Chapter 147: Longing Chulian

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Immortals were forbidden to kill even if the reason is revenge, hatred, or selfish benefits. They are not allowed to kill. But to Xiang Zihui, he can disobey Jade Emperor's rules. He had enough! Just for power, a son can turn his back from his father and that made Xiang Zihui disdain them.

Cries of anguish echoed through out the snowy mountain. At the other side, a girl in light purple hanfu walked weakly on the thick layers of snow. The thick shackles of metal chain rattled with her movements while dragging two metal balls from behind. Yun Ren Xie heard the chaos that are getting louder each step.

She is near! Xiang Zihui is at the camp fighting that damn prince' army! Just a few more steps! Yun Ren Xie turned numb, the pain, the thirst, and the extreme cold.

Finally, her body had enough as she dropped to the snow. She had her head tilted sideways, the icy sensation crept in Zhao Chulian's body. In a moment, everything had gone quiet. There is nothing to hear and the screams of death vanished, the smell of her own blood dispersed, nothing matters anymore as she gazed upward.

Enchanting white snow started to pour. She had the urge to touch it but her arms are far too weak. Suddenly, Yun Ren Xie wanted to sleep. She is tired of everything. Maybe once she closed her eyes, this frightful dream will no longer exist. There are no Ying Zheng, no Nian Feng, no struggles of the royal family, no more death. Had she forgotten someone?

Warmth slowly encased her, Yun Ren Xie knitted her brows as she opened her eyes. Ah, right. It was Xiang Zihui. He is kneeling on the cold ground, snow started to gather on his white hair.

"Wake up! Dont you dare close your eyes!" Xiang Zihui's voice had a mix of anger, why is he like that? Why is he angry at her?

He had her cuddled with his arms surrounding her. "Xiang..... Xiang Zihui, your warm.... I want to sleep." she weakly said, her voice is hoarse.

"Zhao Chulian! Dont!" his hold tightened around her but she did not move as she continously stared at him.

"If.... If my surname is Xiang....." she slowly said before reaching her cold hands to touch his face. "Wo shi Xiang.... Chulian (I am Longing First Love)."

Xiang Zihui smiled wryly with closed eyes as he let their foreheads touch. "If you hadnt met me, this wont happen. Ah Lian, Im sorry." he held her cold hands. He recalled back then, Xiang Zihui wanted to give her his surname but Zhao Chulian suit her more. He had found his first love.

Yun Ren Xie trembled endlessly, the coldness she felt slowly replaced by Xiang Zihui's warmth. It was quiet, everything were when she heard an abrupt slash. She heard Xiang Zihui cough.

Her eyes widened once she saw blood dropping from the corner of Xiang Zihui's red lips. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, it wasnt warm as she thought, they were cold.

Yun Ren Xie saw glints of arrowheads around them. Before she could even react, Xiang Zihui made her lay in the snow. He used internal energy to soften the snow as she got pushed deeper on the ground, Xiang Zihui used his body to shield her.

His stifled grunts of pain were like knives cutting through her heart. Arrows after arrows were shot quickly from the forest. Few minutes later, it all stopped.

Xiang Zihui still have his gentle smile as he caressed her face. "In this lifetime... let me... repay all the sufferings you've been through." his voice was deep, quite soothing to the ears but for Yun Ren Xie, it was something difficult to listen, something she wished less to hear.

She used all her strength left and slowly pushed him off her, this time, it was Yun Ren Xie holding him upward. All the arrows were shot behind his back, it was unbearable for Xiang Zihui but he can tolerate it all just for her.

"Xiang Zihui?" she called out, her voice had been worn out like of a mosquito. "Look at me. Dont close your eyes, okay? Everything will be fine. Nian Feng, he will come right? He'd save us! Please, dont leave me yet..."

Xiang Zihui coughed up blood, the arrows had poisons. The archers left by Xiang Se stood quietly on their grounds. He had predicted Xiang Zihui will overcome the first trap laid by him and the second trap worked well. They watched the pale young maiden hold unto Xiang Zihui.

Yun Ren Xie held his face. Slowly, his purple iris went lifeless as he closed his eyes. She refused to believe it, she doesnt want to accept he died! "Xiang Zihui, please dont go yet. I still want to be with you. I came all the way from Shouchun to see you here. Why are you such a bastard? Hey! Xiang Zihui..." her tears welled up, Yun Ren Xie sobbed increasingly. She cant speak anymore. Her anguish is too much and it was unexpected for her.

"Xiang Zihui." she called out yet no one answered.

"Xiang Zihui." Yun Ren Xie repeatedly whispered, their is no one who is beside her.

"Xiang Zihui!" her hold on him tightened, Xiang Zihui is cold. No warmth, no life, he's gone.......

Snow draped over her instead of rain that portray her tears. In the end, it wasnt her who will leave first. Xiang Zihui had left her all alone, the caring man who secured her from the world. He wont be back anymore.

Yun Ren Xie cried silently, she had no idea blood became her own tears. Blue flames emerged out of nowhere as she muffled her sobs. She is angry at those who tried to kill him! She is the creator yet they dared to get in her way! All of them deserved to die!

As if the blue flames had eyes, it followed the escaping archers and burned them to death. Sounds of cries from pain engulfed the whole valley of desolate snow. She doesnt care about them, all that matters now is Xiang Zihui. Yun Ren Xie held him closer to her.

"Please come back....." her small weak voice resounded with the pure white snow. "I cant.... cant bear to part with you. Xiang Zihui, I love you. Dont you know that? Get up already!"

However, no matter how she begged, no matter how she cried with blood, no matter how she pleaded to the so called gods. Xiang Zihui wont open his eyes again. Those pair of cold purple iris, Yun Ren Xie wont see them again.

The screams of sufferings slowly ended but her own grief have'nt finished yet. She realized she created this plane, maybe she can destroy it too?

"Host! Stop it!" System had enough, destroying the plane is equal to failing the missions.

"Zhao Chulian!"

Yun Ren Xie looked up to see Jiang Yi Huai riding a steed, he jumped off it and landed in front of her. "Retrieve the azure flames! Dont kill them or Jade Emperor had to send you to the purgatory in the netherworld!"

"Azure flames?" her eyes were empty as she said those words, Yun Ren Xie moved in her own instinct and burned the arrows in Xiang Zihui to dust.

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