Chapter 107: Your Shifu is Not a Gay

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Yun Ren Xie sighed, she never expected for her Shifu to reject a beauty like Ding An. Who would have thought he wont be moved? She went back to reminisce the book she read about this world. Is he really a gay?

"An jiejie, Im sorry. I shoudnt have pushed you to Shifu" she threw a small pebble stone on the lake as it hopped five times before sinking.

"Enough of it." Ding An massaged her temples while leaning on the tree nearby the waterside. Xiao Bai Xue have been apologizing to her the whole time.

Yun Ren Xie pursed her lips. She cant avoid being guilty, if she didnt let them be together alone at the pavilion, will Ding An be this broken hearted? As her friend, Yun Ren Xie hated the fact she cant even help Ding An in this matter of love but rather push her inside a void of pain.

She looked up at the cloudy sky, droplets of water went down. Ding An glanced up and thought it was common but Yun Ren Xie is not feeling the same.

"Its raining, lets go back." Ding An spoke and turned to leave but Baise remained sitted in her place.

Yun Ren Xie stared at Baise and they knew something is wrong. They both looked at Ding An's direction and something came in Yun Ren Xue's mind as she stared at the sky above Ding An.

A dragon of lightning qi descended the sky and only she can see how it moved. Without further hesitation, Yun Ren Xie placed a barrier on Ding An and she let her body shield the other girl.

This dragon, how come it appeared in this place? Yun Ren Xie thought before the whole dragon struck her and she lost consciousness.

The barrier around Ding An broke like a fragile thin piece of glass. She was blown away from its impact but received a few bruise around her body unlike Yun Ren Xie who is in a critical situation.

"Shifu, you know girl's have fragile heart." Jin Heise poured tea on his cup and Shen Xian Hua's, he never thought the second beauty would eye on his Shifu.

Shen Xian Hua remained quite and stared at the tea, the dripping sound of rain cant escape his hearing.


Jin Heise and him raised their head at the same time, their mind and heart are beating fast as they glanced at the direction of the sound. Rays of lightning sparked at a certain area when one of Shen Xian Hua's jade emblem broke, the character Xiao cracked and its crisp sound echoed.

"Xiao Bai Xue!" Honglian was horrified, she only wanted to aim the attack at Ding An but why did Xiao Bai Xue shielded her body? This is not her plan at all!

She felt guilty, why did Xiao Bai Xue sacrifice herself? Honglian have been thinking bad about her friend, she remembered the time when they fought and Xiao Bai Xue spared her life. She was blinded by envy and jealousy that is why she agreed to the mysterious woman's plan, to kill Ding An and blame Xiao Bai Xue.

Honglian left in a hurry while holding Xiao Bai Xue in her arms, the beast and Ding An are already unconscious and she took advantage of it.

She set Xiao Bai Xue in her room before aiding her. Honglian worked swiftly and removed Xiao Bai Xue's clothes and cleaned her wounds. She covered the upper body of Xiao Bai Xue in bandages since its the most wounded part.

"Liang Honglian, what have you done this time?" a cold voice came from behind her which made her froze.

Long Youya's peach blossom eyes sharpened as he stared at his disciple. The strands of silver hair can be seen at the side of the bed.

"Shi..... Shifu.... It was an accident!" Honglian quickly knelt, Long Youya have released his oppressive aura which suffocated her.

He did not speak and stood beside the bed, Long Youya touched the girl's wrist for a while before sighing. "Whatever happened, Xiao Bai Xue wont be awake for four months and Im pretty sure Shen Xian Hua wont let our sect go."

Before Honglian could apologize, her Shifu spoke something unexpected. "I will hide her for the meantime before returning her to Shen Xian Hua. It wont be good if Azure Immortal Sect becomes our enemy." Long Youya caressed the small delicate face of Xiao Bai Xue.

Jin Heise and Shen Xian Hua rushed at the place where the lightning struck but they only found an unconscious Ding An and Baise.

"Hmph. How useless Honglian is!" a pair of peach blossom orbs stared at the commotion. The girl stood calmly at the tree branch before showing a wicked smile, aleviating her goddess beauty to a new level. "Never mind, Yun Ren Xie. If my plans wont go well in this plane, I can just wait for your arrival at my own den." she chuckled silently, leaving the place.

Shen Xian Hua stared at the tree nearby them, he was sure to sense a foreign person in that place but where is he/she?

The news of the third beauty missing caused the whole competition to be discontinued. For four whole months, Shen Xian Hua and Jin Heise used their whole power to find Xiao Bai Xue but it went in vain.

At Moon Jade Sect, Yun Ren Xie finally opened her eyes. She looked around the room which is foreign to her.

"Host, your inside Long Youya's bed chamber."

"Who?" Long Youya? But she remembered....

Yun Ren Xie scanned herself, her upper clothes were gone but layers of bandages covered her chest area!

"I thought you'd sleep there for a year." Long Youya entered the room with a sly smile, he pinched Xiao Bai Xue's chin to look at him.

"You perverted old man!" she wanted to shout but it is not Xiao Bai Xue's character to curse.

"Where.... Where am I? Why are you here? What happened?" Yun Ren Xie chose to act even though she knew it already however, something is still lingering in her thoughts. How come the lightning dragon appeared in this plane? Isnt it supposedly in another world? Only one person can control it but Yun Ren Xie knew it was impossible for that person to be here.

"In my sect. My disciple, Honglian found you unconscious at a certain place in Jianghu and I dont want to return you back yet." he spoke shamelessly while getting closer to Yun Ren Xie, Long Youya sweep the strands of hair on top of her shoulder.

"Sect Leader Youya, I need to return to Shifu." she pushed him far from her and tried to get out of the bed when she remembered her clothes werent here.

"Ah, before that." Long Youya stepped back and sat at the chair across the bed, he have a captivating smile on his face. "I wonder what will Shen Xian Hua say if he saw that." he chuckled.

Yun Ren Xie knitted her brows, what is he saying? She followed Long Youya's gaze and set her eyes on her shoulder but she cant see anything.

"As far as I know, the third beauty's birthday banquet will happen five days from now."

"What?" Yun Ren Xie asked, five days? Isnt it four months later? Wait.... Have she slept for four months straight?!

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