Chapter 14

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"You're not feeling well?"

"Yeah. . . You know, the usual." Yeonjun said, softly grabbing his jar of pills and putting them away so he didn't have to look at them. His depression had been getting worse and worse as the days went by, he hated the feeling of hopelessness rising in his chest once again and he couldn't help but feel like he wanted to just end it already. 

The man behind the phone let out a sigh. "So that's the reason huh? Alright. . . When do you think you'll get better? We need you over here for a magazine next week."

Yeonjun rubbed his forehead, feeling frustrated. He didn't know how long the feeling would last, if he could control this little strikes, he would make them stop and never come back. . . That way he wouldn't be feeling like this almost every day. "I-I'm not sure. I just need time to get better. I'll try not to take too long. I promise."

"Alright. . . You have until next week then. If things aren't good by then, feel free to call me again for another break and I'll pick someone else for the magazine." 

Yeonjun bit his lip, nodding. "Yes. . . Thank you." After hanging up, Yeonjun let out a long sigh, putting his hand to his forehead. His heart quickened with fear and despair. Why did he had to be this way? Why did had to be so. . . Lame

Yeonjun sniffled, covering his face with his hands. He hated being like this. No, he hated being himself. He felt like he couldn't do anything right anymore, he just felt so hopeless once again and he just hate it. 

Stop it. . . You're better than this and you know it. A familiar voice whispered in his ear.

Yeonjun suddenly stopped sniffling as a warm sensation filled his body, easing the horrible feelings of despair and hopelessness that ate Yeonjun away. Yeonjun rubbed his nose and eyes. How would you know? He asked silently. . . But the voice didn't answer, it only repeated what it had said before. 

You're better than this. . . You're better than this. . . You've always been better than this. . .

Yeonjun blinked twice, letting out a sigh as his shoulders relaxed thanks to the presence. . . He didn't know why, but ever sense he help as hopeless as this, he always felt like someone would always come in and look after him. Hugging him with warm arms and easing his pain with soft words.

You'll get through it. . . You'll get through it. . . Have faith. . .

The voice repeated the same words over and over again as Yeonjun breathed in and out, calming himself down as sleep washed over him. He looked at the  window, the sun shone brightly as it light up his living room, spreading the shine all over his apartment.  

Yeonjun closed his eyes, nodding slowly as he too repeated the words to himself. I'll get through this. . . I've done it before and I can do it again. . . I know I can do it. 


Beomgyu let out a sigh, looking at his cup of coffee siting in front of him. Today had been a tiring day at work, he had the same nightmare about Yeonjun again. Plus, he hand't seen him today either which made him extremely worried with the fears of his nightmare coming to reality.

Beomgyu sipped his coffee while waiting at the café where him and Huening Kai had decided to meet up.

"Beomgyu, there you are!" Beomgyu looked up as the former angel finally arrived. "I'm so sorry." Huening Kai bowed his head, sitting down in front of Beomgyu. "Yeonjun had an emergency."

Beomgyu widened his eyes, becoming concerned. "Is he alright? What happened?" No wonder he hadn't seen the 24 year-old this afternoon.

"Oh, he's fine. . . He needed some company since he started to feel lonely." He sighed. "It's not easy for him you know." Helooked up at Beomgyu with soft eyes. "He doesn't wanna feel the way he does, but he can't help it. . ." Huening Kai stopped, his voice becoming quieter as his eyes slowly darkened. "His hopeless is coming back. . ."

Beomgyu stared at his Huening Kai, suddenly. . . He couldn't stop himself from letting his eyes water. He squeezed his eyes closed. He didn't know why. . . But he felt responsible for making the older feel like this.  

Pain stabbed at his heart. It stabbed him with the pain he had felt when he had seen the sadness in Yeonjun's eyes. With the pain of knowing that Yeonjun was broken because he had broken him. With the pain of knowing that if had done things differently. . . Yeonjun wouldn't be like this. . . He would be happy. . . He would smile without the traces of the sadness that just ate him away so easily. 

Beomgyu wanted to help him, he really did. But he didn't want to get hurt, he didn't want Yeonjun to get hurt. . . Not after the events that happened almost four years ago. If he tried to help, he knew that it would only make things worse for both of them. 

Beomgyu rubbed his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. . . I really am. . ."

Huening Kai stared at him, getting emotional too. "Sorry?" He raised his brow with confusion. "Why would you be sorry?"

"All of this is my fault. . . He's feeling l-like this because of me." He coughed. "I shouldn't have said or done the things I did to him. . . I. . ." His eyes watered even more. "Oh Huening Kai. I hurt him. I hurt him badly!"

Huening Kai touched Beomgyu's hand as the 23 year-old began to sob. It was true. . . He had hurt Yeonjun. He would be lying if Yeonjun himself hadn't admitted it to him from time to time. . . But Yeonjun hadn't been the only one getting hurt either.

"You both hurt each other. . ." Huening Kai finally said as Beomgyu nodded in agreement. "But you two also want to fix each other. . . You and Yeonjun want to make things right. . . Right Beomgyu?" Beomgyu nodded, sniffing as his tears began to dry. 

"Of course I do." He finally said without stuttering. "He's my friend. . . I. . . I don't want him to think that I dislike him or hate him. . . I. . ." He trailed off, not knowing what to say as his heart began to quicken.

"You want to make him feel better." Huening Kai finished, letting out a slight smile as Beomgyu nodded. It made him happy to know that Beomgyu was finally forgiving Yeonjun after knowing the reason behind his past actions. Let's say it made him feel. . . Hopeful.

"Here," Huening Kai said, reaching for his phone and tapping Yeonjun's number before showing it to Beomgyu. "This is his phone number. . . You can type it in on your phone and maybe call him." As Beomgyu grabbed his own phone to add Yeonjun's number, Huening Kai continued. "It'd be better if you do it in one or two hours. He's asleep right now."

Beomgyu nodded. "Yes, I understand." He let out a laugh, standing up. "You want anything to eat? I'll treat you."

Huening Kai smiled, nodding slightly as he got up as well. "A doze of coffee wouldn't be too bad."

Beomgyu's heart suddenly felt lighter. . . For the first time in four years. . . He felt like he was doing something right.


Things are finally going to be right. . .

WASSUP MA BOOTIFUL ANGELS! I missed you all ;-; 

Sorry I couldn't update last week, I had a lot of hw and I've been also getting distracted by this one dude. . . BUT FORGET ABOUT THAT! How have you all been? 

I've noticed that the story reached 1.5k reads and. . . WHAT?! REALLY?! hgfgdfszh THANK YOU! I love you all so, so much! The story has gone so far thanks to you guys and I just. . . Man I'm surprised you all actually love my trashy stories lol

Next chapter will be. . . It will have some interesting stuff imma just tell you all ;)

Anyways, if you want to support the story please: Vote, add this story to your library and comment! I love to read you guys' opinions about how the story is going so far UwU

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