Chapter 129: Longing Chulian

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Yun Ren Xie propped her chin on top of the windowsill as she enjoyed the refreshing breeze of winter. Its coldness didnt bother her but Xiao Hai did, the little maidservant is having a fright. What if her young miss catch a cold? Wont His Highness punish her?

"Ah Lian, you'd get sick if you do that." a man in dark garb stopped beside the window, he is riding an armored steed while on his waist is a seathed sword. It was no other than Nian Feng, he have his hair tied upward by a black headpiece which matched his whole attire, even his eyes were dark, fathomless yet calm.

Yun Ren Xie slowly raised her head, she stared at a certain spot but even if she is blind, her eyes eventually met Nian Feng's gaze. "Sir Nian! Its glad to meet you!" she waved her hand outside the window which is rather childish, causing Nian Feng to chuckle.

"Eh? Is this a competion for couple suits?" Jiang Yi Huai is also riding a horse, he wore the usual white robe. He and Nian Feng's look were contrasting, one is carefree like a deity in pure white garb while the other is calm in dark robes that seems to be a god of war.

"Divine Doctor Jiang, are you craving for cut sleeves?" Nian Feng flashed a forced smile, Jiang Yi Huai is fond of teasing him ever since they first met at the barracks five years ago. They were both enemies and friends at the same time but they are close as brothers.

[Cut Sleeves: implies about a love of man and man, it actually originated to an Emperor taking a feminine looking man as his concubine or lover from ancient history]

"Huh? Did I mention it? Miss Chulian have a white cotton cheongsam. Say, who suit her more?" he tilted his head to the side with a playful smile lingering on his face, Nian Feng's fake smile slowly twitched.

Xiao Hai observed the two men outside, then she glanced at her young mistress who is laughing at their endless bickering. If her young miss is beside General Nian Feng, she might say it was the Yin and Yang, the man looked superior and cool which added the touch of his handsomeness while her young miss is equal to an innocent white rabbit that is quite cute and dearly. Xiao Hai thought the tale of a cold general doting on his fragile wife suited Zhao Chulian and Nian Feng.

When Jiang Yi Huai is paired to Zhao Chulian, they are like a couple descending from heaven. The man is refined like a deity, add on the touch of his feminine look and gentle side, she would assume he is a winter god. As for Zhao Chulian, she is equal to a snow fairy, calm and beautiful in a very clear way.

Her head started to spin at the thoughts, both of Jiang Yi Huai and Nian Feng suit Zhao Chulian, but who is it that can match her young miss more?

For half a week, they travelled with ample rest until they reached Qin State. Jiang Yi Huai did not follow them inside the palace, Xiang Zihui have given him orders to stay at bay before they make their move to take the earing.

Their group went inside the imperial palace, the head Eunuch Song personally recieved them but Xiang Zihui did not speak as he kept staring at the carriage of Zhao Chulian. Why is she still not going out?

After a short time, Xiao Hai stepped out of the carriage and a slender white hand reached out behind the thick white curtain. A girl in white soft cloak stepped outside with graceful movements, half of her hair were tied in a loose bun while adorned by a simple string of pink jade leaves. Her cheeks were puffy as if angered and she bit her lower lip in frustration but her captivating red eyes were empty.

"Your Highness.... This-" Eunuch Song is terrified, why did His Highness Prince Zihui brought a woman who looked identical with their previous Empress Fang?!

"Dont worry, ben wang wont let Ying Zheng take her in." Xiang Zihui glanced at Zhao Chulian who is coming to their way, Xiao Hai is supporting her while Nian Feng is hiding his smile, following them behind silently.

"Brother Zihui, Ah Lian didnt have a complete sleep." she quickly lamented as she reached their side, Yun Ren Xie is sleeping peacefully when Xiao Hai pinched her to wake up. Although the pinch have no force, Yun Ren Xie was tickled and accidentally hit her head on the windowsill.

"His Majesty have already arranged a courtyard for Young Miss Yu Heng and General Nian Feng. As for Your Highness, a palace is already settled. But this young miss..." Eunuch Song trailed off while staring at the girl.

"Rearrange it. Yu Heng will stay with this prince and Ah Lian would have to stay in the courtyard." he responded. Xiang Zihui wont give Nian Feng and his fiance have a continuous affair, it will make him lose face! If he wont move Yu Heng at his side, that is giving them permission to make him wear a green hat. How shameful is that for him and moving Zhao Chulian far from his sight will also stop one of the main risks.

Eunuch Song understood Xiang Zihui's intention. If His Majesty, Emperor Ying Zheng meet the girl called Ah Lian, Eunuch Song is sure he will immediately take her as his concubine.

"Then follow this humble servant." Eunuch Song composed himself and guided them inside, good thing the Emperor is busy managing the morning court.

On the other side, Nian Feng kept stealing a glance at Yu Heng. He can only hold back his impulse to pull the girl he loved for she is already engaged to his master. When Nian Feng's family fell down where he is just a young ten year old boy, he have been sold to a slave merchant. Not a day passed without maltreatments and humiliation, he escaped and went to the border to just die without hope.

That is when a young boy in an expensive clothing jumped down from the horse he is riding. Nian Feng raised his head and met the boy's aloof purple iris.

"General He!" the boy called out, his voice is clear and loud, Nian Feng is surprised to see a ten year old boy having internal energies already!

A man in golden armor came at the young boy's side. "Take him to the camp. Tell Jiang Yi Huai to cure him personally."

Nian Feng's original lonely and cold world become filled with hope as the young boy introduced himself, Xiang Zihui. After their encounter, he was cured by Jiang Yi Huai, three years older than him and Xiang Zihui but his skills in medication are professional. From then on, he followed both of them and they eventually became as close as brothers.

He earned great merits until he have enough prestige to build his own estate, even his status as a second rank general cannot be trifled. Nian Feng is willing to sacrifice everything to make Xiang Zihui satisfied, even if that sacrifice is Yu Heng, his beloved.

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