Chapter 30

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Yeonjun face palmed, his cheeks becoming red as the models teased him.

It had been three months since everything between him and Beomgyu had happened. The fever, the confession, the kiss, and so, so many newfound emotions.

And Yeonjun would be lying if him and Beomgyu hadn't started to cling to each other in public once again. And thanks to that, he'd giving lots of opportunities for the models to tease him.

"It's your first date right? Oh you better make special." Taehyung elbowed him as Somin chimed in. "Yes! And don't forget your manners."

"Oh, our little Junnie-ah has grown up so fast," Matthew fake cried. "It's hard to believe that you were the same flat fetus that we adopted three years ago."

"Can you not mention your BT squad for once?" Jiwoo rolled her eyes before before Mathew began to bicker with her.

Yeonjun let out a groan, covering his tomato face and ears with his hands. "Will you guys quit it? It's just a date! A simple little date that's it." He finally said after getting the embarrassment out of his system.

The models blinked at him before laughing, they clearly still thought of him as the shy 21-year old that they had grown so fond of.

"Whatever Jun." Taehyung patted his back. "Just be nice to Beomgyu."

"Oh, you better treat him right," Somin chimed in once more. "We don't care how strong you are, Jiwoo and I will hurt your if we dare to see a single tear leave his eyes."

Yeonjun looked at Jiwoo and Somin with an incredulous look pasted on his face. . . That was before they fist bumped each other, their gazes threatening to kill him if he dared to hurt their dear photographer.

Yeonjun turned around. "Mmm. . . I'll Just go, he's probably waiting for me already-"

"Wooo! Go get 'im you sly fox!"

"I'm not even gay but, go get your man!"

"Taehyung, Matthew, I swear I'm gonna throw this high heel at both of you-" Jiwoo hissed before Somin made a small hop. "Good luck Yeonjun~"

Yeonjun let out a smile, he was embarrassed but still pretty grateful for the models' encouragement.

But as he walked down the hall towards Beomgyu's studio, every one of his muscles froze.

Beomgyu was by the door, he had already packed up and was ready to go, but there was someone blocking the way. . . That someone being Jeonhyun.

Instead of freaking out, Yeonjun took a deep breath and backed against the wall, making sure that Beomgyu could see him as he waited patiently. If he needed to intervene, Beomgyu would let him know.

"Jeonhyun. . . I already made plans with someone."

"Come on Beomgyu," The stylist insisted, his eyes becoming pleading. "It's been ages since we went out together."

"Well. . . I. . ." Beomgyu stuttered before he caught sight of Yeonjun, who's arms were crossed as he glared at the 'competition'.

And as soon as their eyes met, Yeonjun shot him a: You-need-some-help-? Look.

Beomgyu shook his head slightly, he didn't need Yeonjun's help, he had this situation under control. . .Well, that was until Jeonhyun basically stretched his arm and pressed it against the door frame, blocking the only escape route that Beomgyu could use.

The photographer began to feel uncomfortable as Jeonhyun kept insisting.

"Jesus, Jeonhyun! Please stop, I have a boyfriend!" He blurred out in the heat of his panic.

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