Chapter 4

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Today was Huening Kai's day off, which meant that he was lying on the couch with Soobin's hoodie while sipping tea and watching his favorite show: A show that talked about the multiple theories about what humans thought was how the the complex system of the courts worked.

 He let out a giggle as a man started to explain that angels were very intelligent and high-ranked beings that were also somehow linked to aliens and other spirits. Haha. Taehyun would feel so offended by that. 

Right as Huening Kai thought about the deputy's name, a dove settled just outside of his window. Huening Kai turned his attention to it, immediately noticing the presence of an angel. 

Huening Kai let out a smile, standing up and going towards the window as the dove turned its head to the side, looking at Huening Kai from the side.

As soon as Huening Kai opened the window, the dove flew in, its wings flapping as it circled around the living room as if it was scanning it before settling down on Huening Kai's shoulder. 

"It's you Taehyun, isn't it?" Huening Kai raised his brow scratching the dove's neck. The dove slapped Huening Kai's hand away before flying into the air once again. A white shine shone as Huening Kai squinted his eyes since he wasn't used to such brightness after losing the ability to turn himself into a dove. 

After the dove changed its form, Huening Kai looked up at the tall angel now standing in front of him, not being able to contain himself as Taehyun gave him the beautiful smile that he had missed for three long years. 

Without warning, Huening Kai jumped up into Taehyun's embrace. The angel's arms were still as strong as he remembered them, carrying the strength of an angelic warrior and a future leader, but with enough gentleness to hug a small human without hurting him. 

The angel nuzzled his fluffy hair, affection filling his voice as he spoke. "Ah. . . I forgot how much I missed holding you like this." He slightly pulled away, putting Huening Kai down and kneeling to hold his face between his now large hands. "You're also even more adorable than I remembered you." 

Huening Kai giggled, feeling shy as he held Taehyun's hands between his. "It's mostly because of my height and chubby cheeks. That's all."

Taehyun eye's shone with amusement, ruffling Huening Kai's hair. "Pfft. Shortie~"

Huening Kai blinked twice, the old small regret at losing his tall height when he became a human coming back. But his indignation vanished as soon as he spotted the same flower crown that he had made for Taehyun before his reincarnation. 

Huening Kai let out a gasp, reaching to touch Taehyun's head. "You kept it. . ." 

Taehyun looked at him, letting out another smile as he re-arranged the crown on his head. "Of course I kept it. . . You made it for me." 

"Oh Taehyun. . ." Huening Kai began to feel emotional as he--once again-- hugged Taehyun, who hugged him back willingly.

"Yuck, Taehyun. You really can't be more obvious can you? I can feel your affection from a mile away." A familiar voice grumbled.

Huening Kai and Taehyun looked at the opened window, which revealed a familiar-looking apprentice with black hair and beautiful green eyes. 

"Jung Hyun?" Huening Kai gaped. "Is that really you?" 

Six years ago, he had met the grumpy yet lovable apprentice that was supposed to take care of the angelings along with his mentor--Sang Hee. The apprentice had been a new one, he used to be skinny and rather small, closer to the form of an angeling than the form of an actually apprentice. But now. . . Now the apprentice looked as strong as any other of the other angels. . . But of course, he didn't look as strong or as experienced as Taehyun did. No one in the courts could.

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