Chapter 10

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"Y-Yeonjun. . .?"

Beomgyu blinked twice, not believing who the man that he had just bumped into was. He did had to admit that the older had an amazing model-like jawline, but Yeonjun had never been interested in modeling or being around cameras. . . He was always so interested in astronomy more than anything else.

But as he continued to examine the model's face, he couldn't help but admit that. . . Yes, this was Yeonjun. His face looked more defined, his shoulders had become broader and his arms looked stronger than before. . . But he could still tell that it was Yeonjun. . . His Yeonjun.

Yeonjun couldn't believe his eyes. Was this really Beomgyu? No, this had to be a dream. But as he stared at Beomgyu, the older reached to touch Beomgyu's face. It wasn't a dream. . . Beomgyu was right here, right in front of him! 

His face was still as delicate and soft as he remembered, and his eyes too, shone as brightly as ever.  Beomgyu was back. . . His beloved Beomgyu was really back. 

Beomgyu kept his heart from skipping beats as he felt Yeonjun's hand against his cheek. Beomgyu stared at Yeonjun's eyes as they shone like crystals, tears clearly threatening to come out. Beomgyu pressed his cheek against the older's hand, not being able to stop himself from melting against the older's soft, gentle touch. The same and only touch he had loved. . .

"It's you. . . You. . . You.  . ." Yeonjun trailed off, his voice full of emotion as he reached to  wrap his large arms around Beomgyu's small frame. "It's not a dream, you're back!"

Beomgyu bit his lip, feeling panicked as he as he got squeezed. He patted Yeonjun's back while coughing. "Okay. . . I know that you're. . .thrilled. . . to see me. . . But, Yeonjun-ah. . . Honey. . . I CAN'T BREATHE." 

Yeonjun immediately let go, worry and concern showing in his eyes as he held Beomgyu's hand. "Oh, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to squish you. A-Are you alright?"

Beomgyu shook Yeonjun's hands off while nodding. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He replied, taking one step away from the older.

 Beomgyu felt confused. Before he had left Korea to study abroad, Yeonjun had become a grumbling and snappy mess. He wouldn't show any of the past signs of affection, or the undying love or interest that he had shown at the start of their relationship. Beomgyu had learn to despise the older thanks to those reasons. . . But, why couldn't he find that hateful feeling that he had felt towards Yeonjun ever sense?

Yeonjun was going to reach for Beomgyu's hand again, but he stopped himself from doing so as he noticed that the younger was looking rather uncomfortable. Yeonjun cleared his throat, scratching his head with nervousness as he started to feel awkward. "Uh. . . W-What are. . . Are you doing here?"

Beomgyu looked at him before lifting the rather obvious camera that was around his neck. "Oh, I work here."

Yeonjun blinked twice. "You what. . .?"

Beomgyu nodded. "I'm Jeon Somin and Jeon Jiwoo's photographer. . . Mr. Choi I believe they call me."

Yeonjun nodded, starting to feel dumb as he remembered Somin telling him that there was going to be a new photographer working at the company. He put his hand to his forehead. I'm so dumb. . . 

"So you're that Mr. Choi. . ." Yeonjun mumbled to himself.

"What was that?"

Yeonjun shook his head before clearing his throat. "Well. . . No wonder Somin and Jiwoo have been so excited and energetic these past few days." Yeonjun let out a laugh. "They talk about you all the time."

Beomgyu smiled with embarrassment. "Oh. . . Do they?"

Yeonjun nodded starting to walk away as Beomgyu followed him. "Yeah, but you're not the only one. Matthew and Taehyung are their targets too." 

Beomgyu nodded. "They're photographers too?"

"No. They're models." He held the door to the parking lot open for Beomgyu as the younger gave him a bow before walking past him. "They're really good and quite funny too." He let out an amused smile, remembering how dorky those two could be. "All three of us have a great time when we get to model together."

Beomgyu nodded hugging himself as a cold breeze crashed against him. "That's. . . Great. . . I guess."

Out of instinct, Yeonjun put his arm around Beomgyu, pressing the younger against him like he used to when they were younger.

Beomgyu got panicked as he felt Yeonjun's hard chest against him. 

He pushed Yeonjun away. "D-Don't touch me!" Beomgyu gasped, covering his mouth with his hand as Yeonjun tumbled to the side, his expression surprised. 

"Oh, gosh. Yeonjun I. . ."  Beomgyu let out a sigh, feeling guilty for pushing him like that. "I'm sorry. . . I-I'm not used to people doing that. . ."

Yeonjun ignored the hurting in his heart. He let out a forced laugh as he shook his head. "It's fine. . . You've always hated cold, I thought that maybe. . ." He trailed off, scratching his head while feeling very stupid as he gazed at the ground. "Sorry. . ."

Beomgyu pressed his lips together at seeing the ashamed look that flashed in Yeonjun's eyes. He wanted to go and hug him but. . . He couldn't. He wasn't ready. . . Not yet. 

Beomgyu too, looked at the ground. "Well. . . It's getting late. Uh. . . I better go." Yeonjun finally looked at him, a pout forming on face. As Beomgyu stared at his eyes, he wasn't able to stop his heart from skipping beats. Beomgyu knew that the older had changed a lot ever sense he left, but his eyes. . . They looked so. . . sad. 

Beomgyu let out a sigh reaching for the older's hand, interlocking their fingers with hesitation as he grinned at Yeonjun. "It's nice to be back, you know." He said, looking at his and Yeonjun's interlocked fingers.  "I'm glad that I can see my friends again. . ." He met Yeonjun's eyes again.  "Including you."

Yeonjun nodded, his eyes slightly lighting up again. "It's nice to see you again too."

They both stood there, staring into each other's eyes while holding hands. None of them knowing what to do next. 

This time, Yeonjun was the one to cut the interaction short. "Well," He cleared his throat before shaking Beomgyu's cold hand away. "It's getting late. We better go home . . . Both of us."

Beomgyu nodded, tucking his hands inside the pockets of his warm coat. "Yeah. . ."

Yeonjun turned around slowly before making his way towards his car.

Beomgyu watched him before walking away too. It was nice to see Yeonjun again but. . . It certainly felt like they were strangers to each other now. . .


Happy new year my angels!

2019 has been an awesome year! I had so many good memories with all my friends and family. I can't wait to see what 2020 will be like .O.

Lol, anyways! I can't believe that the story has reached more than 700 reads. You guys have no idea how happy that makes me :-: I really love you all and I'm so happy that you guys are loving the story! 

I might be doing a Q&A for this story soon. . . TBH I have no idea when but I'll do it XD

Like always, if you wanna support the story please: Vote, add the story to your library and comment! 

You're never alone~

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