Chapter 109: Your Shifu is Not a Gay

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Yun Ren Xie, at the same time, she cant sleep. The same zither song kept playing, it lingered around the silent palace of Azure Immortal Sect. She tossed and turned but still, it went in vain.

After a while, she sighed and sat upright. Listening to each melody, it was something that triggered her heart. This song.... Yun Ren Xie was sure she heard it before but she cant remember where and where.

She wore her usual white suit and followed the trace of sound. Her eyes squinted upon arriving at Zhu Courtyard, Shen Xian Hua mimicked the thousand sorrows of a departed lover from his gentle plucking of string.

It eventually tugged Yun Ren Xue's heart, who could have caused this pain he is illuminating? Right, it will only be Jin Heise who can hurt Shen Xian Hua this much! She is furious, how can her Senior Brother be heartless to make her Shifu suffer?!

Yun Ren Xie slowly approached him but he did not bother to raised his head even when she is already in front of him. The closer she is, Yun Ren Xie nearly cried for her Shifu, how come the song is making her emotions uncontrollable?

"Shifu? Did you got into an argument?" she cant hold her mouth, asking straight to the point which made him stop.

He remained silent, afraid to look into her eyes that he may act impulsive and cause the girl to fear him.

"If Shifu is hurt, maybe by sharing some thoughts to Xue'er will help." Yun Ren Xie sat beside him, the strong reek of wine made her frown.

"Why.... Why do I have to feel pain?" Shen Xian Hua raised his cup and downed it in one gulp. His silky hair blocked his face, Yun Ren Xie is unable to see his expression.

"Shifu, love and pain are always together." she coaxed, secretly taking a cup in her ring and drinking the wine. Yun Ren Xie went dizzy, the wine is too intoxicating!

Shen Xian Hua turned at her with a serious look in the eyes. "Xue'er, help me up. I want to rest." he said.

Yun Ren Xie nodded and led Shen Xian Hua to his chamber. He sat at the bed in silence, holding Yun Ren Xie's hand which made her stay behind.

"Master... Do you need something?" she nervously asked. Shen Xian Hua gently tugged at her, it was slow and has no force but the second tug frightened Yun Ren Xie.

She fell on the bed, caught off guard to what he did but she can only stare at him with wide eyes. Shen Xian Hua is also lying beside her, holding her wrists on top of her head. His dark abyssal eyes were misty. Using his other hand, he pinched her chin while leaning close to her.

"Xue'er." he softly whispered.

"M-Master, get up. This-" before she can even finish speaking, Shen Xian Hua's lips brushed against her. It was not long and not too short either, the moment he let go, Shen Xian Hua sobered up. The soft sensation of her plump lips did made him restless but he knew its not proper to force her.

Looking at those fearful grey iris, Shen Xian Hua immediately sat upright. He pinched his nose as if trying to calm himself. Yun Ren Xie at that time, her heart was pounding fast. She thought it would be her end but Shen Xian Hua proved he is different from the other male leads. He can stop his audacity which spared Yun Ren Xie.

"Leave." Shen Xian Hua said, he used an indifferent tone that made Yun Ren Xie overcome her dazed state. She quickly arranged her clothes and dashed out of the room, not even taking a single glance before leaving.

Once again, he is alone. Shen Xian Hua ruffled his hair as he bitterly smiled. Not to hide the truth, he is mocking himself for being too selfish, again. Back then, he went against Wangji and became the obstacle between her and Feng Zise. This time, does he want to take her away again? He admits Xiao Bai Xue made him remember Bai Xue Wangji and as she grew up, she almost looked like Wangji.

Gradually, his heart softened at Xiao Bai Xue, hoping she is the reincarnation of Bai Xue Wangji. His yearning for her presence made him secretly love Xiao Bai Xue. Either she is just the substitute for Wangji or she caught his heart.

Few days later, Azure Immortal Sect held a grand feist. The second disciple of Sect Leader Shen Xian Hua is looking for a husband. All men that wanted to ask for her hand must have an amazing background and the person who can marry her will have Azure Immortal Sect's backing.

Divine beasts were lingering in the peaks of the sect, some were even flying around the sky. Inside the grand garden of Azure Immortal Sect, there were young men looking around the well designed garden, each of them having their own charm and wealthy appearances. Divine beasts were accompanying every one of them as they strolled through the garden.

Yun Ren Xie overlooked everything from the highest peak. She lightly frowned at this. In her perspective, why would Shen Xian Hua let Xiao Bai Xue marry another woman? Thinking about yesterday, she is starting to believe that Shen Xian Hua is not a gay.

"Heh." she lightly chuckled, mocking someone. "Xiao Bai Xue, your Shifu is not a gay..."

"Xue'er." an elder voice called out. Yun Ren Xie turned behind her and saw Elder Qian.

"Congratulations, your already at your marriageable age." he lightly smiled, stroking his thin white beard.

"Elder, with so many men, how can we find a proper man?" Yun Ren Xie asked, her gaze returning to the garden.

"Ho.... Your Master said if someone can pass through the two challenges he laid, that person will surely benefit us and it is the right man for you."

"Hmph! The right man? I will marry a man I dont know? Is Master sick?" she harshly replied. Elder Qian shook his head. However, after some thinking, Yun Ren Xie came into a solution. What if she fights for her own rights?

Back on Earth, she had once watched a movie called Brave. There are challenges for every men who wanted to marry her. But since she doesnt want to, the princess accepted the challenge and defeated those who woe her.

Perhaps this can help her?

Yun Ren Xie lightly smiled, it was sweet yet full of malicious intent.

"Xue'er, your Master is waiting in your courtyard." Elder Qian reminded. "The ceremony shall happen there."

"Then... will Senior Brother Heise come?" she have'nt seen Heise ever since she came back. He may have been busy as the emperor.

"That's what Im unsure of."

"Oh. Elder Qian, please lead the way." Yun Ren Xie showed a solemn look, but in truth, she is already brewing a scheme!

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