Chapter 110: Your Shifu is Not a Gay

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Arriving at her courtyard, she did not expect to see Jin Heise and Shen Xian Hua. Yun Ren Xie's heavy feelings were lifted and obediently followed the process of hairpin ceremony.

After they arranged her hair in a proper style, they finished the ceremony in a different way. Shen Xian Hua took out a jade box from his sleeve and he opened it, blue phoenix hairpin were in his hands which shocked everyone inside. He pinned the object on Xiao Bai Xue's hair as the last step.

Yun Ren Xie looked at herself on the mirror, the familiar phoenix hairpin caught her eyes. Isnt this.... Wangji's hairpin in Long Youya's portrait?

Her lips parted for a bit in shock, she glanced upward behind her where Shen Xian Hua is standing. He have an unreadable expression but he intently stared back at Xiao Bai Xue.

"The trial is starting, ceremony is completed. Xue'er, I assume your husband is ready." Shen Xian Hua spoke, he forced a gentle smile to show he is happy however, the girl noticed his eyes were emitting sadness.

Yun Ren Xie is at the same time, feeling guilt and irritation. Why is he speaking like that? Her husband is ready?

Without a word, she showed a ferocious look and stood up. "I heard there is a trial for it? Well, this girl wants to claim my own marriage by trying it out!"

Guests gasped in shock, who would have thought Xiao Bai Xue will retaliate like this?

"Junior Sister, that is not-"

"According to Elder Qian, whoever can succeed from the trials, they have rights to take my hand. Am I not allowed to do so?" even if Jin Heise is already the emperor, she is still angry at him for making her Shifu cry!

Shen Xian Hua remained silent, they watched Xiao Bai Xue make her way at the main area which is the palace like garden. Yun Ren Xie smiled inside her heart, no wonder there are no disciples nor elders at the garden. Shen Xian Hua have released his divine beasts over there not for accompaniment but to watch over each man's movements.

Her Shifu's trial? Plants of unknown identity and uses were grown at that garden that only the most influential people can discern and the divine beasts are the judges.

The garden only have two gates, the entrance and exit. All men are required to proceed at the exit once they arrived, the next place is a bloody area where traps are laid.

The first man to exit both places will automatically marry Xiao Bai Xue. Her Shifu's way is like killing two birds with one stone. Her husband-to-be is influential, capable and a good fighter, the said man can also support the sect which will increase their range of power!

Yun Ren Xie waved her hands and her hanfu was changed to a suitable man's clothing. She took out a mask and changed her looks, immitating a young master. Yun Ren Xie is rather excited which ignited her immortality, her iris turned red without her consent.

She used an expensive coronet to tie her hair like a scholar, it was to show she is a rich young master. As she entered the garden, an algid panther went to her side. The beast tried to show her around and Yun Ren Xie acted as if she is interested to each plants around them, she started to speak of their names and uses. All poisonous and herbal plants were mentioned, the beast stared at her in amazement and he immediately let her proceed to the next place.

Yun Ren Xie thought she have already won but when she entered the battle ground, she met an unexpected person.

Long Youya? What is he doing here?

She stared at the dark dragon beast who is on killing spree. Long Youya turned to his human form upon seeing the shadow puppets getting small, his horns and wings were still visible.

With one strong slash of his sharp dragon nails, Long Youya smiled in satisfaction since its finished already. However, as he turned around, there are more shadow puppets going at his side.

"Keep staring and let this One finish this!" Yun Ren Xie busied herself with killing each enemies easily, she waved her Thousand Ice Sword at the shadow puppet that is about to attack Long Youya.

She paved her way towards the last exit, about to reach out, the step she made is a mistake as the ground gave way. Yun Ren Xie have forgotten about the traps, she was distracted!

"Wife should watch out." Long Youya's voice lingered behind her back when two strong pair of arms snaked on her slim waist, he raised one of his hand to remove her mask. Yun Ren Xie doesnt have time to react when her surroundings changed.

"Junior Sister!" Jin Heise ran at their side, about to pull her but Long Youya pressed Yun Ren Xie at his chest. "Sect Leader, you should let go of her."

"Ah, even though the great Emperor Heise have won all over the trials, do you know what this mark means?" Long Youya smiled while removing some of Xiao Bai Xue's hair on her shoulder, he ripped her outer robes for everyone to see.

"Sect Leader Youya!" Yun Ren Xie tried to struggle but he is still stronger than her. Just what is he doing?

"This mark, signifies Xiao Bai Xue as this Sect Master's future wife and the future Mistress of Moon Jade Sect." he declared, caressing the mark on Xiao Bai Xue's neck. The green crescent moon is the sign of Moon Jade Sect, only their sect leader can implement it to pledge loyalty and love one person in a lifetime.

In this world of cultivation, it was required if a sect master finds a wife, they need to mark that person with their sect's signage. The wife of a sect master is called sect madame, almost equal to an elder's standing. For a lifetime, the marked person can only be married to the sect master, no one can remove it unless the other party tries to commit infidelity with or without marriage.

The guests have seen too much, from the third beauty's stubborness, the emperor's participation on the trials, and the low profile Moon Jade Sect's master showing the lover's mark on Xiao Bai Xue.

Elder Qian took a gander at the silent Shen Xian Hua beside him. "What do you think?"

"Seventh Brother." the silent Sect Leader Hua finally spoke, it was rare for him to call Long Youya his brother not like in the past. "Let my disciple come here first."

Long Youya stared at him, his lips curved upwards into a devious grin. "Fine." he released Yun Ren Xie and the girl slowly went to Shen Xian Hua's side, she clenched her fists.

"I will let you decide."

"Shifu." Yun Ren Xie bit her lower lip, an extreme sympathy rose in her heart for the previous Xiao Bai Xue. "Your heartless!"

Her voice resounded inside the Azure Palace, all the guests never thought she'd shout at her Shifu's face.

"Xiao Bai Xue, what are you implying?" he shot a cold look on the girl in front of him.

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