Chapter 63: Little Sun

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As the two watched the play below them, some maids sent to serve them would steal a glance at the masked man. Seimei noticed it but decided not to speak and enjoyed the drama.

He glanced at the girl beside him who have a confused face."Damn it! The play ended just like that and I cant even understand one thing? Come on! Who made these story?" she frowned and leaned her back at the chair.

"Then why did you come here if you cant even decipher one thing?" Seimei raised a brow.

"To vent my anger. Isnt it obvious?" she sharply answered with her fangs showing.

"Then let me tell you a story." he took a sip at his tea. "There was once a boy who escaped death, then an adult lady came to save him. She then made the child follow her, teach him all the strongest cultivation, and taught him how to be a responsible ruler. And then, the ruler started to defy his foster sister until it lead to an argument where the cat demon left their home, eloping with a scholarly fox demon."

Yun Ren Xie doesnt know whether to laugh at the ending of the story or cry for it was clearly she and Fuyu their portraying about the play, staining her reputation. "Geez, I just dont understand why there was a scholarly fox who popped out of nowhere then taking the 'foster sister'." she rubbed her nose, despising the play.

The silent Seimei suddenly choked after hearing her, is this woman really that too innocent or just plainly dumb?

"Maids over there, can you change this tea for a more suitable temperature? Look, my brother choked!"

Yun Ren Xie stayed there for hours to watch another play and Seimei is forced to tell the summary while she would scoff at their dramatic stories.

They both strolled at the market to buy stuffs and food from time to time when Yun Ren Xie saw something that made her stop.

Seimei too noticed her change and stared at the object she is looking. A jadeite flute with a tassle in the shape of plum blossom.

"You.... want that?" Seimei asked however, the girl only went silent before leaving the place. He glanced at the jade then to the cat demon walking past the crowd.

"Hey that's enough! Your drunk already!" he snapped at the girl before him, drinking a jug of wine is already too much for Yun Ren Xie but she kept looking for more.

Yun Ren Xie did not budge though, her heart full of hatred and disappointment. Everything keeps repeating before her, first are Souji and Hijikita, now it was Fuyu who she took care for nine years? She felt quite dejected.

"You!" Seimei was irritated then decided to point at the manager of the wine inn.

"Yes Young Master?" he asked while sweat were on his head, scared at how the pair of blue eyes look at him.

"Take these wine away. I'll pay for these all." taking out his money pouch, he did not hesitate to give it all.

"No way-" Yun Ren Xie is about to retort when Seimei put a seal at her lips to keep her shut.

He then pick her up and sped out, leaping through roofs before placing her back at their yard. Seimei was surprised she did not speak however, she glared at him, blue eyes turned sharp red.

"Seimei, tell me, are you going to rebel against me in the future?" she asked under the influence of wine.

The young boy was confused on why her eyes turned like that, but her question is more surprising.

"You wont answer?"

Looking at the girl, Seimei suddenly felt it was familiar.

"Abe no Seimei, please dont rebel to me one day." she went to him before kneeling at the wooden floor, it was the first time he have seen his Senior Sister so down. "You know the feeling of being betrayed multiple times? The feeling where the person you've taken care off suddenly turned against you? But what the heck am I asking you about it. It was my fault for being too ignorant and haughty to everyone around me."

Yun Ren Xie cried out silently, she have pitied Chisona Taiyo. In the original plot, she served as Subarashi Fuyu's most trusted guard however, she got framed by Kitsune Bijin as a tool for making Seimei's fame grow up, killing her without mercy.

One thing hidded from her is, Taiyo have a past with Seimei's master. The memories of a young man in blue dress with dark hair flowing through the grassy plane. Injured heavily, Taiyo helped him. He never spoke anything and treated the cat demon like an air.

Chisona Taiyo fell inlove with the mysterious onmyoji however, the man ignored her and left the place without a word. Being heartbroken, she decided to have a stroll at Kyoto as a normal cat. The scene before her was too much that she dejectedly left. The person she took care of for months was loving a girl with full white hair and deep blue eyes.

Noticing the orange cat nearby, he did not hesitate to seal it. Chisona Taiyo was a legendary cat demon who holds royal blood within her, thus, the onmyoji got fame and wealth after capturing her. After years of torture, a five year old boy came to her prison, releasing her completely.

Taiyo left the capital but often visits the young boy who lived at the temple. Never did she expect that the man she have loved will use the boy to hurt her near death but survived and went to deep hibernation for five years. The betrayal affected Yun Ren Xie, the former soul residing in Chisona Taiyo's body.

"Stand up, I wont rebel, betray or either hate you. Senior Sister is the one who stood up for me and cultivated my strength. I'll repay you one day." Seimei knelt down and pat the girl's head gently, sometimes touching her fluffy orange hair.

"Seimei...." Yun Ren Xie smiled but her eyes were still sad. She slowly removed the masked to completely look at his face when she suddenly felt something wrong.

"You!" Seimei pushed the girl and stumbled at the wooden floor. She just vomit on his dress okay? He quickly removed his outer clothes before throwing it at the corner.

He then glanced at the cat demon who looked weak with a pair of dazed eyes. Before he can even pull her up, a hard punch was sent to his face.

"Dont you dare touch sister!" Subarashi Fuyu yelled at the Seimei who is now standing while glaring at him.

Fuyu have just heard his sister is back and rushed here only to see such scene. Seimei have a thin layer of clothes that were loose while Taiyo is laying at the wooden floor weakly with teary eyes and disheveled clothes. In fit of anger, he quickly attacked his suppose to be brother.

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