Chapter 71: Little Sun

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Fuyu did not expect Bijin is pregnant. Ever since he brought her with him, he kept avoiding her but still spoilt her in any means, giving her a luxurious life and let her start a fight with everyone then ended up being protected by him. Yet this is what he got in return? Her unfaithfulness?!

"Sister, its not time for beating around the bush. I did not touch Bijin ever since I took her, moreover, the physician said its her body being frail."

Yun Ren Xie smiled and raised her head. "Then what do you think is the cause?"


"Is unfilial to you." she waved her hand then her hidden guard appeared behind them. "Go take the physician here. Oh, and dont forget to take the evidences I've told you last month."

Within a second, the man left and came back with two person, an old physician and a young kitsune. "Kid, go and have a look on Bijin. Tell her something else and I'll make you a fertilizer in the back garden." Yun Ren Xie faced the young kitsune with a sharp gaze.

"Who is he?" Fuyu stepped beside her and looked at the trembling man before them.

"Watch." she patiently answered, the man went inside the chamber while Yun Ren Xie and Fuyu silently observed them from the shadows.

"Why are you here?!" Bijin whispered in a low tone that is full of anger.

"I- I came to see you."

"You idiot! What if Fuyu found out? He wont let us live if someone else have seen you!"

"Bijin! You killed our child! How could you!"

"Child?" Fuyu cant hold back anymore as he stepped inside, he saw how terrified Bijin is. "So you've been fooling around behind my back."

"No.... no- I..... F-Fuyu-" she tried to reach out on him when someone slapped her.

"Kitsune Bijin, you've made a crime." Yun Ren Xie stood beside Fuyu.

"Is it forbidden to love someone? You forced me to marry you! It was you!" Bijin cried in anguish as she pointed Fuyu, making him look like the one at fault.

"Its not about this. If you have told me you have someone else then I can cancel the marriage. The thing that happened between us is just an accident." Fuyu answered back, his fangs showing up making everyone understand he was irritated.

"You killed an innocent child Bijin. And that's your crime. We demons are starting to depart with the human realm because of fear we are slowly decreasing and yet you kept fooling around and treated the child as a chess piece? Do you know your wrong?"

"Princess Sun, dont act innocent." Bijin managed to laugh eerily while looking down on the floor. "It was you who punished me, am I right? Then whose fault is it?"

"Did I made you kneel?" Yun Ren Xie snickered, it was Bijin who exagerated the informations, saying she knelt on the ground for hours. Also, she planned on making her carry rocks around but its too risky, Bijin voluntarily knelt so it wasnt Yun Ren Xie's mistake. "Come in."

Bijin's maid made its way inside before kneeling. "Tell the truth." Yun Ren Xie ordered before sitting on the stool nearby.

The maid helplessly glanced at Bijin. "E-Emperor...... Princess Sun did not made Miss Bijin kneel. I-It was Miss Bijin trying to scheme against Princess..."

Fuyu's gaze became frigid as he eyed on Bijin. His villain halo made them paralized except for Bijin who is protected by her own halo.

"Is that so....." with just a few words, Yun Ren Xie nearly gave out.

"Host might need help?" System asked from her thought.

"Suit yourself."

Just as System applied his immortal sense on Yun Ren Xie, she felt quite relieved.

"Killing a child, dishonesty to the emperor, and scheming towards a princess. Say, do you know what punishment I can grant?" Fuyu went to Bijin as he held her chin up high, his gaze is making her shiver in fear.

"Your Majesty! Please spare Bijin! I can take the penalty in her place!" the man crawled at Fuyu before holding his dragon robes.

"You are not an exception. Part of your crime is collaborating with Bijin, thus, your head will be the exchange."

"Alright, that's enough. I think we should spare them this time and let lovers reunite. However...." Yun Ren Xie stood up with a chilling smile, everyone present knew she is up to no good. "Bijin will be exiled from the demon realm without anything aside from a small amount of food and clothes, she will carry the title of Jezebel which means a promiscuous woman."

Bijin gave out, falling on the floor while in daze. Her life..... will be worse than death!

"This young man over here will be castrated, thrown on the human realm to fend himself with the lurking onmyojis. Give him enough food for a week and one set of cloth." she continued, looking down on the couple without a hint of emotion. "Life isnt something you can just throw around, Bijin. Now that I have decided your fate, do you regret your actions in killing an innocent infant?"

After the comotion inside the palace, they witnessed how the imperial guards escorted Bijin and her lover towards the gateway of human realm, with just a bag of food and a set of clothing, who knew how long they'll survive.

"Its been a week, why wont Fuyu visit me?" she pondered while sitting at the edge of the wooden bridge located on the palace river where purple wisterias grow. Yun Ren Xie can still remember that the wisterias were planted by Seimei and Fuyu did all the maturing seals for the plants. Its still the fourth month and everything bloomed exquisitely.

"Host likes wisterias?"

"Mm. Very much." Yun Ren Xie slowly let her tiny feet touch the refreshing crystal water, purple petals flowed everywhere. "Why?"

"System.... remembered someone."

"A girl?"

He went silent, with closed eyes, he can still sense the delicate features of the wisteria. System went silent for minutes before Yun Ren Xie waved her hands and created a light breeze, making the vines sway and petals dance until it reaches the water.

She smiled childishly, turning around her only to see a man in pure white hair. "Zise...." Yun Ren Xie unconsciously whispered, to her shock, she doesnt know why mentioning "purple" as if it was a name.

"Sister, I've been looking for you." Fuyu went to her side and sat down.

"Me neither."

"Your just sitting her all day long, how can you say its looking for someone?"

"Fuyu, Tanabata Festival is about to come." she mentioned.

"That's why I came here. Will Sister Taiyo stay?"

"No." Yun Ren Xie shakes her head. "I'd like you to visit me to the human realm."

"I refuse." he retracted his gaze, why would he? To see Seimei? That annoying onmyoji will just make him bloodthirsty!

"I only have four months left. Besides, you havent repayed my kindness to you back then. Remember my condition when I took you with me?"

Fuyu nodded.

"Its about time to fulfill mine. I only want to spend time with you and Seimei."

"Taiyo, I only want to be with you till death." he turned to Yun Ren Xie, eyes full of yearning.


Three chapters in exchange for 6k reads! Xiexie ni duzhe qun! We're almost near the final chapter of Little Sun!😍

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