Chapter 133: Longing Chulian

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"Your Majesty, Great Reverend Xi is outside." Eunuch Song informed Ying Zheng who is sipping tea while reading numerous reports.

"Let him in."

After a while, a monk came inside, he stood in front of Ying Zheng with a great smile. "Speak." Ying Zheng closed the book in his hands before turning to the monk.

"Empress Fang is back, Your Majesty. She have great troubles to find her way but Your Majesty, Empress Fang will appear in a place here in the capital where blood seeps through snow, swords are drawn and bows were bent." the monk immediately said.

"Brother Zihui, where are we going?" Yun Ren Xie asked while being pulled by Xiang Zihui. She had no idea where they are going but upon remembering what Jiang Yi Huai told her before, she followed Xiang Zihui silently. Its been two weeks since her medication started, the pain kept appearing everytime and anywhere, they are unsure of the exact assault from the pill. Jiang Yi Huai recommended her to have a walk outside.

"Here we are." Xiang Zihui stopped walking and they stood side by side, a fresh breeze of air went through them carrying the scent of plum. In front of them are groups of family with their young children, playing around the coat of snow. Lovers whispering sweet nothings, some even plucking red blossoms from the plum trees just to adorn it to their bashful partners. Such harmonious sight Zhao Chulian is unable to see but she can still hear them, the laughs of children, warm promises of lovers and the gentle caress of winter breeze.

Her hold on Xiang Zihui's hand tightened, making him turn to focus his attention on the girl. "Brother Zihui, do you know that Ah Lian wished to see the warm sun the most? Ah Lian always visualize you were beside me, especially under the wisterias Xiao Hai kept mentioning. She said they were pretty, and Ah Lian wants to be there too!" a smile flashed on her small delicate face but her empty red eyes contrasted. "But, to see the harmonious life of commoners are even making me happy. Brother Zihui, if one day Ah Lian can restore her eyesight, I want Brother Zihui to bring me where there are carefree people, where wisteria tree grows and bloom endlessly, and snow also coats everywhere!"

Zhao Chulian always desired this, she kept picturing people around her where they are smiling. However, her heart's wish is to have a glimpse on Xiang Zihui's real image, she will be satisfied for a lifetime even if he wont be her's. Xiang Zihui have no idea in any of this, even before Yun Ren Xie can transmigrate. Hearing those words, the man felt an immense pain squeezing his heart.

"Dage?" Yun Ren Xie blinked, he just suddenly embraced her, one of his hands were caressing the back of her head. She can feel his warm breathing close to her ear.

"Ah Lian, three more days.... Brother Zihui promised to accompany you." he whispered, the hold around Zhao Chulian's waist tightened. Xiang Zihui's purple eyes werent as cold as they were, it emits sorrow in a half-lidded way.

She didnt speak, her heart raced abnormally while trying to calm herself. Yun Ren Xie found comfort in his arms, it is way too comfortable that she nearly slept. She is unsure whether it was Zhao Chulian's feelings or it came from her.

Xiang Zihui loosen his embrace, his gaze went sharp as he took a gander around them. "Ah Lian, run if I told you. Mingle with the crowds as much as you can, Brother Zihui will find you later."

Yun Ren Xie raised her head, there must be something wrong here. However, before she can even ask, Xiang Zihui pushed her to the side. "Run!" he shouted, arrows of silver flew at him.

She can do nothing, Yun Ren Xie should leave in order to avoid being a leverage instead. When Xiang Zihui saw she have gone to the running crowds, he focused on the five assassins that were in front of him.

Just as Yun Ren Xie ran endlessly, an arrow grazed her feet, she fell to the cold stone pavement, blood slowly gushed at her wound until the snow are dyed in red. The pain of her eyes and head were back, she had troubles on her own. An assassin walked towards her who is holding a sharp sword.

In the empty place, she can hear the clear sound of snows being stepped on, every stride is like her own death toll. Will she die today? How infuriating, it is her second failure which means she wont be able to come back in her own world. Only.... Something is making her more downcast, she wished to see Xiang Zihui for the last time but her eyesight isnt stored yet. Yun Ren Xie will die without her last wish being fulfilled.

"Gah!" the assassin's neck were slashed, his blood sprayed around him before falling on his knee.

"Are you alright?" the familiar voice of Xiang Zihui made Yun Ren Xie raise her head, tears welled up in her empty red eyes, she looked extremetly pitiful.

"Dage!" she reached out in front of her, even in so much pain, Yun Ren Xie wanted to seek comfort from him.

However, its not Xiang Zihui who she is hugging. Ying Zheng stared at the girl in his arms, she is crying infinitely but even more, his heart softened. Yun Ren Xie never cried like this before, she is exhausted from the pain and her consciousness finally vanished.

Ying Zheng panicked when she passed out, he immediately carried her towards the carriage. "Fang Ye Xue, your back." he planted a gentle kiss on her hand and forehead. A shed of tear dropped from the corner of his eyes that were closed but the pleased smile on his face is evident. A gust of wind entered the carriage, carrying a snowflake. That day, pure white snow poured heavily from the sky.

On the other side, a group of imperial guards captured the assassins but they died instantly from the poison. Xiang Zihui stood coldly at the corpses in front of him, he knew they are not hired assassins but rather specialty soldiers. It requires great investment when raising specialty soldiers but they are more ruthless than assassins, their loyalty lies on their master and if they got caught, a poisonous pill is always placed in their mouth. In case of emergency, they can easily bite and swallow the poison to avoid mentioning who is their master, the poison can easily kill them with only ten seconds less to live.

"Zihui!" Jiang Yi Huai ran at his side, he is carrying a medicinal kit. "Where is Zhao Chulian?"

Upon mentioning her name, Xiang Zihui was struck by realization. He doesnt care if he used up all his internal energies, he is numb at the extreme pain from the deep wounds on his body, all he knew is he must find Zhao Chulian.

"Hey! Your wounds need to be treated! Zihui!" Jiang Yi Huai shouted, he chased after Xiang Zihui. He cant just leave Xiang Zihui behind, after all, they were brothers before they even reincarnated to the mortal world.

Xiang Zihui did not budge, he kept using his qigong to find the girl. He stopped his track when he saw a trace of blood that is almost dry. "Ah Lian...."

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