Chapter 26: The Emperor and I

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"Forget it." Eunuch Song waved his hand, "The Emperor sent me here today, inviting the palace musician to the Imperial Garden. Since she is drunk, there's no need for her to come." he even threw a disgusted look at the palace gate before leaving.

Yunling sighed in relief. But still, the heavier boulder is yet to be lifted from her. Her young miss has low tolerance towards wine. Sometimes it leads to her bedrest or even suffer extreme headache.

On the other side, Yun Ren Xie did not know this information of Fang Ye Xue. She have already finished a jug of wine, playing her guqin like a madman, not even pleasing to the ears. In her frustration, she threw the guqin outside. She tried to stand up but her body felt weaker. Her eyesight getting blurry as she fell on the wooden platform. She let her arm cover her forehead as she lay flat on the floor. Her eyes settled on the ceiling.

Suddenly, she was lifted from the cold floor, a familiar face glared at her. "Aiyo! You look like him yet your still far different from.... Li Feng Qi." Yun Ren Xie is about to lose consciousness, the last two words can barely be heard.

"Idiot! How can you be so careless taking care of yourself?!" Ying Zheng scolded the unconscious palace musician. Yunling opened the door and let the angry emperor bring her mistress inside the main chamber.

A girl in fair dressing with palace maids beside her stood at the entrance, not daring to enter. Her eyes were clearly full of jealousy and contempt while looking at her husband taking care at a lowly palace musician. She twisted her handkerchief anxiously.

"Why did she get drunk?" Ying Zheng sat beside Yun Ren Xie who is currently sleeping soundly, he was asking Yunling who is kneeling on the cold floor.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this servant doesnt know." Yunling answered.


Yunling complied and left the bedchamber. Inside, Ying Zheng was caressing the unconscious girl. "Fang Ye Xue, who is called Li?". He folded the paper he found near Yun Ren Xie when she got drunk. His lips curled when he read the lyrics written on it, Drunken Beauty.

The next morning, Yun Ren Xie woke up from a great headache. She sat up from her bed whiled running her fingers through her hair furiously. "Baoshi! Is there anything the system can do about this? Its too much!" Yun Ren Xie nearly cried out. Yesterday, she decided to get drunk, a man keeps appearing in her thoughts as she was practicing her skills in playing the zither. It distracted her so much, a man in black coattail with short black hair always calling her. She thought herself as a lunatic that she decided to forget about it by getting drunk. Who knew this body is so frail that it cant take even a jog of wine?

"Host! There's a bigger problem! A part of your memory was locked!" Baoshi spoke. She is really worried about this system's abnormality. It can even bring this sort of harm instead of more benifits. Baoshi have guided a soul of a fairy once but this never happened!

Before Yun Ren Xie can even ask back, a man in dragon brocade entered her bedchamber, shamelessly entering.

"Fang Ye Xue, drink this." Ying Zheng is currently holding a bowl of medicine soup on his palm, gesturing Yun Ren Xie to drink it.

"Will it cure my headache?" she was a bit hesitant, since she have read a lot about bitter medicine soups, she is afraid of drinking it.

Ying Zheng laughed secretly, "Its a medicine soup for headache and it will help you restore your body's health." he sat in front of Yun Ren Xie, placing the bowl of soup on the girl's hand.

She only stared at it for a moment before closing her eyes and drinking the bitter soup within a second. The man amusingly watched her sour expression after drinking the medicine.

"Rest, I will come here again to check on you." Ying Zheng took the bowl, he quickly planted a small kiss on Yun Ren Xie's forehead before leaving fast.

Yun Ren Xie stared blankly at the closed door. She gripped onto the leece while her brows were twitching in anger. It was the second time already he have stolen a kiss!

"Good news host! Emperor Qin Shi Huang's favorabilty increased to 40%!" Baoshi exclaimed in a happy tone.

"A costly progress..." Yun Ren Xie muttered. Her tofu had been stolen by him and only him, ah.

Hours passed, the door opened. A cold breeze entered her room, Yun Ren Xie frowned and pulled the quilt. "Yunling, why is the door opened?"

"Oh, all nobles and commoners and even the Emperor are busying themselves at this time. Why even a palace musician like you sleep like a pig all day? Imperial Concubine Zhao even visited you to settle her worries, you did not even greet her!" a shrill voice from a girl made Yun Ren Xie sit upright from her bed.

She saw a palace maid beside Imperial Concubine Zhao. "Ah, it was this girl's wrong. Why would Imperial Concubine visit me?" she innocently said. Yun Ren Xie did not bother to get up, she knew this pair of master and servant will bring her trouble. "Yunling, bring Imperial Concubine a soft cushion chair and prepare some tea."

Imperial Concubine Zhao cant help but raise her brow, it was already clear that her maid have told her position in this palace, why is she not giving her respect?

Yunling gave the guest a chair and after a while, the tea is served. "Please accept this tea." Yun Ren Xie smiled as she stood up and offered a tea and the palace maid intended to take it thereafter giving it to her master. Before the palace maid can even receive the teacup, Yun Ren Xie let go of it delibirately. The tea got spilled while its porcelain teacup shattered.

"How dare you-" the palace maid is about to throw her tantrum when Yunling slapped the maid.

"Young Miss is already offering the tea for your master yet you did not kindly accept it! That jade teacup is from Chu State, even your life is not enough to pay it!" Yunling spat out while pointing at the dazed palace maid.

At the corner, Imperial Concubine Zhao slapped the table in anger, she stood up and pick another teacup while aiming at Yunling's head. Yun Ren Xie saw this and let the Imperial Concubine throw it, she quickly caught the cup and glared at the Imperial Concubine.

"Its your maid who insulted me in my place and ruined my precious teacup, why are you interfering with this matter? Remember that this palace your in is mine, not you courtyard!" Yun Ren Xie angrily said.

"Shameless! My master is Imperial Concubine Zhao! How dare you defy her! Your just a lowly palace musician, what rights do you have to reprimand my master!" the palace maid rebuked.

"Yunling! Slap her five times! Lets see if you dare talk out of place once more!" Yun Ren Xie said, glaring at the palace maid, she was not angry in the slightest but she hated it when people are acting rashly on ruining her mood.

"Stop! If you do that, a measly palace musician like you will suffer!" finally, Imperial Concubine Zhao cant take it anymore. She is clenching her fist while gritting her teeth, her hatred on the girl rose once more.

"Oh, I dare you do that." Yun Ren Xie smiled gently. "Yunling, continue."

"But miss-" Yunling hesistated since the Imperial Concubine will punish her master.

"Who's your master?" Yun Ren Xie raised her brow, she wanted to see how will this reckless imperial concubine punish her.



The palace maid have swollen cheeks, she helplessly glanced at her master for a hand. Imperial Concubine Zhao cant almost bear it, why is she even acting calm?

The fourth slap came and the palace maid was dizzy. "Guards! Beat this scourge to death!" Imperial Concubine shouted, she still remember leaving four guards outside this palace.

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