Chapter 50: Shadow of Naginata Blades

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"Oniisan, please hold on!" Yun Ren Xie felt dejected on how they are suffering. But one thing remained mysterious in her mind. Why is Hijikita trying to kill them? And why did Baoshi not notified her of Hijikita's presence?

"Madam Host, its not my fault for losing my sight on second male lead! An onmyoji just saw me as a harmful spirit thus came chasing Baoshi!" he wailed in complaint. It was true, onmyoji's were still lurking around Tokyo for many spirits were settling everywhere, its their job to refine them anyways.

"Onmyoji?" she thought, in this manga, Yun Ren Xie never thought of creating an onmyoji.

"Host! Someone is nearby!" Baoshi vanished in sudden as Yun Ren Xie materialized the dark naginata, slowly standing up to watch every direction.

The same masked man came out of the large shrubs. Yun Ren Xie can still recognize the pair of mismatched iris, she was the creator of this plane and the mother of all beings, however, she cant seem to understand them as the plotline gets more and more awry.

"Naito Hayato, for the third time already. You have failed me." with a frosty look, little do she know, Hijikita is feeling heartsick.

"So you know?"

"Your eyes were more unique than the others, Im not a fool not being able to recognize you." as she walk closer, her grip unto the naginata got more tighter. Saito is the first person who expressed his brotherly love to her even if she knew it contained infatuation. It was him who protected her, guided her, made her more lady lile by minding her manners! So how can this second male lead dare to trample him?!

Without a word, she rushed at Hijikita and waved her weapon to immediately cut his neck. Hijikita just dodged all of her incoming attack, he was getting exhausted though.

Yun Ren Xie noticed his movement, why is he not struggling even for a bit? Her onslaughts were too violent yet he still choose to avoid it? Is he not afraid losing his life?!

With one swift move, she straightened her naginata while casting the attack on his chest. Hijikita did not move and caught the blade instead which made Yun Ren Xie stop but the blade have pierced through his palm. Blood gushed out yet he still hold unto the sharp blade before pulling it away from the shocked Yun Ren Xie.

"Is that Saito?" he asked calmly, holding the dark naginata in his tight grasp. Albeit his emotionless tone, the jealousy can be spotted within his eyes.

Yun Ren Xie glared at him before speaking. "Its you who made him like that! You should have killed me and keep him out of this mess! Whatever made you hate us, I can redress it in a better way! Just leave him. Leave him unscathed and his family." she used her view as the creator considering how these second male lead tried to kill her and the third male lead.

He silently glanced at Soma before Saito. She even cared for him that much! He felt quite dejected. "Do you like him that much that you can even sacrifice yourself? He's not worth it at all. It was Saito who first attacked me! Can I not retaliate to save myself?" with a fiery gaze, the pressure of his male lead halo came to life. Yun Ren Xie can feel how painful it was.

She lowered her head only to see the fresh blood dripping down from Hijikita's hand. It actually made her feel sick, Soma's ailing attitude of blood emerged which made her nearly vomit.

Yun Ren Xie quickly went nearby the waterside where she started to throw up. After that, she fetched a small amount of water before washing her mouth and face, coughing for the meantime. Her body weakened and dare not face Hijikita. She walked towards the unconscious Saito where she leaned beside him, her eyes were closed tightly and brows were a bit frowning.

The other side seems to misunderstood what just happened. The pressure got more and more terrifying as he glared at the weak looking man beside Soma.

Is he a step late already? Soma have just throw up, Soma is clingy to Saito, Soma likes to defend Saito. This means one thing.....

His strides were longer and faster as he aimed to get beside Soma. With one forceful pinch on her chin, Yun Ren Xie finally opened her eyes only to see an enraged Naito. The pressure made her experience further pain, she involuntarily let out a small grunt.

"Ah!" she hissed, the pressure is giving her internal injuries. If not for the life source that have been repairing it, she would have fainted just now. "Let go! It-"

Havent finished her words yet when Hijikita asked a very ridiculous question. "Have Saito touched you?" with a grim voice, he almost matched the deadly God of War in Chinese mythologies.

Her eyes went wide, how did he thought of that?! Soma and Saito were siblings! Unless.... the occurence previously made him think she is pregnant.

"We..... we are siblings." she finally spoke the words. "He and I cant.... cant do that!"

Hijikita noticed how the girl in front of him is hurt, he finally released the girl's chin. "Why did you vomit?" the tone of anxiety can be traced from his words.

Yun Ren Xie sighed, the pressure have been elevated that she can speak normally but the internal injuries were still recuperating. "Blood." she shortly answered, wiping the dust left on her cheeks.

He was confused, sick of blood? Both of his eyes saw how she slaughtered and tortured people around without caring of their pledge so why cant she stand the blood right now?

"Confused? If I stared at blood, my body felr sick so I seldom glance at it. Your hands...."

Hijikita went to the waterside where he washed his open wound then tearing a part of his dark garb. He is about to tie it around his palm when a pair of snow white hands took the piece of cloth from him.

He looked up to see Soma closing her eyes while tying the cloth around his palm. Such an adorable and talented person, he was eager to take her and protect her even for his whole lifetimes. Close, both of them were so close right now. All he have to do is reach for her hand and tell her how he loved this girl but something is telling him, not to pledge his life to this girl as if she'd just disappear one day.

Staring at her emotionless face with closed eyes, Hijikita really liked how close they were but still, there is something between them, making him feel she is too far for his reach.

"Done." she finally opened her eyelids. "Now, tell me how did you get here so we can leave this place."

Hijikita blinked his eyes, finding himself staring at her gently which he knew it was unlikely the real him. He coughed then retracted his gaze. "Im lost here too. I just followed my instinct since I want to find you."

She was speechless. Even Baoshi cant determine where they are! How will they escape this place then?!

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