Chapter 7: The Emperor and I

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"Xiao Xue! How can you do such dangerous thing? Your grandfather and grandmother was worried that they cant sit on the capital anymore and nearly rushed here! " General Fang Wang Zhen was so furius and kept talking to Yun Ren Xie as soon as they reached the General's manor.

"Father.... Im still fine! Still kicking, see?" Yun Ren Xie stood beside his father's table and refused to look straight on Fang Wang Zhen's eyes.

The general saw his daughter's reaction, he sighed and ordered a servant to come in. "My daughter, your the only treasure your mother left me. I cant bear as a father to see you suffer just because of that jade earing. " he patted Yun Ren Xie's shoulder.

"I.... I understand." Yun Ren Xie knew that her freedom will be taken away... again. The previous Fang Ye Xue, when she was in trouble because of her bravity, her father will always lock her up in her courtyard for weeks.

"Someone come in!" Fang Wang Zhen shouted using a bit of internal force and housekeeper Min Young came in with a panicked expression. He bowed upon seeing the general, "Yes, Master Wang?"

"Arrange guards around the Bao Lian courtyard! Watch your young miss and never let her out until the next three days." he left the study room.

Yun Ren Xie raised her head in disbelief. Sha was expecting to be locked up for a week or more but it became three days. What's onto her father? She watched her father's departing figure until he took another route and nowhere to be found.

They reached Bao Lian courtyard, Yun Ren Xie stopped on her tracks. It was a courtyard with simple style, but a big pond of lotus was in the middle and at the heart of it was a pavillion. Beside the path were plum trees blossoming in early spring. Unexpectedly, there were two love birds in a cage. She wondered if this is the place where her mother have lived before the general Wang took her as his wife. Yun Ren Xie remembered the painting on the study room of her father in the capital, on it was a young and beautiful girl wearing a light pink dress, her hair was simple and adorned with pink jade head dress along with pink jade earings formed in the shape of lotus.

Around the young girl were plum blossoms and a golden bird cage carries two loving birds with yellow feathers. The young woman have smooth white skin, dark long hair and a beautiful face. Can be considered as a deity sent by the gods.

Yun Ren Xie subconsciously reached out for her face and slowly carressed it. She drifted to her own memory and back at the dark void where she saw Fang Ye Xue's face.

She dismissed the maidservants and the eunuch when she entered the room. Slowly, Yun Ren Xie sat on the soft bed and cupped her head. She needs to find that small red fairy! If she remembered it correctly, Baoshi was her name.

"Host? Are you looking for me?" the same small cute voice of Baoshi sprung in Yun Ren Xie's head. She was surprised at first but she answered in her mind, "Yeah. Can you explain all details of this system?"

"Yes Host. Just touch your left wrist and a small space will take you here. Dont worry, you will disappear outside in case you were spacing out." Baoshi spoke.

Yun Ren Xie do as what she was told. There was a small blue light that circled to her wrist. She gently tap it and everything turned black. Her surrondings were dark then a huge screen lit in front of her. She can see what was happening in the room she was in previously.

"Host? Are you looking at the monitor?" the cute voice of Baoshi whispered in Yun Ren Xie's ear.

She turned and saw her cute little fairy. Still, her hair is long and dark but her wings were red, her dress is also a mix of red and black. "Didnt see you there. Quick, tell me everything I need to know."

Baoshi giggled and went in front of Yun Ren Xie. "Do you know that only powerful immortals are allowed to enter this system? "

"What do you mean? Im just an ordinary human." Yun Ren Xie raised her brow and stared at the giggling little beast.

"Dont think that this world of Qin Dynasty is just an illusion. This place is what you created that was why you are considered as an immortal. There are five of you who just entered this system. And you are the new one. "

"Wait, so this place is also like the real Earth?"

"You can say it like that. This place is what you made. You rule this world. Anything you wished to happen will come true only with strong desire. It can be produced by resentment, joy, and more emotion. You are like this plane's god. And why do you have to revive your protagonists? Simply, because in order to return your favor in giving countless blessings, they cant stand your days wherein you grieved. The Heaven sensed their life and gave them enough power to let you enter this Immortal System. Once you finished all of your stories, you can have the Heaven's will and provide you everything you need."

Yun Ren Xie suddenly thought of one thing, if she can complete all the six worlds she created, the Heaven will give her anything she needs!

"Its been two hundred years since the fourth immortal came which is the Nine Tailed Celestial Earth Fox. And she have just finished her third huaben that she have written. She cant spot the target which she need to give her sacrifices or simply, she have found someone she loved and decided to stay on her own world. My host, I remind you not to hook up or form any feelings for those human you created. Its more important to have the Heaven's full favor. Also, only the two of you were left here to survive in this system. You have low chance to meet the Nine Tailed Celestial Earth Fox. " Baoshi said.

"Un. Did the protagonists of my story die?" Yun Ren Xie sat on the cold dark space and relaxed her back, leaning to an invisible chair.

"Yes. If the protagonists gave their body parts as a sacrifice for the system, it will only cost the favor of few immortals and gods in the Heaven. If its the lifetimes that the protagonists offered, it will be the whole Heaven itself that will favor you. The bottle that I gave you will contain the Nectar of Success Rates. If filled, you can get your protagonists lifetime in this world, back. By the way, my host. Do you remember what being you are? Are you a goddess? An immortal cultivator? Or a celestial beast?" Baoshi pulled a few strands of Yun Ren Xie's hair and stared at her eyes, wide.

"I.... I dont know. The only thing I know about me is that Im Yun Ren Xie. "

"Eh? Are you successful or failed in life?"

"Well, Im a successful businesswoman labeled as one of the richest person in Earth. My fame is also beyond comparison but I failed in one thing." Yun Ren Xie closed her eyes to stop the tear from falling. She have buried those memories deep in her heart but she knew one day, it will come back and bite her deeper.

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