Chapter 142: Longing Chulian

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Xiang Zihui didnt speak for a moment as he observed her, the previous lively red eyes went empty and unreadable. "En." he simply answered before lowering his gaze, underneath the furry sleeves of Zhao Chulian were small fists clenching tightly, Xiang Zihui immediately seen through her.

"Im glad your back, where have you been? Who imprisoned you? For five straight days I led a great search in Qin State but Im unable to find you. Ah Lian, Im sorry. It must be hard for you?" he tried to hold her hand when she suddenly evaded it. His brows knitted.

"It doesnt matter. Ah Lian is happy for both of dage and jiejie. I...." Yun Ren Xie tried hard enough to stop herself but her eyes started to stung as tears were gathering.

"Your...." Xiang Zihui hesitated for a moment to speak. "Ah Lian, your crying."

"Eh?" she lifted her hand and touched her face, her cheeks were already wet. "I'll excuse my... myself, Im just tired." Yun Ren Xie quickly turned and exited the main hall but all eyes were on her.

Officials were curious who she is, even Emperor Yu never knew Zhao Chulian. All the other princes and princesses shot a confused gaze on Xiang Zihui but he did not bother to answer their thoughts. The silent Xiang Se had been watching them for a while, he took a sip from his wine as his lips curved to an arc.

Yun Ren Xie ran fast when she reached the hallway, her tears wont stop! She finally had no more energy to waste when she found herself in a mini garden. There were nothing inside other than an iced pond, withered trees and snow. She breathed heavily before covering her lower face as her eyes spilled anguish. The muffled sobs were heard by a certain person.

"Ah Lian." Nian Feng had been following her and just as Jiang Yi Huai predicted, she would need him as a company. Yun Ren Xie did not glance at him as she wiped the falling tears hastily.

"Sir... Sir Nian." she let out a smile which eventually squeezed Nian Feng's heart. He had no idea where this feelings came from but he followed it and pulled her in his arms.

"Its fine to cry. Go on." he lightly said, caressing the back of her head.

Yun Ren Xie felt more remorse creeping through her heart, it is already uncontrollable! Her cries went louder while burying her face on Nian Feng's chest. She had never thought its too late, she had never expected it will affect her greatly. Xiang Zihui is someone who can trigger it but she shouldnt have fall deeper until its already too late to return.

"Jiang Yi Huai purposely slowed our travel by a day, he wanted to show you this. Not only you but also me. To see Xiang Zihui and Yu Heng getting married, I also felt the same as you." Nian Feng said in a gentle voice, trying to coax her. He can only curse that Jiang Yi Huai, they had been brothers for a decade but this ploy of him is something Nian Feng cant believe. Where is the calm and trustful friend Nian Feng knew? Why is Jiang Yi Huai doing this? Even dragging an innocent girl!

Yun Ren Xie now realized, so that's why he told them to rest for a day in Cai City, so that's why he bought her a formal set of cloth, so that's why he is smiling confidently as if everything is going in his plan! What Nian Feng told her yesterday night is true, Jiang Yi Huai isnt as simple as she thought. However, what does he want? Why is he doing this?

At the moongate of the small garden, there are two men standing there as they watched Zhao Chulian and Nian Feng.

"Its better if it went like this. Xiang Zihui, tell me. Do you feel hurt by looking at them?" Jiang Yi Huai asked him, they were both looking at the heart felt scenery. Zhao Chulian is crying in Nian Feng's warm embrace as he continously caress her back for assurance. They look like lover meeting under the almost full moon.

"...... I know why you did this but why should it go this far? She had saved me for three lifetimes already but why take advantage of her amnesic self?" Xiang Zihui clenched his fists tightly, his gaze went sharp as he stared at Jiang Yi Huai.

Even Jiang Yi Huai returned a glare. "Your questioning your elder brother?" he used his dangerous tone to warn Xiang Zihui. "This is for both safety. Zhao Chulian will die if you continue to fall for her and that is the curse uncle Siming bestowed us before we reincarnated. Have you not learned anything from Ying Zheng and Fang Ye Xue? Troubles arise everytime they are with each other as if Heaven is against them! See? Where is Fang Ye Xue now? Dead! Do you want that to happen to Zhao Chulian?"

Xiang Zihui frozed in his spot, Jiang Yi Huai is right. He still remember what Siming Xingjun said, 'to part though in love'. A tribulation from Buddha, the curse of their nine lifetimes. He should remove this feeling or the tribulation will befall.

After an hour, Yun Ren Xie had nothing to cry on. She silently leaned on Nian Feng as she felt his warmth amidst the cold winter season. Her calm self is back, she would try to restrain her emotions and disregard this feelings. Xiang Zihui will never be her's anyway, she would leave this world once her missions are completed. To find Xiang Zihui a crown princess, Yu Heng had already married him and she is the suitable bride for him. To cure Zhao Chulian's blindness is already settled and to befriend Yu Heng, her three side missions are finished. She realized Xiang Zihui's influence is helpful in finishing the missions she had.

And the last, to destroy the plot. Within three days, Nian Feng would leave the capital and he will meet Yu Lei by then. After Yun Ren Xie finished the mission, she wont be able to be with Xiang Zihui. What's more, he seemed to only look at her like how an elder brother cared for his sister.

She broke Ying Zheng's heart and now, karma had acted quickly, her own heart is shattered. Yun Ren Xie never wanted to love him anyway since its restricted, Xiang Zihui is from this world and she is from another world. Its almost impossible to be together, she had no choice but to accept the bitter truth. He had a wife already, entering as a concubine is quite unacceptable for Yun Ren Xie as a modern woman, being his mistress is more disgraceful.

Nian Feng heard her sigh heavily and her sobs creased, only that she is still having hiccups. He gazed upward at the starry night, Jiang Yi Huai had done a great calculation and he is impressed. To break their hearts at this political marriage is set up by Jiang Yi Huai and if one were to cry with sorrows, the other will accompany them. Now that he is Zhao Chulian's pillar of support for the mean time, does this mean he will also cure her heartbreak? Is that what Jiang Yi Huai wants?

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