Chapter 101: Your Shifu is Not a Gay

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"Master, are you done yet? You have a visitor." Long Hua stood at the door of the bed chamber while glancing at the screens, he have sensed Ding An's soul essence nearby with a divine beast of the first stage.


"Its Miss Ding An and her divine beast. She is entering the moon gate already..."

"Just a bit more." Yun Ren Xie tied her hair high, it draped all over her back while few rose petals are clinging behind. She folded the screens and went beside Long Hua. "Hua'er, its so unfair of you. Why wont you also clean yourself?"

"Master, where should I?"

"The koi pond. Its good enough for your size." she snickered, Yun Ren Xie wanted to scheme on him for what he did yesterday night.

"That wont do." Long Hua shakes his head, he can just turn back to his human form and take a bathe at the tub.

"Third Beauty Xue! Im here to escort you!" Ding An shouted outside the simple cottage Yun Ren Xie moved in.

A nine tailed fox sprinted towards Ding An before shaking its head in disapproval.

"Master, are you sure this is the place?" the fox asked while raising her head, she looked up to stare at the opening door and an indescribable fear crept inside her heart upon seeing Long Hua exit with a girl.

"Second Beauty An." Yun Ren Xie fastened her pace, she smiled at Ding An who returned a look of bewilderment.

"Is this a divine beast? Maybe Sect Leader Hua gifted this to you right?" Ding An glanced at the white dragon, it was almost as tall as her nine tailed fox but even she isnt able to discern the beast's true strength.

"Umm, yes. Shifu gave him to me. I call him Long Hua, what about yours?" she lied for the better result. Yun Ren Xie can't just say the divine beast gave itself to her which would sound like a lie just to impress Ding An.

"Oh, this is Baise! My Shifu also gave her to me. Just a level three divine beast."

Ding An nudged her fox however, Baise kept staring at Long Hua with doubts written in her eyes.

"Miss Xue, are you sure this Long Hua is just a divine beast?" Baise finally asked, she knew something is wrong about him. He have an unending flow of real qi inside his body while Baise cant even match it with her own energy, not even two percent of his powers.

"Ah, Baise must be jealous." Ding An teased her beast. "Right, Third Beauty Xue, your Shifu is really generous! Beasts from the mythical kins such as dragons were pretty hard to find and their food are also unique, far from normal! To have a divine beast from the mythical kin, what does he eat?"

"Long Hua? I feed him fifteen ice lotuses everyday." Yun Ren Xie turned to her dragon beast, she never knew Shen Xian Hua have such powerful lineage! However, even she cant understand why he is willing to give his beast contract to her.

"Ice lotuses?!" the other girl gaped in surprise. She got more interested in Xiao Bai Xue, how can this girl mention it leisurely and even willing to let Long Hua consume such extravagance amount of ice lotuses!

"Mm? Why?"

"Gosh! Where did you get so many ice lotuses? Are they blooming perfectly? How old are each flower? Did your Shifu grow any?" Ding An fired questions after question, is it only her or Xiao Bai Xue doesnt know the real value of ice lotus?

"Second Beauty An, we should rush to the venue already." Shen Xian Hua interrupted their conversation, he never liked someone who is asking too many questions.

Ding An pursed her lips, she harrumph in frustration before glaring at Long Hua and pulling Xiao Bai Xue at her side as they walked towards the hallway. She did not mind the beast behind them, Ding An never stopped asking questions while Yun Ren Xie can only respond to her in a helpless way.

"An jiejie, why are you interested in this ice lotus?" she is also starting to get curious about it. All along the way towards the venue, Ding An have been asking her about the lotus.

"Xue'er is really clueless, ah." Ding An giggled while holding unto Xiao Bai Xue's arms. "My Shifu told me that ice lotuses came from the blood of a Reverse Phoenix, its blood is full of yin energy that even demons cant compare. Any lotus can live for ten thousand of years and turns to an ice type with just two drops of the Reverse Phoenix blood!"

"Every petal of it can cure thousands of diseases and injuries since a Reverse Phoenix only have the mortals wellness in its heart! Just one petal of ice lotus can be sold with hundred thousands of gold taels. I only saw five petals in Shifu's study and it tastes very refreshing! Xue'er, will you give me one? Please Xue meimei?" Ding An showed her almond eyes in a pitiful way while blinking.

Yun Ren Xie never knew the origin of the ice lotuses even though she found them strange and unique, where could Shen Xian Hua get such treasure and even a rare phoenix have its deep connection within each bloom of lotus?

"Of course! I've got hundred here but An jiejie, what do you need one for?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, I wish to fight Liang Honglian and I know it will be a bloody one. That's what happened when we fought for the first title as a female cultivator, it nearly crippled me but Shifu fed me three petals of ice lotus. I want to repay him and even use the other petals for aiding myself, not only me but other disciples also." Ding An's carefree mood went solemn, she broke their eye contact and her eyes reddened.

She still remembers how the Moon Jade Sect's inner disciples bullied her junior and seniors. Ding An cant do anything at that time since she is bedridden after her battle with Honglian. She was also mocked by the elders in their sect, saying it was her fault for their sect to be degraded into such low level. Her Shifu is just the sect leader's nephew and he was in trouble just to save Ding An from humiliation. Even her family despised her for losing a battle to a newbie like Honglian.

Ding An have been keeping her arrogant and bossy attitude to show them she is not affected in the slightest but people only respected her for her title and background when the truth is behind her back, they are waiting for her to have a demotion in her position so that they can mock her as they can.

Yun Ren Xie saw how Ding An clenched her fists, her eyes were showing pain and anger. "An jiejie, you can ask for ice lotuses to me in any amount. Here, take this." she brought out another interspatial ring from her small pouch. "This ring have hundreds of ice lotuses at most, they are all in full bloom. An jiejie can ask more in the future!" Yun Ren Xie smiled amiably.

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