A Family Visit

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It has already been 3 weeks since we found out about haruhi's pregnancy, it was already November 9th haruhi was 3 weeks pregnant and we were getting ready to visit my dad he already knew about it we announced to both our family's but we haven't told the club we were going to wait.
We had an hour plane ride to America because my dad was out their since he had business with some workers and they were getting ready to plan a party but that was in four months we were only in November so we had until March haruhi would be 5 months pregnant and then by June the baby will be due.
He called us down for a family visit and school knew but me and haruhi were taking online classes so we got all of our work done in only two hours of the day. We were on the plane and haruhi had her chair layed back to sleep and she was out of it but jet lag would hit her she slept for 20 minutes then watched some movies on the small screen, as we layed together she was happy and I could feel her small bump already of our little angel growing

One hour later after flight arrival in America at the otori household

We arrived at my dads house my brothers and their wife's were their, my sister and her husband were here as well, we walked up the steps as my dad welcomed us "kyoya haruhi it's so good to see you again" haruhi had a smile on her face as she had help up the stairs my dad wanted to help walk her up, my brothers hugged me and my sister walked with haruhi. My dad wanted us to do some catching up so we gathered in the family room and my brothers chatted about some recent plans and my sister talked with haruhi about some things about babies since she already had a 10 year old son and a 6 year old daughter, they were at her husbands aunt's house but haruhi was still happy and writhing most the notes down and my sister wrote some good family recipes for babies and for her body to help, I was happy they were all getting along great. Hours passed of us all talking.

I layed in the bed room resting on the bed while kyoya was still in the family room with his dad and brothers. *ringing*
H: hello?
R: Haruhi how are you doing?
H: Hi dad, I'm doing good so is this baby, how are you and father?
R: were doing great we miss you lately but I'm glad you made it to America safe and sound, me and Jared are thinking of adopting since you know men can't give birth
H: Dad that's amazing I'm so happy for you I know you and Jared are going to be great father's since you were a great father to me
R: thank you haruhi and I know you are going to be a very amazing mother to your baby
H: Thanks dad, I love you and miss you
R: I love you and miss you too, have a great four months in America bye
H: bye dad thanks again
*call ended*

Kyoya walked in an hour later and we layed in the bed until we both fell asleep.

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