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I ran back into my dads office "Dad I have to leave, haruhi got in a bad accident I need to go to her now" he got up and shook his head for me to go, I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran to my car getting it and quickly leaving out of the parking lot, my dad ended his meeting early to go help me with haruhi as he left with akito and yuuichi, I couldn't keep my emotions together I was in tears in the car driving she was only 30 minutes away hikaru said they called an ambulance but I couldn't take it I needed to get their, to haruhi she was someone I never wanna loose, please haruhi dont leave me please stay pull yourself together.
After driving I made it to the water park they were at hikaru was scared hugging yui in tears as kaoru was beside him when medical assistant was attending to haruhi "kyoya" the twins yelled out I ran over "dada" yui wanted me to hold her "dada, mommy hurt" I looked at her trying to not cry "I know baby but mommy's fighting she wants to see you baby" I hugged yui as the twins were on the floor hikaru burst in tears "this is all my fault" I look down "hikaru no it's not shes fighting for her life they will save her" I told him but the medicis but her on the back board and raced her to the ambulance, we ran to our cars hikaru and kaoru gave me yui's car seat and then drove off, I put her in her car seat and began driving to the hospital "Ranka we need you to meet us at the hospital now it's an emergency" Ranka replied "what happened kyoya, jared is their working right now" I took a breath "haruhi got in an accident shes fighting for her life right now" he got in panic "I'm on my way" hikaru already called the guys at club and we drove to the hospital.
We ran in and they sent us into the waiting room as we waited it took us 3 hours until Jared came in "kyoya otori" I look up and stand hurrying over to him as everyone looked up waiting to hear a response "kyoya....shes...she's in a coma the hit was to hard for her head and caused her to go into a coma" I fall to my knee's hearing what Jared said and I burst into tears, "daddy" yui ran over hugging me, I held her close I couldn't believe what I heard everyone was in shock most were in tears the twins were blaming themselves for the accident when they took her to the water park, my dad and brothers sat in worry hoping she would awake, as her father's cried holding each other in worry. I was terrified hoping she would wake up soon.

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