Chapter 17: The Emperor and I

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"Yun Ren Xie, promise me. Will you?" his voice soothed my ears. It comforted my anxious feelings. I was playing with his hand when he suddenly said those words. Confused, I let go of his hand and stared at those golden iris. What is there to promise? He still doesnt trust me after that incident I guess.

I pouted and flicked his injury on his forehead. He grunted and rubbed it gently. I just laughed. "I promise! I only love you and only you, alright?"

"Promise wont do." he smirked. "Action speaks louder than word."

Grabbing my arms, he pulled me closer and attempted to kiss me. "Your a bad guy!" I said and blocked his kiss with my palm. We were laughing under the blossoming wisteria tree. All the bystanders and people glanced at our intimacy and happily gossip about what a perfect couple we were. I wish this will last....

The place shifted, it was already dark and I was still looking outside my balcony. My heart feels uneasy somehow. I just dont know why....

A figure appeared in front of the gate. I narrowed my eyes and he seems familiar. My heart raced faster and I dont know why I felt so scared right now! That man clearly was my boyfriend, why am I nervous? I opened my mouth to call him but no words came out. My eyes widened and I panicked even more. He have been my boyfriend since we were nineteen but why cant I simply call out his name? Come on Ren Xie! His name... his name is... why cant I remember?!

He looked at me square in the eyes. My tears flowed endlessly and I dont know why. "Yun Ren Xie." he muttered endlessly.

"Ye Xue, we've arrived at Xianyang already." a deep voice woke Yun Ren Xie. She glanced around, remembering she was still in the carriage and Wuming is across her.

She wants to say something but her mouth did not move in the slightest. Lifting the curtain, she glanced outside. Its so lively! There were endless stalls of foods and souvenirs that stood on the edge of the road, countless people were savoring this joyous atmosphere, lanterns were lit everywhere. Yun Ren Xie's solemn eyes gleamed with happiness. She buried those dreams deep inside her heart once more.

"Lets go outside for a better view." Wuming caught Yun Ren Xie's attention.

"Alright!" she smiled and rushed outside first.

Wuming felt joy upon seeing his Ye Xue smiling. He shakes his head and went after Yun Ren Xie.

"Wuming! Buy me some treats! I want that one, that one, and this too!" Yun Ren Xie picked up sweet treats and snacks. She kept dragging Wuming anywhere she wants to go.

Wuming helplessly shook his head and took out his money pouch. They both reached a large bridge adorned with countless bright lanterns in different shapes. "Ye Xue." the voice of Wuming made Yun Ren Xie turn to him, "This is a token for you. Its made from wood and carved by the finest artist." he took Yun Ren Xie's empty hand and put a small plum blossom which is carved out of wood, its simple yet alluring.

Wuming who saw her shocked reaction, smiled and left. He went to the other stalls and looked for lanterns.

Yun Ren Xie's eyes stared at the souvenir in awe. She completely forgotten her tanghulu in hand, Yun Ren Xie already long forgotten about Wuming who's not beside her.

"Xioa Xue?" a familiar voice of a man reached her ears. Turning around, she saw a man in his 20's standing in front of her within two meters. His face full of joy.

"Cousin Da Lang!" she showed a very amiable face. Fang Da Lang is Ye Xue's cousin, he was also the most closest person to Fang Ye Xue. He is simple though but his wits and gentlemanly picture can attract numerous girls. Fang Da Lang is really close with her but never regard it that he felt something for Ye Xue. They were close since childhood because Fang Wang Zhen always took Da Lang with him and gave him proper education with additional martial arts. Da Lang is an orphan so it was like he is also Ye Xue's brother since her father is so kind to him. The person Da Lang liked was Fang Ye Xue's third cousin, Fang Rou.

"You've got lots of sweets there, ah!" he approached Yun Ren Xie then pat her head lightly, also making her untied hair messy.

"Aiya! Da Lang always picked on Ye Xue!" she refuted.

"Where's your maid? Why are you alone?" Da Lang asked and took one of the treats.

"Eh?" Yun Ren Xie suddenly got a grasp from her situation. Where is Wuming? Have he left her alone? Could he be disgusted on how Yun Ren Xie acted spoil in front of him?

She looked around but not even a shadow of Wuming can be seen. Da Lang knew his cousin is looking for someone. He also let his eyes wander but none of the people around tried to look at Yun Ren Xie.

"Nevermind. You mus be tired, ah? Lets go home already. Grandmother and Grandfather were so worried to you when you left without saying a word, they must be happy to see you now." Da Lang smiled and pulled the dazed Ye Xue.

"Wuming....." she whispered out of thin air. Da Lang heard it and he cant help but wonder who this Wuming is.

Nameless? Who could cousin Ye Xue call nameless? He thought but did not dare voice it out. "Hurry! We held a large banquet in the manor today, its also good you came back from the border!" Da Lang was now running while pulling his half-awake cousin. Yun Ren Xie dropped the plum souvenir unconsciously and followed her cousin.

Just as they were out on the bridge, a man in fine white robes with a dark veil covering his whole face, picked up the plum blossom carving and stared at it. Inside the veil, a smirk formed on his face. "Oi, your girl just left this and went away with a plain looking man." he said and turned around. His voice and Wuming's are same.

Wuming was there, his face darkened. Snatching the plum blossom carving from the man's hand, his face was cold. "Mind your own business will you?" he said in an irritated tone.

"Cant believe the playboy Emperor can be this possessive huh?" he teased while  using his elbow to poke on Wuming's arm.

"Shut up! Do you want me to order the imperial guards to bury you alive?" he threatened the man in veil.

"Yeah, right. My brother will soon find out Im missing and let war finish you. Why are you so cold hearted to me, ah?" he glanced back to where Yun Ren Xie left.

Wuming did not speak though. He stared at the plum blossom carving on his hand. Clenching his fist tightly, he have decided.

Even if I need to force you, nothing will stop me from taking you! Ye Xue, you'll look up to me one day! I will find you! Wuming thought.

The man in dark veil saw how his bestfriend reacted. Who in the world is the girl that can make his playboy friend be this possessive? His deep purple eyes gleamed brightly. What an interesting girl...

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