Chapter 1

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"The moon seems brighter today than usual...." Yun Ren Xie's gaze was fixed to the crescent moon. This night is the birthday party of her bestfriend, Li Feng Qi, a succesful engineer.

This mansion was full of guests, adding more fun to the atmosphere. But the beauty Yun Ren Xie went to the silent balcony where only the starry sky and cold breeze accompanied her.

She was playing with the glass of champagne on her left hand while humming a song, her voice was like of a fairy. Too antoxicating than the best wine. Her pale blue gown, dancing with the gentle breeze, along with her long silky hair, it made a goddess like appearance.

What she doesnt know, someone from afar is staring at her. It was not full of ill intention, nor hatred, but love and admiration.

Yun Ren Xie sensed this person's presence, "Sir Li, I forgot to greet you. Sorry."

The person stepped out from the dark and a man wearing a dark tuxedo with fine short white hair, stared fixedly at Yun Ren Xie's eyes.

"Hey, why do you keep adding 'sir' to my name? We are bestfriend, right? No need to be formal to me, Ren." he said and formed a sweet smile. His angelic face and deep purple eyes matched the warm moon's pale light and the dark starry sky.

"Its just.... we're not seeing each other this past months. I feel awkward somehow. I-Im sorry QiGe." Yun Ren Xie shooked her head and held her arm. Her guilty look made Li Feng Qi's heart jump.

She's an adult now yet still looks like teen, so cute. Their age now is 28 and no sign of getting aged can a person spot to the both of them. It was like they were two lovers made with perfection and matched together, but... Yun Ren Xie's past made her hard to love Li Feng Qi back. Still, he will wait.

He saw this girl in front of him, grow and turn into a teen who loves manhua. Until they reach 19, she created her own first manga and he can always see her draw it perfectly, a story full of action, fantasy, and love. But the person beside Yun Ren Xie that time was'nt Li Feng Qi. It was almost finished but a tragedy happened and Yun Ren Xie nearly gave up finishing that manhua but Li Feng Qi took action and persuaded her to complete the story, so she did. But the ending was tragic and she did'nt published it.

Li Feng Qi knew that his bestfriend's dream was to be a cartoonist, she is a genius, a beauty no one can compare to. Not until a certain person died that changed her view and almost gave up her dream. He helped Yun Ren Xie hold once more to her dream. And she created an additional manhua, exactly four and all were published. The public went insanely addicted to her manhuas and it went popular. She became wealthy and famous. Yun Ren Xie also owned a business now and the current CEO.

All of this happened thanks to the help of Li Feng Qi... But why? Why cant she love him back? Its been seven years and she still have'nt move on? It stabs Li Feng Qi's heart so much.

"So... what's my present?" Li Feng Qi asked in a childish way.

Yun Ren Xie have seen this man smile many times in front of her, but that was only during crowded days where there are fun and pain. This time is different, its dark already and only the two of them.

Li Feng Qi was handsome. He have white hair since born, it was said to be caused by an unknown disease but it was all originally black since they were in their teens. What she doesnt know that when Li Feng Qi feels the cold breeze while adding his broken feelings, it worsened his condition and made his hair change to white. His purple eyes are also unique. Handsome, intelligent, wealthy and famous. What's not likable about him? He has always been treating her well but why? Why cant she just simply move on and fell to her bestfriend?

"I will never break my oath. Yun Ren Xie, promise me..."

Her memories of a man with golden eyes and dark hair, her head started to hurt soon. Yun Ren Xie's emotion surged forth and she accidentally let go of the wine glass. It crashed to the floor and break apart, at the same time Yun Ren Xie fell to the ground and some shattered pieces of glass cut through her palm.

It was sudden and Li Feng Qi ran towards her.

Inside Li Feng Qi's room, both of them were silent. He was kneeling on the cold floor while bandaging Yun Ren Xie's palm. "I..... Im sorry. I dont.... I dont have a feelings for you." she spoke after Li Feng Qi's confession.

He stopped moving after he finished. Clearly not raising his head and not speaking is a way to show her he is not affected, but his hand was grasping to Yun Ren Xie's wrist forcefully. "Ah!" she cried out, only then he realized his mistake.

"I didnt mean it! Im sorry! I..... "Li Feng Qi was panicked all of a sudden but Yun Ren Xie calmed him down.

She locked her gaze to Li Feng Qi while learning his mood. It struck him that this girl's stare is unexpected and if she wont stop, he might lose himself.

"A-anyway..." Yun Ren Xie retracted her gaze, "I was in a hurry today and forgot to bring the present actually. I can bring it here tomorrow. Im sorry. "

"Its fine. The party is almost over. Let me bring you back to your house."

Yun Ren Xie felt guilty about something but she doesnt know why its this intense. She watched Li Feng Qi walk towards the door until he was out of her sight. Sighing in deep anxiousness, she stood up and took her bag.

After being brought back to her house, Yun Ren Xie's memory about Li Feng Qi's confession seems like a dejavu.

"Xie'er, I love you but why? Why cant you love me back? Is there something wrong about me? Do you like him more? Funny, its been so many years but you havent notice that I love you and only focused yourself to him. "

Outside, Li Feng Qi did not move and stayed in his car while in daze. His lips moved into an arc but its not giving a wave of joy but a hint of roaring disappointment. "Yun Ren Xie...... Its been a lot of lifetime already and you've forgotten about me? I just hope you remember what you promised me back then." Li Feng Qi glanced at the house where Yun Ren Xie lived. He was regretful for not making the first move but at the same time, victorious. Atleast, this time... Surely, she wont die because of him again.... Yun Ren Xie wont die.


But sometimes, death is inevitable and fate given by the Heaven cannot be changed. Blood still will be spilled even if you avoid that person to not cause trouble, its a curse until your 9th reincarnation.

Author's Note: New Readers, hello! Forgive me if some parts are too dramatic, boring, nonsential and lame. I started this story when I was thirteen and because Im still too immature, easily deceived by emotions, the result is useless chapters. Book 1 has been finished just when I was fourteen so we can say some parts changed. I hope Dear Reader will understand my difficulty....

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