A family wedding

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I'm changing most this part of the story to adding in some family weddings this one is haruhi's father's

Today was my fathers wedding it's almost the end of September and me and kyoya already celebrated our anniversary, but my father has been engaged to his best friend for so long hes chose him and hes been by my dads side ever since my mom passed he helped pick my dad up off his feet and pull his life back together he helped my father so much that my dad chose him to marry, the club picked to participate in the wedding since my dad mainly invited kyoya but the whole club chose to come and help be my dads grooms men as I was my dads bridesmaid.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man, and this man in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. ... Through God, you are joined together in the most holy of bonds

Ranka repeat after me I Ranka take you Jared to be my husband....

I, Ranka, take you, Jared, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.

Jared repeat after me I jared take you Ranka to be my husband....

I, Jared, take you, Ranka, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.

I now pronounce you spouse and husband you may kiss your love

I'm so happy cheering for my dad and now a second father in my life I love them both dearly

May I please have the father and daughter to the dance floor for the traditional dance

"Dad I'm so happy for you and Jared I'm happy I have you both as my dads" my father was so happy in tears "thank you for everything haruhi I'm glad you accepted this even after your mother I didnt wanna lose my only daughter" I smile with tears "dad you will never lose me even when I'm your only daughter I accept you I'd never leave your side's no matter what love you choose mom will be looking over you smiling accepting your love even after everything she would want you to find love even since her, I love you dad no matter what"
I'm happy as I dance with my dad but he had an little unexpected plan on my next dance as I watched him pull kyoya over as kyoya was wearing a white tux as I was in a short white dress "now dance my two love birds" I laugh as my dad pull us close I didnt care any more if the club saw us or not I focused on him "my dad has ways of bringing happiness in my life especially when its you"

I didn't care if the club saw me and haruhi, I spent this dance with my true girlfriend who was so happy I heard her voice as her arms were wrapped around my neck "my dad has ways of bringing happiness in my life especially when its you" I look down at her with a smile until it turned to a laugh as we slow danced "I love being the happiness in your life babe and I enjoy each day with you, you fill my heart with joy". As me and haruhi dance the song went to a pause as we heard Ranka on the stage "may I please have my daughter and her boyfriend up to the stage" it was time to prove to the club I had love I wasn't going to give up "ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to my daughter haruhi fujioka and her boyfriend kyoya otori" as me and haruhi entered the stage from her father's announcement I only focused on haruhi but the host club were serving people in the back tables but the second her dad announced they all saw me and haruhi today they learned the truth.

Ranka speech
Today I was so happy because I finally found the love of my life as he became my husband, my heart opened to so many emotions, ever since my daughter was five I lost her mother it changed me and who I was but I hurt my family I pushed my daughter away for so many years I picked alcohol and work over her but she was at her last year of middle school and met a man who changed her life, kyoya you brought my daughter's happiness back even though she was only 15 finishing middle school you saved her from sadness and pain even until I changed I'm so happy to have you here in our family your always like a son to me and I'm always have my daughter has you.

Family hug with haruhi Ranka kyoya and Jared

The club is all in shock in the back but I dont care I got my girlfriend and my 2nd family with me right now "I love you all your my true second family, and I swear to the end I will always protect your daughter she is the love of my life" everyone is so happy as we all joined in a hug I could see how happy the club was after her dad's speech and the hug. Haruhi is my life and love forever.

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