I tell my best friend

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Haruhi and my sister went out for the day, we have been in America for a week and its November 15th I got a call from tamikie and he said he was in America of course he would be since he'd miss us, but he didnt take the club with him since they had other plans but tamikie arrived around 12 to my place *knocking* "hey tamikie" he looked excited "kyoya I missed you so much, where's haruhi? I wanted to take a tour around Americacand try so many foods with her" I realized I still never told him "tamikie haruhi cant over eat right now shes on a healthy diet" "oh why she always liked fancy tuna and hamburgers at the mall" its time to tell him "tamikie sit down, haruhi cant eat all this because it will be bad for the baby well what I'm saying haruhi is pregnant with my baby" he looked shocked his jaw dropped "so haruhi is carrying a baby inside her" I look up shaking my head "yes she is" he got up in excitement "I'm so happy for you I'm glad you told me this now before her going crazy with so much food, have you told any one else?" I realize I still haven't "no it's been 4 weeks of her pregnancy already and we haven't told any one besides my family and her dad's" "we were planning on telling everyone together but then you wanted these plans with her so I had to tell you because i didn't want you to hurt her with so much over eating" he was surprised but I didn't know what else to say about it until *yank* I'm pulled in a hug "im so happy for you two, I cant wait to meet your child you guys are going to be amazing parents" I was so happy "thank you tamikie that makes me so happy" I felt happy that he accepted my child with haruhi.
We heard news tamikie was going to stay with us until we return to Japan, haruhi didn't know tamikie was here so he hid around the corner from the door and jump scared her, she took her sandle and threw it at him it smacked his back but he deserved it to but I was laughing at him after he got hit but he was ok and we all sat in the living room with my siblings and tamikie caught up with my family from stuff since they haven't seen each other for a long time and tamikie is like a 4th son to my dad so it's great having them all together but tamikie doesn't know I need his help soon, since a secret plan i have for haruhi. So he is gonna be apart of it

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