweler smiled thinking it was a great story, "hey kyoya look these are blue ones haruhi's favorite color" I looked close at them "guys I think I found the one" I took it off the rack and showed it to them it was the perfect ring for my love.

I can't wait to propose to her at my dad's party I jest hope everyone accepts

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I can't wait to propose to her at my dad's party I jest hope everyone accepts.

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