Chapter 14: The Emperor and I

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A girl at the age of fifteen rode her horse in fast speed. Her body was tired from being exhausted but her willfulness kept her active and fully awake.

Damn that kid! Yun Ren Xie cursed in her thoughts. Aish! I have to chase after him. After this, I wont interfere in his matters anymore!

Yes she is worried for that man. Because she formed a feeling of love? Because she liked handsome men? No, not at all. That man somehow made Yun Ren Xie feel that her bestfriend Li Feng Qi is around her. His deep purple eyes were similar to Li Feng Qi. She will just help him this time. Even though the fact that she doesnt fully know anything from that guy, she cant just sit idle and watch him being bullied by a lowly specialty soldier!

Yun Ren Xie went more faster until she can see two figures far from her. The specialty soldier injured his target who is now tired. He raised his sword, aiming at his targets heart. The sword is only a few inches away from it when he heard a feminine shout. "You lowly person! How can you harm my man?"

A kick right on his forehead broke his skull, giving him internal injuries. He stepped back and tried to stand up once more but his vision became blurry. Finally, he cant endure the pain in his head and died.

"Tch, weak." Yun Ren Xie put on airs and crossed her arms.

The man behind her who regained his strength stared at her for few minutes then he stood.

"I didnt expect-"

"No need to compliment me." Yun Ren Xie cut off his unfinished sentence and proudly added, "I know Im good at fighting. Im like a goddess right? Im beautiful, smart and also good at fighting. Totally perfect!"

The man stared at her with a ridiculous expression. "I wanted to tell you that Im surprised that you are really different." he said without emotion.

"Aiya! This girl knows, this girl knows." Yun Ren Xie smiled. Of course Im different! After all, the system called me Immortal Soul.

"Many girls at your age mind their etiquettes why you are not even caring for it a bit. Your like a fly, so noisy and annoying somehow." he said honestly.

Yun Ren Xie felt an arrow of insult hit her, carrying the phrase 'you are like a fly'. She held her rising temper and maintained her smile.

"Oh right, are you a toad? Your jumpy too. Also, who is your man? Really a toad, a toad craving for swan's meat. You dont even deserve a mosquito." he snickered in closed eyes.

More arrows of insult hit Yun Ren Xie.


'Doesnt even deserve a mosquito'

She gritted her teeth and its grinding sound disturbed the man. Unknowingly, a slight smile formed on the man's face. If only Yun Ren Xie have seen it, then she will drain all her blood from having nosebleed!

"But you do deserve this one's compliment and insult." his smile disappeared. "Im not raised for being an ingrate after all. Follow me back to the capital and I promise to grant your wishes as an exchange for saving my life."

Yun Ren Xie's mouth dropped. Does he take her as a fool? For the first time, Yun Ren Xie experienced being insulted before being complimented.

I just save your life you ungrateful man! How dare you?!

Her eyes twitched in anger. "You underestimated me boy." she poked his chest, right, it was cold and wet.

"That's a bloody part there. By the way, I dont know who you are but if I wished for a land, can you grant it, ah? If I wished for fame, can you grant it? Or thousand taels, can you? I dont need these things anyway. Im a noble young miss with a powerful background." she went past him and touched her horse which is standing behind the man.

She was about to climb it and leave but a hand grabbed her left wrist. "This one's promise is worth of thousand golds. I can give you anything. Dont you also underestimate me, young miss." the man said in a grim voice.

"Only an emperor's promise is worth of thousand golds." Yun Ren Xie did not turn around, she pulled her hand and climbed the horse. "If your an emperor, then you are the irresponsible type. Your outside the palace and kept living like an idiot instead of finishing those paper works."

"Your thinking too much. Im just a businessman from Chu State. And their emperor is my friend eventually." the man answered and held the horse's rope. "I'll ride with you."

Before Yun Ren Xie can even disagree, the man climbed up and sitted behind her. Yun Ren Xie felt her body get tired once more. She cant help but slowly close her eyes. "Fine, Im so tired already. We just need to reach the capital and we'll go in seperate ways." she yawned, finally closing her eyes.

Baoshi who is awake, saw the progression bar of Emperor Qin rise. From zero to ten percent. She was stunned. Is that man.....

"Hm." the man let Yun Ren Xie lean on his chest, he showed that laughing smirk while his eyes focused on the road. "This one have never thought to find a very hidden precious gem in such common place."

He formed the feeling of curiosity to the girl. The memories of his battle with that assassin really is unexpected. The scythe that was given to him disappeared out of nowhere. What part in the world can you find such weapon that disperse from a gleam of dim lights?

"Mmmm....where's my maid?" Yun Ren Xie woke up when she heard the man mutter something.

"Just sleep. I'll compensate you soon. She is too noisy that I need to silence her."

"Bad guy." she did not bother opening her eyes. Yun Ren Xie dozed off after saying those words. Her back leaned closer to the man's chest.

In a cold night, two person shared their warmth.

"Truly interesting. You didnt even ask my name. " he laughed in a low tone.

The next morning, Yun Ren Xie was awaken by the sounds of rustling clothes. Beam of lights met her closed eyes which disturbed her calm side. "Aiyo! Mei Xiang, close the window will you?" she snapped, letting her upset personality come out.

Just after she said that, she cant feel the blinding sunlights anymore. She reached out for Mei Xiang to tease her personal maid again. Its been her morning routine, hugging Mei Xiang, kissing her cheeks, and even pulling her maid to her bed then she would act like a man. Mei Xiang never gets accustummed to her actions. It was that Yun Ren Xie likes to see her maid act cutely. In her younger years before she met the man who changed her, Yun Ren Xie is a certain tomboy.

What tricks will she use to Mei Xiang today? Ah, why not pull her once more to her bed and attempt to kiss little Xiang? Then it is settled.

Yun Ren Xie opened her eyes with a smirk on her face, she pulled the person in front of her. The person was caught off guard and fell. Yun Ren Xie held the person's wrist above its head. "Caught you little Xiang." she laughed and leaned closer for a peck on the person's cheeks.

"You!" a deep voice of a man reached her ears.

She stopped and her vision became clear, this person is not her maid! It was a man instead! The purple eyes stared at her ferociously.

"Li Feng Qi?"

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