Chapter 56: Little Sun

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"Young Miss, this One will take responsibility on what they did. I can compensate you with any request." Abe Seimei said, no trace of emotion in his face yet his eyes were clearly yearning for something. Yun Ren Xie cant quite discern his thoughts and nodded.

"We mean no harm but have been living here for peace. Its just that, punish them the hardest way as possible." Yun Ren Xie responded, her coldness can be on par with the male lead's.

"Mm. Then I will take my leave." Seimei said before walking past her.

She finally relaxed, his male lead halo is too pressuring! Glancing at Fuyu, she heaved a sigh seeing him in one piece. "Come here." she raised her hand as Sora helped the young man get near Chisona Taiyo.

After arriving in front of her, Fuyu's chin was raised by Taiyo. "Your patience is quite great!" she said before letting go of him. "But next time, I wont let anyone interfere with your matters anymore! Your already fifteen so dont act like my Little Fuyu!"

Sora stared at the foreign looking Taiyo with disbelief. Does that means she'd give up on Fuyu just because of this small mistake?!

"Sora, head home." Yun Ren Xie said and pulled Fuyu outside the lane.

"Dont let the onmyojis bully you just because your their natural enemy. Fight back, even if they get to know your a fox spirit, all we have to do is leave this place with no trace and find a secluded area to continue strengthening you." she is currently binding Fuyu's injury on his chest, it was caued by of the onmyojis.

Yun Ren Xie sighed before finishing her aid and raising her head to meet the delicate blue eyes of Fuyu. "You have four more years to prove yourself, otherwise, I wont be merciful. Failures are always failures and I disdain it for a reason. Remember well, your whole Royal Family died because you are too weak back then. What if one day the same thing happened to me?"

Subarashi Fuyu tensed, Taiyo.... will leave him?

"Chisona Taiyo, are you telling me your going to depart with me?" he raised his voice. Thats not right! She is the only one he can count on, she is also his last family even if not blood related.

Yun Ren Xie took out her fan and smacked it on Fuyu's head. "Im still older than you so be more respectful! And, I can leave you if you are not that talented enough!" she clenched her fist.

The young boy rubbed his head, still dare to look down on me? He quickly held Taiyo's shoulder before forcing her to lay down. "Im. Not. A. Kid." he coldly said.

The villainess halo is more painful that the mainlead's. She bit her lower lip which made Fuyu unconsciously blush. Finally, the pressure is lifted and Yun Ren Xie can breath.

She glared at the blushing fifteen year old boy that was on top of her. "You have such great courage to do this to me." she sneered coldly. "Are you not afraid?"

He however, did not move in place but leaned his face close enough to her neck. "Not much. I know Taiyo is kind to me." he whispered hoarsely.

With a frown, Yun Ren Xie is not in the mood for flirting. She quickly elbowed his chest which sent him to the wall. "You loose little child! You will be grounded for five months for doing shameless things to me. I am your sister."

Sister? Fuyu thought. All the years, he did not view her as his sister at all instead, Chisona Taiyo is the woman who is always beside him. He must not realized it yet but he have fallen for her.

Inside the modern room, a man in full armor had a slight smile at his face as if mocking the main villain. "Host, better treat him upright or the side mission gets amiss."

"Senior System, I just want him to respect me as his sister. Look, whenever I get angry, he also gets hardworking." Yun Ren Xie proudly responded however, she only receive an algid chuckle.

"Yes he does. But let me tell you, when he's powerful enough to take revenge, he will overpower you. With that harsh treatment, do you think he'll let you go in the future?"

"What do you mean? Is he going to deal with me in the near future?" she asked. Fuyu is at the training ground she've set, currently making his physical offense and defense reach a new level.

A sigh escaped System's lips. He raised his head and the frosty gaze of his golden eyes made the whole temperature inside the room drop, even Yun Ren Xie can feel it. "Host cant even discern a mortal's feeling. Just what sort of immortal are you?" he mockingly said.

"Eh? This... deja vu?" Yun Ren Xie mumbled. She knew someone else had spoken to her like that however, she cant pin the point.

A mysterious glint of light flashed through his eyes. He was eager to meet his Host even if he knew it was a woman but something is not right about her. Forget it, he only needs to assist her as his last host and after this, he can finally ascend to the Heaven where he will wait for his little brother.

"Cruel, you really are made of dark energy." a man in purple robe said with the coldest voice.

Yun Ren Xie blinked her eyes, she cant even make out the man's appearance yet it vanished. "Host is cruel. You knew your an immortal and dared to view everything like you are thus, it meant you are looking down on them. You must know the real reason behind this bunch of transmigration." he said before leaving the modern room.

"Seimei, its your birthday. I bought this for you and hoped you'd like it." a young girl with fox ears and tails raised her hand and showed him a new set of clothes. It was the latest style and the expensive kind but Seimei is not blinded by wealth.

"Miss, leave before I cast a spell on you." he answered and looked at the teary face of the spirit fox.

"You dont like it?" she froze, tears were about to fall from her eyes.

"We both know I dont have a feeling for you so please leave. Its been two years yet you havent grown tired of my rejection?" Seimei frowned at how desperate the fox is, wondering isnt she bored of it?

The fox dropped the clothes on the wooden floor before running outside the yard. He sighed in relief. Seimei is about to pick the clothes when a little orange cat bit it. The cat looked at him with its blue eyes before dragging the clothing away into the pond, drowning it in process.

He is about to follow the cat when it jumped to the shrubs and disappeared out of his sight. Seimei stood in his place, his right hand was raised as if reaching out for a person. "Little Sun......." he whispered softly.

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