Chapter 92: Your Shifu is Not a Gay

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Shen Xian Hua breathed heavily as he hid behind a tree, concealing his presense. The fresh set of blood trickled down the corner of his parted lips, not a trace of fear can be seen from his eyes.

"Where did that beast go?"

"Senior Ming, that sort of beast seems to be possess divine consciousness."

"Ah, Honglian, you mean we've been tricked the whole time? So that explains how it tactfully evaded the traps we laid!"

Honglian stood firmly on her ground as she looked around her, tightening the grip of her Yin Sword. She was sure it might be a divine beast already but how did a beast as big as that easily hide away from them? Unless it already reached celestial level where it can form into a human!

When she saw the white dragon flapped its large wings, a great flow of qi suppressed her and Ming that they cant almost move. She used a sneak attack, causing a critical injury right at its torso and landed harshly at a certain place inside this forest located at the outskirt of Jianghu.

Shen Xian Hua cant hold the pain anymore, his nature attribute wont work since he have used it up to heal the victims of demon lords, he'll just exhaust himself. Without any option, a paper crane dropped from his blood stained robe and flew, carrying words only one person can understand. Even in such circumstances, he hoped to find out the truth soon.

Yun Ren Xie propped her head on top of her arms, watching Heise stroking the brush gracefully.

"Jin Heise, is calligraphy really that interesting for you? I found it boring to me." she loathed, making him raise his head slightly but retracted his gaze quickly.

"Your being a nerd here! Just keep ignoring me then, I'd just go get some fresh air outside. Your suffocating me." Yun Ren Xie stood up and left the study, unknown from her, Heise is staring at her back gently with a smile lingering on his face.

The white lotuses waved at Yun Ren Xie, each ice petal sparkling diligently. She plucked one lotus and caressed its smooth surface, a glow of red emerged within its pale color which made Yun Ren Xie confused.

Its original white appearance went a whole bloom of red, a small amount of white snow popped out of its middle most part, the little snowflakes danced before her until it disappeared from her sight.

Suddenly, a paper crane flashed in front of her and unfolded itself. Yun Ren Xie was dumbfounded and read the letter. Just as she stared at the strange inscriptions, a familiar voice rang in her head.

"Xue'er, your Shifu is injured. Find my soul essence quickly, Shifu needs your help."

She held unto the letter tightly while using her divine consciousness to search for Shen Xian Hua.

At a small lake, Shen Xian Hua removed his upper robes and dived at the clear water. A white dragon emerged with a pair of large wings, its pure dark eyes stared at a certain place behind a tree.

Yun Ren Xie locked her gaze with the beast, she drew out her Thousand Ice Sword that she used against Honglian.

Without a word, she swiftly attacked the beast who didnt move but vines arised behind her, pulling Yun Ren Xie back at the ground while the sword floated beside the beast's head. It was looking at Yun Ren Xie with mockery which she hated.

"Beast! Where is my Shifu?!" she screamed while struggling but the vines turned dark, holding her down tightly.

Shen Xian Hua find it funny, this girl is still as silly as ever. He did not speak but he willingly let out his contract, merging it into Xiao Bai Xue's forehead, making a dark mark of lotus on top of it.

"From now on, you are my master." he spoke, making a slight bow as respect. The vines vanished and her sword dropped.

"Divine Beast!" she exclaimed in surprise. Still, Yun Ren Xie never suspected it was her Shifu. "Have.... Have you seen Shifu?"

"If Im right, you are Xiao Bai Xue. Shen Xian Hua told me to watch over you while on a mision." he lies, finding it funny to fool his disciple. After all, he can't just say he is from the demon beast kin. What if she'd fear him? What if Long Youya seperates them once more? Now that he have found the truth, Shen Xian Hua will never let go of her again.

"Where did Shifu go?"

The beast shakes his head as an answer, "Shen Xian Hua did not speak but it'll be a matter of time before he come back. For now, Master should name this One."

"Hm? Your not lying are you?"

"This One should have killed you, why bother put up a play since your still a mortal?"

Yun Ren Xie nodded. Indeed, why will a strong beast like him fool around her since he can just easily crush her down. She only need to wait for her Shifu to return and at that time, Yun Ren Xie might have find a suitable lady for him to marry.

"What about Long Hua? Since you and I have a lotus mark on our forehead, it suits you." she smiled, Long is Dragon while Hua is Flower. He immediately agreed and offered her a ride back to the Azure Immortal Sect.

All elders watched a divine beast elegantly stepping at the spacious pavement while the disciples are shock to see Xiao Bai Xue jumping down behind it.

"So it was Disciple Xue. We thought it was an elder from another sect." the head teacher, Elder Qian stroked his thin white beard.

"Elder Qian!" she happily shouted and rushed at the old man's side. Xiao Bai Xue is close with him other than Heise and Shen Xian Hua since it was only Elder Qian who accepted her first when she was adopted while the other elders and their disciples despised her. Elder Qian also taught Xiao Bai Xue cultivation whenever her Shifu is not around, now that he have came out of seclusion, she will truly miss the old man.

"Its been two years, ah. You've grown into a young lady." he smiled gently. The girl before him, she looks utterly familiar with someone else from the past but he can't remember since he have been living for five hundred years already.

He was once the most powerful cultivator but vowed to follow Shen Xian Hua two hundred years ago. Elder Qian have forgotten his reason in serving the young man. But when he saw Xiao Bai Xue seven years ago, Elder Qian felt like he have seen hope and dedicated to support the child. Now that he have seen her again, the hope turned into loyalty and fear as if he have seen his Master who have ascended to immortality.

"Elder Qian, look! I made a contract with a divine beast! I call him Long Hua."

"Very well! You are talented indeed. Sect Leader Hua do have a good eyesight but wont he be angry naming a beast after him?"

"Shifu shouldnt mind. Besides, wont he feel proud of it?" her eyes glimmered with joy, thinking how will her Shifu feels afterwards.

"Xiao Bai Xue." a voice carrying great authority rushed at the dividing crowds. "You left without my consent. What will Shifu say if you're in trouble?"

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