Chapter 15: The Emperor and I

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"You've mistaken me to someone else's personality, twice. " the man glared at Yun Ren Xie.

"You... who are you? Why are you in my room?! Who let you in?" Yun Ren Xie asked, clearly she havent sobered up yet. 

"You dont deserve to know my name! Get up." he said in a commanding tone. Ah, this man have been trying to control his desires since he came from Chu State but this girl is really testing his patience. He have just let his hair down yet this girl have forgotten about him?

Yun Ren Xie blinked and her memories from yesterday came forth. The nameless man she saved, the nameless man who complimented her with insults, the nameless man who she used as a pillow when she was asleep. "Tell me your name first!" she grabbed his colar. The man was wearing a plain white robe with purple intricates on its every edge. She remembered Li Feng Qi who always likes to pair white and purple then saying, "Darkness and light match, dont you think?"

"Tch, why?" the man smirked.

"Im the boss here. And also, if you wont tell me, I'll give you a name." she leaned closer, her long silky hair slid from her shoulder and dropped at the man's chest.

"Boss? Your making me laugh. Let me show you who's the boss here." he grabbed Yun Ren Xie and within a second, they have shifted position.

"Sir, the food you ordered is ready." a clerk entered the room while carrying a set of food. He stopped when he saw the guests on the bed, the man on top while the girl is below. "Ah! Apologies, sir, ma'am!" he said and bowed quickly, leaving the two behind.

"Get up." Yun Ren Xie grimly said while staring at the man who is focused on looking at the closed door.

"Name me first." he playfully answered.

"If I name you, you'd be my pet. No?"

"No. I'd be your master."

"That's not fair!"

"Tell me my new name or do you want me to force you in another way?"

Yun Ren Xie shut her mouth close. Why does she have to meet this person?! "Fine!" she shouted, looking at the other way. She felt uncomfortable being stared at by those beautiful purple eyes. "I'll call you Wuming then. Your nameless!" she reasoned out.

"My name means nameless? What a GREAT choice." he emphasized the word great to show his sarcasticness.

"Just get up, will you?"

"Your name?" Wuming asked.

"Call me Ye Xue. Now stand up already and leave!" she screamed. Yun Ren Xie tried struggling but he wont let her be. He sighed.

Wuming let go of Yun Ren Xie and he stood up, fixing his messy robe from being grabbed by the girl. "Go have a bath. I'll order the clerks to get you ready and we'll leave this inn after eating." he went to the door. No woman have ever forced him to threaten her just so she will listen to him. This girl he just met is quite the opposite of his lovers. All the girls threw themselves to him without being threatened while this Ye Xue have the guts to argue with him!

His heart itched, he wants to know her more.

Baoshi who suddenly woke up from the system's call flew lazily. She raised her head and to her surprise, Emperor Qin's favorabilty increased! From ten to seventeen percent! She came to a conclusion that Qin Shi Huang is used to being spoiled by ladies around him but he did not expect Yun Ren Xie to reject him endlessly. If Yun Ren Xie do not know he is the Emperor, maybe she can continue being stubborn and raise more favorability!

"Baoshi, do you know that man?" Yun Ren Xie's voice made Baoshi jump in surprise.

"Who? The man you met yesterday? I dont know him at all, host." she lied.

"Is that so. Okay."

After Yun Ren Xie finished taking a bath, she saw a new set of clothes on the bed. It was the color of purple with white designs. Simple yet elegant to look at. She happily wore it and stepped outside to look for Wuming.

"Oh, are you lost here?"

Yun Ren Xie turned her head and saw three men who are looking at her in a strange way.

"No." she answered shortly and wanted to leave but one of the men grabbed her hand.

"Let go of me you bastard!" she yelled. None of the people in the hall have the feeling to help Yun Ren Xie. They all know this three men and are afraid of meddling with their business.

"Who do you think your talking to?! Im the son of a fourth rank official, just obediently come with us or else!" he threatened the girl.

He expected her to tremble and go with them obediently. But Yun Ren Xie is not that sort of scaredy cat. "You want to die?" she said in a cold tone. So what if he's the son of a lowly fourth rank official? This Fang Ye Xue is the only daughter General Wang treasured.

"Dont act like a reserve woman. You are mine today!" the man tried to pull Yun Ren Xie while laughing.

"When did this one's woman became yours?" a man in white purple brocade said, he stood behind Yun Ren Xie. Beside him is the owner of the inn.

"Kid, dont try meddling with my own business."

"Hey, Wuming. Stand there and dont come any closer." Yun Ren Xie did not bother to turn her head and focused her sight on the man holding her wrist.

"Hear that lad? This beauty is mine." the man laughed loudly and also his two dogs.

He was laughing hard when a kick hits his high chin. The sound of bones breaking can be heard. The man unconsciously let go of Yun Ren Xie's wrist. All of the bystanders had their mouth dropped. The girl just kicked her bully's head.

The man had been sent flying until he reached the wall, it broke and he fell outside. Everyone was so shock at the girl's strength. The two other man stared at Yun Ren Xie with daggers. "How dare you hurt our young master?!" one of them shouted and aimed at Yun Ren Xie.

She is about to dodge when a sword reached out to protect her. Wuming blocked her sight and aimed his weapon to the man, it entered his flesh. But Wuming is still not satisfied and dug it more deeper, he twisted his sword ruthlessly. Yun Ren Xie's eyes went wide. What is Wuming doing? Does he think Yun Ren Xie will faint in seeing the blood? Have she not seen enough blood yesterday?

She glanced behind and saw the man groaning in pain while lying on the floor.
"There's no need for you to help me here." Yun Ren Xie said and pulled the sword from Wuming's grasp. She examined the sword in bloody stain then glanced at the owner of the inn. "Wipe the blood. Make sure its clean."

"What? You want to experience being stabbed too?" Wuming turned at the other man who pissed in fear.

"D-demon!" the man ran away while wetting his pants.

Yun Ren Xie tittered at the sight. How can a man whose perfectly beautiful turn into a demon? Ah, if that person is angry of course, he can become a demon literally.

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