Chapter 121: Longing Chulian

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Yun Ren Xie stood up after realizing how to destroy the plot, her own plot. She certainly must make a connection with Young Miss Yu Heng to take a proper care on Yu Lei. The future body of the female lead must not die! Yu Heng is originally a kind sister of Yu Lei but just after her marriage to the crown prince, her family banned Yu Lei out of their estate since no one is looking after the poor girl.

She felt pity for the male lead somehow, after all, Yu Heng is his first love but Xiang Zihui purposely chose her as his princess consort for power. During the Winter Banquet, Xiang Zihui personally proposed a marriage to Yu Heng, the emperor is his accomplice and immediately agreed. Nian Feng had no choice but silently grieve and drank strong wine the very same night. He never knew Yu Heng also felt the same but spent the night beside Xiang Zihui instead.

Now, Yun Ren Xie yet again have to rob Nian Feng's happiness. Male lead, ah, my child! Im pretty sorry!

Her mission is to find a suitable crown princess for Xiang Zihui and Yu Heng is certainly the best, she have a good temperament, great family background and schemeful abilities that can match up to Zihui's personality.

Another mission is to befriend Yu Heng which will bring more benefits to her since she must watch over Yu Lei and avoid that girl's early death in order to stop the transmigration.

Third is to cure Chulian's blindness which is settled already. Yun Ren Xie is desperate to restore her eyesight!

And last, is to destroy the plot she created. Since her story is about romance, she certainly must not let Nian Feng and Yu Lei meet. Not even a slight glimpse at each other!

All her plans were settled but of course, she needs to talk less and take actions. Yun Ren Xie knew that during the Winter Banquet, her character, Chulian, never appeared. How can she miss the chance to be a witness of the male lead's grief?

"Xiao Hai?" she called out, she must make move now.

"Yes Young Miss?"

"I want to see Brother Zihui. Can you help me go there?" her lips tugged upwards.

Xiang Zihui is currently inside his study, his beautiful purple eyes were in daze when he suddenly raised his head to watch the falling snow from the sky. He have hated snow the most, ever since his first lifetimes, how he wish he can melt them all!

"Crown Prince, are you listening?"

"Hm?" Xiang Zihui faced his guest who is standing in front of his desk.

"Aiyo..." Jiang Yi Huai smiled wryly, he also turned at the open window and there he saw the same alluring scenery of an empty garden with pavilions and trees, speck of pure white snow lies everywhere. "Oh, so you've been mesmerized at the sight of snow?"

"Its rather hateful." Xiang Zihui returned his domineering and cold attitude. "Dont mind those, tell me exactly what have you been trying to say."

"Before we reincarnated, God of Fate told me that if we get into trouble, there is an immortal pill in Qin State that he left. It was in the hands of his hired soul, the girl reincarnated as a princess, daughter of the previous emperor before your brother Yu. It was surrounded by clear crystal jade which is rare. The girl immediately set to work and made a pair of earings in the shape of lotus."

"Wait, she didnt drink the soup of oblivion?" Xiang Zihui interrupted Jiang Yi Huai, his usual unreadable eyes have a trace of shock.

"En. The soul claimed she is tired of living and dying, God of Fate originally wanted to break the spell of the soup but it is forbidden for us immortals, to meddle with wordly affairs. God of Fate seemed to pity that soul and gave her thr life of a princess." Jiang Yi Huai sipped his tea, he is uncomfortable speaking about a mortal's problem.

"If she is born here in Chu State... how come the immortal pill ended up in Qin State?" even Zihui is puzzled, if God of Fate pitied the soul, then why did she end up connected to another country?

"The girl messed up, she was never used to luxury and tried escaping the palace, got caught by bandits, a general in Qin State took her as a hostage but ended up falling for each other. Im not sure if they married or not." he stared at the reflection on the clear jade tea, Jiang Yi Huai maintained his calm posture even though he is uncomfortable mentioning matters of love.

"I'll just ask the emperor then. The immortal pill..... can it cure her head injury?" Xiang Zihui looked at Jiang Yi Huai expectantly, he wanted to bring Chulian's eyesight back! What if Chulian died being blind, wont she blame Xiang Zihui back in the Underworld? Surely, Yanwang will spit blood again.

"Xiang Zihui, what are you planning to do after her eyesight is back?" Jiang Yi Huai asked straight to the point, its not good keeping that girl's reincarnation at their side.

"Marry her off." he casually answered, Zihui steeled his heart. She wont resent him, right?

"That's good. Three week is enough to restore her eyesight, after that, dont call me over again." Jiang Yi Huai set his teacup and left the room.

Just as he is about to leave from the moon gate, Jiang Yi Huai met the naive looking beauty once more.

"Xiao Hai? Why did you stop?" Yun Ren Xie asked, she suddenly felt how her maidservant stiffened. What she doesnt know, Xiao Hai have been enchanted at the man before them.

Jiang Yi Huai was born with a calm and gentle temperament, it matched his features well since he have a bit of feminine face. Only his eyes are contracting with the beautiful face he has, it was in the colour of gold but with one stare, those pretty pair of iris are cold and empty.

"Ah Lian, its good to meet you." he smiled amiably, Xiao Hai nearly fainted at the sight. Jiang Yi Huai is eager to remove Chulian in Xiang Zihui's life but he cant be too cold at the girl before him.

"Brother Huai!" she returned a smile, however, her eyes were blankly staring at Jiang Yi Huai's chest. He felt great pity for her, if the Zhao Family hadnt schemed to kill the fifteen year old Xiang Zihui back then, surely Chulian is a noble young miss of the Right Prime Minister household up until now but no. She is an orphan, a blind girl, and her head injury caused her mindset the same as a ten year old child.

"Why are you here? Its in the season of winter today, you'd catch a cold if this continues!"

"Im looking for Brother Zihui, has Brother Huai seen him?" she tried tilting her head up when a snow fell on top of her head.

Jiang Yi Huai lifted his hand and gently pat her head in order to remove the snow. "A snow got stuck. Your Brother Zihui is inside. Little maid, guide your mistress well." he said before leaving the place.

Yun Ren Xie stood there for a while, she touched her head where Jiang Yi Huai patted, that stroke is familiar to her.....

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