Chapter 42: Shadow of Naginata Blades

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A week later, Saito again started to avoid his sister and Yun Ren Xie felt it was strange. Why would he do that? Is he going to abandon her?

She was furious and decided to go outside for buying treats in order to woo Saito tonight. "Ishi, dont tell brother Im going out today." Yun Ren Xie said and left the yard.

Just as she opened the wooden gate, a group of samurai is walking everywhere but stopped when they saw a girl going outside the third unit captain's yard. Their jaw dropped to see how beautiful she is and hearts were captured easily

But, who is this girl? Why did she came out of the Third Unit Captain's yard? Is she in a relationship with him?

Yun Ren Xie ignored them and got out of the camp while men started to stare at her longer. When she have gotten to the market, Yun Ren Xie picked up the last bag of kyoho but a hand grabbed it too. She looked up to meet Souji's gaze. The mesmarizing cyan blue eyes of him is really breathtaking.

She quickly retracted her gaze but unknown to her, her ears and cheeks were glowing red and Souji have seen it. He can only smirk and remove his hands away.

"I havent seen you for a long time. How you've been?" he asked.

"Souji....." Yun Ren Xie suddenly remembered how cold he is that night at her last raid. She wanted to be friendly to him but that distant and evil side of Souji made her hesitate.

"Hm?" he felt how Soma is starting to doubt about something. What is bothering her?

"Nothing." Yun Ren Xie smiled, she casted away her flustered feelings. "Im fine."

"Where's the little maid that sticks to you always?"

"I left home alone. My brother is not there anyway and he also permitted me to go outside." she took the bag of kyoho and handed her money to the seller.

"Well, can I go with you?"

"Fine with me."

As they walk, Souji have been keeping the mood fun. Yun Ren Xie can only laugh for he is telling something funny.

Both of them reach the camp, however, Yun Ren Xie did not notice she is back at the plum tree where she and Hijikita will meet everyday and after that, she would give him the necessary informations for the raids.

Nine days of meeting.....

She seemed to be accustomed to it since its nine days straight. Yun Ren Xie didnt notice she was dazed for a long time, staring underneath the plum tree. A withered red petal slowly drifted downwards which caught her attention. She went to pick it up and casts her look at the plum tree. The blossoms have started to wilt quickly.

"Oh, this plum tree... Sir Kondo have planted it years ago." Souji went near Soma, they were like couples if a stranger could see them.

Unknown to the both of them, Hijikita Toushirou stopped on his track not too far away from the plum tree. Countless twigs and leaves blocked the girl's features but when a gentle spring breeze pass by, it slowly lifted the obstacles from Hijikita's sight.

Plum blossom petals danced along the wind and a girl with a man beside her stood close while admiring the falling petals. He thought at first the girl is Okoto but her eyes were darker like the aloof shadows and her skin is even more fairer than any maiden can achieve as if the snow from the past winter blessed her with such porcelain skin. Hijikita can still recall, she was the girl who he met in the Ouka Festival and the other time is when Okoto got abducted.

It was an alluring sight, however......

"Lets go?" Souji said but he accidentally held Soma's hand.

Yun Ren Xie did not mind though, she followed him inside the camp. Thankfully, there are no other people towards their direction.

Hijikita Toushirou just watched them leave, so the man was Souji. He have never thought they were going out with each other but why did Souji brought her inside the camp? He doesnt know why that girl is familiar to him.

"Thanks for-" Yun Ren Xie havent finished her sentence yet when Souji squeezed her hand. She looked at him with a curious glance, her almond eyes full of questioning.

Souji chuckled and placed Soma's hand on his face. He was smiling radiantly while in closed eyes. "Soma, I think I've taken a liking to you." with that, his eyelids opened. He was surprised at first that the girl is staring at him with a cute look. Her lips were a bit parted while her eyes are in a state like she heard nothing, what's more is she's breathing heavily.

Yun Ren Xie is also stunned, a confession! But what can she say? Thank you for liking me? Or just plainly reject him? But Souji is just so handsome and Yun Ren Xie have never tried to reject someone without a proper compensation just like what she's been doing during her previous life, women are exception though.....

'System Warning, please dont waste time on non-mission targets. Reject confession. The system have given you materials as reward if host refused Souji.' Baoshi's voice gave Yun Ren Xie a start.

She let out a long sigh before retracting her gaze and pulled her hand. "Souji, I thank you for liking me but... but... how to say this... umm.." she wanted to use an excuse however she was afraid that Souji will be angered. Yun Ren Xie wanted to use her excuse once more that she wanted to be friend with him when Souji suddenly pat her head softly.

She look up to see him with a gentle smile. "Have someone already in you heart? Its understandable."

"Ah?" she was lost in her mind, where did Souji find that reason? "No! No! Its n-not like that... I" Yun Ren Xie stammered. She dont know how to reply but realized Souji is right with his guess. Yun Ren Xie have someone in her heart already, no other than Zhao Huang Cai.

"Then.... friends?" Souji kept his amiable appearance but clearly, he was jealous of the man Soma have loved. He cant understand why he's being like this! Souji have long experienced this sort of feeling towards Nakano howbeit its not this strong!

Yun Ren Xie only nodded, her small face full of bright emotion. Souji inwardly sighed, this girl looks fragile. He wanted to keep her beside him, however, he knew Saito is a protective brother to Soma so she does not need his protection. "Keep smiling, your pretty cute."

Such sweet treatment from a man but this moment is not lasting for long.

"Oniisan have thought you behaved well and learnt your lesson. However, looking at you..... Soma, do you want to make me more ruthless towards you?"

Souji and Yun Ren Xie looked behind them to see Saito Hajime in a bloody appearance. His facial expression getting darker and with the blood intact on his skin along the glint of killing intent in his dark iris, this made Yun Ren Xie shiver in fear. Its the first time she felt scared, what's more, the system warning rang again.

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